FOR FINAL Module 1 Flashcards
What is the purpose of hemoglobin
Carry oxygen
What part of the hemoglobin molecule binds oxygen?
To the iron.
How many oxygen can attach to one hemoglobin?
4 oxygen
The heme ring binds O2, consists of 4 polypeptide chains
How much carbon dioxide is transported by hemoglobin?
Name 3 blood cell types?
-Medical term and function
1 - Red Blood Cell, Erythrocytes, Transport O2
2 - White Blood Cell, Leukocytes, Immune
3 - Platelets, Thrombocytes, Clotting
Where is erythropoietin made?
What does it do?
- Made in the kidneys.
- Increases RBC production.
Do red blood cells have a nucleus?
How long does an RBC live?
About 120 days
Name 5 major leukocytes.
1 - Eosinophil 2 - Basophil 3 - Neutrophil 4 - Lymphocyte 5 - Monocyte
- combats effects of allergic reaction
- 2-4% of WBC’s
- 2 lobed nucleus
- release heparin, histamine & serotonin
- least abundant type of WBC
- Large hard to see nucleus
- phagocytes that respond quickly to tissue damage
- Most abundant type of WBC
- many lobed nucleus
- many types, B cells, T cells, NK cells
- 20-40% of WBC
- smallest in size, nucleus has only small rim of cytoplasm
- differentiate into macrophages
- phagocytes that destroy microbes
- 3-8% of WBC
- nucleus is horseshoe shaped
Define Antigen
- composed of glycoproteins & glycolipids
- can provoke antibodies
Define Antibodies
-protein produced by plasma cells in response to certain antigens.
Type A Blood 1-Antigen 2-Antibody 3-Can receive blood from 4-Can give blood to
1 - A
2 - Anti-B
3 - A & O
4 - A
Type B Blood 1-Antigen 2-Antibody 3-Can receive blood from 4-Can give blood to
1 - B
2 - Anti-A
3 - B & O
4 - B
Type AB Blood 1-Antigen 2-Antibody 3-Can receive blood from 4-Can give blood to
1 - A & B
2 - no antibody
3 - A, B, AB & O (universal receiver)
4 - AB
Type O Blood 1-Antigen 2-Antibody 3-Can receive blood from 4-Can give blood to
1 - No Antigen
2 - Both A & B
3 - O
4 - A, B, AB, & O (universal donor)
Major damage caused by transfusion reaction?
Agglutination (clumping of RBC’s)
What is Rh antigen?
specific Rh antigen on surface of RBC’s
What does Rh+ mean?
Means you have the antigen.
What happens if Rh- receives Rh+ blood?
They will make the anti-Rh antibody.
What happens if Rh- person receives Rh+ blood more than one time?
- Antibodies then attack the Rh antigen.
- Causes agglutination & hemolysis (rupture of RBC’s).
Which 2 valves are termed AV valves?
- Tricuspid valve
- Bicuspid valve
Which 2 valves are termed semilunar valves?
- Aortic valve
- Pulmonary valve
What force causes the open & close of the AV valves?
higher pressure in the atria than ventricles.
What force causes the open & close of the semilunar valves?
higher pressure in ventricles than in arteries.
Atrial Systole 1-preceeded by \_\_\_\_EKG wave 2-causes the atria to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 3-blood goes where\_\_\_\_\_\_ 4-Semilunar valves are \_\_\_\_\_\_\_
1- P wave
2- contract
3-to the ventricles
4 - closed
Ventricular Systole 1-preceeded by \_\_\_\_EKG wave 2-causes the ventricles to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 3-AV valves \_\_\_\_\_\_ 4-Semilunar valves \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 5 - blood does what
1- QRS wave 2- contract 3- close (make lubb sound) 4- open 5- ventricular ejection of blood into arteries
Ventricular Diastole 1-preceeded by \_\_\_\_EKG wave 2-causes the ventricles to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 3-AV valves \_\_\_\_\_\_ 4-Semilunar valves \_\_\_\_\_\_\_
1- T wave
2- relax
3 - open
4- close (makes dupp sound)
Three branches off of aortic arch from left to right.
2-Left common carotid
3-Left subclavian
Heart conduction system
1-name parts in order
2-what is the natural pacemaker
1- SA node, AV node, AV bundle, Bundle branches, Purkinje fibers
2 - SA node