Foot Taiyin 1-10 Flashcards
SP1 Yinbai
Hidden White
SP1 Location
On the medial side of the big toe, 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
SP1 Needling
Perpendicular or oblique insertion directed proximally 0.1-0.2 cun or prick to bleed
SP1 Contraindications
Contraindicated in pregnancy
Moxa typically used for uterine bleeding or SP Qi Xu, but if there is bleeding from the head do not use moxa, prick to bleed instead
SP1 Associations
Jing Well
Wood Point
Ghost Point
Entry Point from ST42 Chongyang
SP1 TCM Patterns
SP Not Controlling the Blood
SP1 TCM Actions
Stops bleeding
Regulates the spleen
Unbinds the chest
Calms the heart and spirit
Restores consciousness
SP1 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Vomit blood/ nosebleed
Anorexia Nervosa
Menorrhagia (Heavy Menstrual Bleeding)/ Mental disorders related to heat
Pregnancy contraindicated
Blood in urine/stools
Loss of consciousness
EPF (absence sweat)
Any Bleeding Issues, esp. from SP Deficiency - famous for uterine bleeding (with LV1), reckless bleeding, hemorrhage, blood in the urine/stools, nosebleed
SP1 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Superficial peroneal nerve from L4 - S1
Dermatome Segment: L4
SP1 Notes
The first trinity of ghost points, consisting of this point, Shaoshang Lu-11 and Renzhong Du-26, represent the initial stages of being taken over. Being at the peripheries of the body they are aimed at expelling the influence before it takes hold.
Its Ghost Point name, Guilei, Ghost Fortress, indicates that at this stage is when depression and withdrawal begins to settle in as the ghost erects a barrier to the outside world. Its other name Guiyan, Ghost Eye, reflects this depressive phase in that you now start to see like the ghost.
Other symptoms may include a heaviness on the chest causing sleepiness but restless dreaming when asleep, known as Guiza, the Ghost sitting on your Chest.
This is the first of the Ghost Points that is treated with moxa, due to the ghosts Yin nature (Yuen, 2005, 3 Spirits & 7 Souls).
SP1 Nearby Points
LV1 - On the lateral aspect of the big toe, 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
SP2 Dadu
Great Metropolis
SP2 Location
On the medial side of the big toe, in the depression distal and inferior to the first metatarsophalangeal joint
SP2 Needling
Oblique inferior insertion 0.3-0.5 cun
SP2 Associations
Ying Spring
Fire Point
(Mother Point of SP Channel)
SP2 TCM Patterns
SP & ST Damp Heat
SP2 TCM Actions
Regulates SP
Resolves dampness and damp-heat
Harmonizes the middle-jiao and clears heat
SP2 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Heart Pain
EPF (absence sweating)
Abdominal Pain
Swelling of body and limbs
Lumbar Pain
Gout - painful obstructions
With SP 3 tonify SP organ - abdominal distention, diarrhea and/or heart pain.
SP2 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Superficial peroneal nerve from L4 - S1
Dermatome Segment: L4
SP2 Notes
In five element acupuncture this point is reinforced to tonify Spleen deficiencies.
SP2 Nearby Points
Bafeng - On the dorsum of the foot, between the webbing and the metatarsophalangeal joints (4 each foot)
LV2 - On the dorsum of the foot between the 1st and 2nd toes, 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web
SP3 Taibai
Supreme White
SP3 Location
On the medial side of the foot in a depression proximal and inferior to the head of the first metatarsal bone, on the border of red and white skin
SP3 Needling
Perpendicular 0.5 - 1 cun
SP3 Associations
Shu Stream
Earth Point
Yuan Source Point
SP3 TCM Patterns
- Spleen Qi Xu
- Spleen Yang Xu
- Spleen Unable to Control Blood
- Spleen Invasion by Damp-Cold
- Stomach Yin Deficiency
SP3 TCM Actions
Tonifies SP and resolves dampness and heat
Harmonzies SP and ST
Regulates Qi
SP3 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Heart Disease
Epigastric Pain
Abdominal Pain
Digestive Issues
Muscle Weakness
EPF - fullness, oppression, heavy head
Pain of the knee and thigh, joint pains, lumbar pain, atrophy disorder.
SP Qi and Yang Deficiency, especially those with excess pathologies - abdominal a/or epigastric pain, digestive issues, heart pain.
Main treatment point of Lung Sho pattern (with LU 9) - in Japanese style Five Phasetreatment protocol. Also the main point of Spleen Sho pattern (with PC 7).
SP3 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Superficial peroneal nerve from L4 - S1
Dermatome Segment: L4
SP3 Trigger Point
Muscle: Flexor hallucis brevis
Myotome Innervation: Medial plantar nerve from tibial nerve from sciatic nerve (L4 - S3)
Pain Referral Pattern: To head of first metatarsal with spillover to great toe
Indications: Diseases of the foot
SP3 Notes
Ling Shu Ch. 6 suggests piercing the Ying and Shu points of the Yin channels if a disease is in the Yin of the Yin realm (e.g. the Zang organs) suggesting this point and Dadu Sp-2 in diseases of the Spleen.
Ling Shu Ch. 34, On the Five Disturbances, advises this point and Zusanli St-36 to remove disturbing Qi in the Stomach and Intestines causing cholera symptoms (vomiting, cramps and watery diarrhoea).
SP3 Nearby Points
LV3 - On the dorsum of the foot in a depression distal to the junctions of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones
SP4 Gongsun
Grandfather Grandson
SP4 Location
On the medial side of the foot, in a depression distal and inferior to the base of the first metatarsal bone, at the junction of the red and white skin
SP4 Needling
Perpendicular 0.5 - 1 cun
SP4 Associations
Luo Connecting Point
Confluent (Master) of Chong Mai, coupled with PC6 of Yin Wei Mai
SP4 TCM Patterns
- Stomach Dampness
- Stomach Cold Invasion
- SP & ST Damp Heat
- Large Intestine Damp Heat
- Rebellious Stomach Qi
- Food Accumulation in Stomach
- ST Rebellious Qi
SP4 TCM Actions
- Regulate SP and ST
- Regulate Chong Mai (Sea of Blood)
SP4 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Abdominal Pain
Dysentary, Food Poisoning
Epigastric Pain
Mental Health - OCD, Anxiety
Amenorrhea, Irregular Menstruation
Excess pathologies of the ST and Intestines - severe abdominal a/or epigastric pain, dysentery, food poisoning.
Gynecological and Abdominal issues due to stagnation of Qi and Blood - masses, fibroids, cysts, irregular menstruation.
With PC 6 for chest and heart pain, shen disorders, sighing, anxiety, insomnia, nervousness.
SP4 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Superficial peroneal nerve from L4 - S1
Dermatome Segment: L4
SP4 Notes
Ling Shu Ch. 10 describes the diseases relating to the Luo emanating from this point as:
Repletion: Cutting pain in the intestine
Depletion: Abdomen swells like a drum
SP4 Nearby Points
KD2 - Anterior and inferior to the medial malleolus in a depression on the lower border of the tuberosity of the navicular bone
KD1 - On the sole, in a depression at the junction of the anterior 1/3 and posterior 2/3rds of a line connecting the base of the 2nd and 3rd toes with the heel
SP5 Shangqiu
Shang Hill
SP5 Location
In a depression distal and inferior to the medial malleolus, midway between the tuberosity of the navicular bone and tip of the medial malleolus.
In a depression which lies at the junction of straight lines drawn along the anterior and inferior borders of the medial malleolus
SP5 Needling
Perpendicular insertion 0.2-0.3 cun. Transverse insertion beneath the tendons or to join with ST41
SP5 Associations
Jing River
Metal Point
(Child Point of SP)
SP5 TCM Patterns
Spleen Qi Deficiency
SP5 TCM Actions
Fortifies the SP and resolves dampness
Benefits sinews and bones
Calms the spirit
SP5 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Bone/Joint Pain
Abdominal Pain/Distention
Manic Depression
Sinew Contraction
SP5 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Saphenous nerve, from femoral nerve (L2 - L4)
Dermatome Segment: L4
SP5 Notes
In five element acupuncture this point is reduced to drain excess in the Spleen.
Ling Shu Ch 7 paired needles either side of the tendon to remove a tendon blockage illness, and straight needling to the bone for bone blockage illness. This could be interpreted as using these technique on this point, on either side of the tibialis anterior in incidences of injury to this tendon or straight in cases of ankle injury, or using them as local techniques while Ch. 6 is a distal point suggestion.
SP5 Nearby Points
LV4 - Anterior to the medial malleolus, midway between SP5 and ST41, in a depression on the medial side of the tendon of tibialis anterior.
KD6 - 1 cun below the tip of the medial malleolus. In a groove formed by two ligamentous bundles of tibialis posterior anteriorly and flexor digitorum longus posteriorly.
SP6 Sanyinjiao
Three Yin Intersection
SP6 Location
3 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus on the posterior border of the tibia
SP6 Needling
Perpendicular or oblique proximal insertion 1 to 1.5 cun
SP6 Caution
Contraindicated in Pregnancy!!
SP6 Associations
Intersection point of SP, LV, KD (3 Leg Yin Meridians)
SP6 TCM Patterns
- Spleen Qi Deficiency
- Damp Cold Invading Spleen
- Damp Heat Invading Spleen
- Kidney Yin Deficiency
- Stomach Yin Deficiency
- Stomach Fire (Phlegm-Fire)
Extension of Spleen Qi Xu patterns: Spleen Yang Deficiency, Spleen Unable to Control Blood
SP6 TCM Actions
Benefits genitals
Induces labour
Regulates menstruation
Tonifies the SP and ST
Harmonizes the LV and tonifies KD
Regulates urination
Invigorates blood
Calms spirit
Harmonizes lower jiao
SP6 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Uterine bleeding
Tonify Yin & Blood
Organ Prolapse
Abdominal Pain
Leg Pain/Obstruction
Irregular menstruation (A & Dysmenorrhea)
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Urinary dysfunction (5 types)
Spleen - all SP disorders
SP6 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Tibial nerve from sciatic nerve (L4 - S3)
Dermatome Segment: L4
SP6 Notes
One of the most important points for tonifying the yin aspects of the spleen, liver and kidneys together. Since spleen and liver have strong influence over blood and all three influence the menstrual cycle it is a very strong point for nourishing and cooling blood, especially menstrual blood.
Its ability to regulate urination has seen electro-acupuncture at this point approved by NICE as “percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation” (PTNS), with the second electrode being a pad applied to the foot (probably Shuiquan Kid-5). See also Sacral Nerve Stimulation for a similar form of modern treatment at Zhongliao Bl-33 over the third sacral foramen.
SP6 Nearby Points
KD7 - 2 cun above KD3 on the anterior border of the Achilles tendon
KD8 - 0.5 cun anterior to KI7, 2 cun above KI3 posterior to the medial border of the tibia
LV5 - 5 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus on the midline of the surface of the tibia
SP7 Lougu
Leaking Valley
SP7 Location
6 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus on line connecting SP9 and the tip of the medial malleolus on the posterior border of the tibia (3 cun superior to SP6)
SP7 Needling
Perpendicular or oblique insertion 1 - 1.5 cun
SP7 Caution
Contraindicated to moxibustion
SP7 Associations
SP7 TCM Patterns
SP7 TCM Actions
Fortifies SP and resolves dampness
Promotes urination and disperses swelling
SP7 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Painful belching
Urinary Disorders (Lin Disease)
Muscle Weakness
Muscular Dystrophy
Abdominal Distention/Pain
Counterflow qi
SP7 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Saphenous nerve, from femoral nerve (L2 - L4)
Dermatome Segment: L4
SP7 Notes
SP7 Nearby Points
ST39 - 9 cun below ST35 (7 cun above medial malleolus), one fingerwidth lateral to the anterior border of the tibia
KI9 - 5 cun above KI3, on a line drawn from KI3 to KI10, at the lower end of the belly of the gastrocnemius muscle
LV6 - 7 cun above the medial malleolus on the midline of the medial surface of the tibia
SP8 Diji
Earth Pivot
SP8 Location
3 cun below SP9 on a line connecting SP9 to the tip of the medial malleolus
SP8 Needling
Perpendicular or oblique insertion 1 - 1.5 cun
SP8 Associations
Xi Cleft Point
SP8 TCM Patterns
Kidney Qi Deficiency
Blood Stagnation
SP8 TCM Actions
Regulates menstruation and invigorates blood
Harmonizes the SP and resolves dampness
Moderates acute conditions
SP8 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Menstrual irregularities - dysmenorrhea
Abdominal distention
Depleted Essence
Seminal Emission
Xi Cleft Point - acute and painful menstrual issues due to Blood stagnation - clotting, fibroids, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation
SP8 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Saphenous nerve, from femoral nerve (L2 - L4)
Dermatome Segment: L4
SP8 Notes
SP8 Nearby Points
ST37 - 6 cun below ST35, one finger width lateral to the anterior border of the tibia
SP9 Yinlingquan
Yin Mound Spring
SP9 Location
On the medial side of the lower leg, in a depression in the angle formed by the medial condyle of the tibia and posterior border of the tibia
SP9 Needling
Perpendicular insertion 1 - 1.5 cun
SP 9 Associations
He Sea
Water Point
SP9 TCM Patterns
Damp Heat Invading Spleen
Damp Cold Invading Spleen
Spleen Yang Deficiency (Sedate SP9 if dampness or edema)
LV & GB Damp Heat
SP9 TCM Actions
Regulates SP and resolves dampness
Opens and moves water passages
Benefits lower jiao
SP9 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Urination - difficult, retention
No desire to eat
Knee Pain
Yeast Infection (Candida)
Lumbar Pain
Cold in abdomen
Hepatitis (B or C)
SP9 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Saphenous nerve, from femoral nerve (L2 - L4), emerging from deep fascia
Dermatome Segment: L4
SP9 Notes
Wang Yu-Ji often starts with this point and Chize Lu-5 as a means of harmonising the Taiyin Qi dynamic and function of fluid transformation. This is due to the Spleen governing the rising of clear Yang and the Lung governing the descent of True Qi creating a cyclical motion (Wang & Robertson, 2008, Applied Channel Theory).
Ling Shu Ch. 23, On Heat Diseases, recommends this point with Yongquan Kid-1 and Lianquan Ren-23 to remove a Heat disease with tension and pain on both sides of the navel, and a feeling of fullness in the chest and flanks.
SP9 Nearby Points
LV7 - 1 cun posterior to SP9, posterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia in the upper portion of the medial head of the gastrocnemius
KD10 - on the medial side of the knee joint between the tendons of semitendinosus and semimembranosus
ST36 - 3 cun below ST35, one finger width lateral from the anterior border of the tibia
SP10 Xuehai
Sea of Blood
SP10 Location
With the knee flexed, 2 cun above the superior medial border of the patella, on the bulge of the medial portion of quadriceps femoris
SP10 Needling
Perpendicular or oblique 1 - 1.5 cun
SP10 Associations
No hats.
Luo harmonizing
SP10 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Genital Pain, Swelling
Urinary Disorders (5 types)
Blood Stasis, Heat (Regulates blood)
Rashes - cools heat (eczema, herpes zoster)
Amenorrhea (scanty)
Irregular Menstruation
Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Cramps)
Any Gynecological issues originating from Blood, Heat, Stasis a/or Deficiency - irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, cramping, lin disorders, PMS, uterine bleeding.
Skin problems from damp-heat or hot Blood - eczema, painful/hot sores, herpes zoster
Genital issues - pain/swelling/itching of the scrotum/genitals.
SP10 TCM Actions
Invigorates blood and dispels stasis
Cools blood
Harmonizes menstruation
Benefits skin
SP10 TCM Patterns
- Blood Stagnation
- Liver Blood Stagnation
- Blood Stagnation in Stomach
SP10 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Medial femoral cutaneous at skin with muscular innervation from femoral nerve (L2 - L4)
Dermatome Segment: L3
SP10 Trigger Point
Muscle: Vastus medialis
Myotome Innervation: Femoral nerve (L2 - L3)
Pain Referral Pattern: To the patella and especially the area just below, on the medial side
Indications: Diseases of the knee joint ; Injury to the quadriceps
SP10 Notes
This is the main point for the treatment of blood stasis and heat in the blood, especially for gynaecological and skin conditions.
At the end of a Spleen, Ren or Du Luo treatment or a Great Luo of the Spleen treatment this point is needled, deqi grasped and removed immediately to normalize the circulation of blood (Cecil-Sterman, 2012, Advanced Acupuncture).
According to Jeffrey Yuen (2005, 3 Spirits & 7 Souls) this point along with Yuji Lu-10, the fire (Heart) point of the Lung channel, were be bled by daoist adepts to explore the “Ring of Death” between the Third and Fourth Levels of Manifestation of the Soul where near death experiences happen. The most common reaction would be to induce hyperventilation and a sense of dying.
If used in comatose patients it is believed to give them a choice to wake up or move on.
A more applicable use in general practice may be to gently stimulate these points with essential oils to assist someone explore their relationship with life after death.
SP10 Nearby Points
M-LE-27 (EX-LE-2) (He Ding - Crane’s Summit) - In the depression at the midpoint of the superior border of the patella
LV9 (Yin Bao - Yin Bladder/Uterus) 4 cun above the medial epicondyle of the femur, between vastus medialis and sartorius
ST34 (Liang Qiu - Ridge Mound) With knee flexed, 2 cun above the laterosuperior border of the patella
M-LE-34 (Bai Chong Wo - Hundred Insect Burrow) 1 cun above SP10