Foot Taiyang 31-40 Flashcards
BL31 Shang Liao
Upper Crevice
BL31 Location
Over the first posterior sacral foramen
BL31 Needling
Perpendicular 0.5 - 1 cun, or 1.5 - 2 cun directed into the foramen at a slightly oblique medial and inferior angle
BL31 Caution
Contraindicated during pregnancy. Some sources forbid moxa but Ling Shu suggests it for bipolar
BL31 Associations
No hats
BL31 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Back Pain
Irregular Menstruation/Dysmenorrhea
Genital Pain, Swelling
Erectile Dysfunction
Seminal Emission
UB 31, UB 32, UB 33 & UB 34 together form the “Eight Liao” points and are all useful for local low back a/or sacrum problems and most genital and urinary related disorders. Of these UB 32 is most often used clinically.
As it quickens the connecting vessels may be useful for blockages of defecation or urination.
For the functional and movement aspects for female issues such as - Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, leukorrhea. And for male issues such as impotence, erectile dysfunction (ED), seminal emission, genital pain.
BL31 TCM Actions
Regulates the lower jiao and facilitates urination and defecation
Regulates menstruation and stops leucorrhea
Benefits lumbar region and legs
BL31 TCM Patterns
Bladder Damp Heat
Liver Qi Stagnation
BL31 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of S1 - S3
Dermatome Segment: S3
Deeper Structures: Sacral nerve S1 emerging from foramen
BL31 Notes
One of the Baliao or “eight crevices” located in the sacral foramen which all regulate urination, defecation, menstruation and benefit the lumbar region and legs.
UB 31, UB 32, UB 33 & UB 34 together form the “Eight Liao” points and are all useful for local low back a/or sacrum problems and most genital and urinary related disorders. Of these UB 32 is most often used clinically.
BL31 Nearby Points
UB27 - Level with the 1st PSF, 1.5 cun lateral to GV line
BL 32 Ci Liao
Second Crevice
BL32 Location
Over the 2nd PSF
BL32 Needling
Perpendicular 0.5 - 1 cun; or 1.5 - 2 cun into the foramen using a slightly oblique medial and inferior angle
BL32 Caution
Contraindicated during pregnancy
BL32 Associations
No Hats
BL32 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Back Pain
Urinary Dysfunction
Irregular Menstruation
Leukorrhea/Labor Promotion
Dysmenorrhea (Menstrual Pain/Cramps)
Sciatic pain, aids mobility in the lower limbs, loss of sensation in the lower limbs.
OB/GYN issues: leukorrhea - particularly white, irregulary cycles, painful menstruation, blood stagnation.
Important point for easing labor pain a/or inducing labor (needle point, bend and tape handle to the back).
BL32 TCM Actions
Regulates the lower jiao and facilitates urination and defecation
Regulates menstruation and stops leucorrhea
Benefits the lumbar region and legs
BL32 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of S1 - S3
Dermatome Segment: S3
Deeper Structures: Sacral nerve S1 emerging from foramen
BL32 TCM Patterns
Kidney Qi Deficiency
Liver Blood Stagnation
BL32 Notes
As one of the Baliao or “eight crevices” located in the sacral foramen which all regulate urination, defecation, menstruation and lumbar region, and being at the same level as the bladder-shu Pangguangshu Bl-28 this point is the strongest of the Baliao for regulating urination.
BL32 Nearby Points
UB28 - 1.5 cun lateral to the GV line, level with 2nd PSF
UB53 - 3 cun lateral to GV line, level with 2nd PSF
BL33 Zhong Liao
Central Crevice
BL33 Location
Over the 3rd PSF
BL33 Needling
Perpendicular 0.5 - 1 cun; 1.5 - 2 cun through the foramen
BL33 Caution
Contraindicated in pregnancy
BL33 Associations
No Hats.
BL33 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Amenorrhea (Absence of Menstruation)
Leukorrhea/Lumbar Pain
In women may be used for irregular menstruation, light cycles, leukorrhea, infertility.
As an adjunctive point for constipation - but may also be used for diarrhea.
BL33 TCM Actions
Regulates lower jiao and facilitates urination and defecation
Regulates menstruation and stops leucorrhea
Benefits lumbar region and legs
BL33 TCM Patterns
Kidney Qi Deficiency
BL33 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of S1 - S3
Dermatome Segment: S3
Deeper Structures: Sacral nerve S1 emerging from foramen
BL33 Notes
One of the Baliao or “eight crevices” located in the sacral foramen which all regulate urination, defecation, menstruation and benefit the lumbar region and legs.
Sacral Nerve Stimulation using an implanted device to electrostimulate this point has beeen adopted by modern surgeons to treat urinary urge incontinence and frequency (NICE guidelines). See also PTNS, a similar procedure at Sanyinjiao Sp-6.
BL33 Nearby Points
UB29 - 1.5 cun lateral to GV line level with 3rd PSF
BL34 Xia Liao
Lower Crevice
BL34 Location
Over the 4th PSF
BL34 Needling
0.5 - 1 cun Perpendicular or 1.5 - 2 cun into the foramen
BL34 Caution
Contraindicated in pregnancy
BL34 Associations
No hats
BL34 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Urinary Disorders (Lin Disease)
Back Pain
Swelling, Genital Pain
Useful for constipation and/or pain in the lower abdomen. Urinary difficulty.
In women, painful menstrual cycles (dysmenorrhea), leukorrhea and/or vaginal pain.
Genital pain in men.
BL34 TCM Actions
Regulates lower jiao, facilitates urination and defecation
Regulates menstruation and stop leucorrhea
Benefits lumbar region and legs
BL34 TCM Patterns
None listed
BL34 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of S1 - S3
Dermatome Segment: S3
Deeper Structures: Sacral nerve S1 emerging from foramen
BL34 Notes
One of the Baliao or “eight crevices” located in the sacral foramen which all regulate urination, defecation, menstruation and benefit the lumbar region and legs. This one has the widest ranging effect on the intestines out of the group.
BL34 Nearby Points
UB30 - 1.5 cun lateral to GV2 line, level with 4th PSF
UB54 - 3 cun lateral to GV2, level with 4th PSF
GV2 - On the midline in the sacrococcygeal hiatus
BL35 Hui Yang
Meeting of Yang
BL35 Location
0.5 cun lateral to the GV line, level with the coccyx
BL35 Needling
Perpendicular 1 - 1.5 cun
BL35 Associations
No hats
BL35 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Erectile Dysfunction
Genital Pain, Swelling
Clears damp heat from the lower warmer - principle point for hemorrhoids, also vaginal disharges/leukorrhea, diarrhea.
Trauma a/or pain of the coccyx, deviation.
Potentially useful for impotence and/or swellings in the genitals or in the lower warmer area generally.
BL35 TCM Actions
Clears damp-heat and regulates lower jiao
Treats trauma to coccyx
Treats hemorrhoids
BL35 TCM Patterns
Bladder Damp Heat
BL35 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of S1 - S3
Dermatome Segment: S4
Deeper Structures: Dorsal rami of the coccygeal nerve
BL35 Trigger Point
Muscle: Gluteus maximus
Myotome Innervation: Inferior gluteal nerve (L5 - S2)
Location Notes: There is another gluteus maximus trigger point located slightly lateral, between this point and huantiao GB-30
Pain Referral Pattern: Local to buttock or to sacrum and lateral hip below iliac spine if located slightly lateral
Indications: Pain in buttocks or leg, aggravated by walking uphill
BL35 Notes
This point is also indicated in problems with the Fourth Level of Manifestation of the Soul, or the Anahatachakra, concerned with creation, “mind becoming matter” and the ability to turn ideas into actions that have consequences. This manifests in hopelessness, cynicism and inability to see reality as illusion.
The other points in this set are Baihui Du-20 and Huiyin Ren-1 or Yinjiao Ren-7 (Yuen, 2005, 3 Spirits & 7 Souls).
BL35 Nearby Points
GV1 - Midway between the tip of the coccyx and the anus
GB30 - At the junction of the lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3 of a line drawn between the prominence of the greater trochanter and the hiatus of the sacrum (patient lying in a lateral recumbent position with thigh flexed)
BL36 Cheng Fu
Hold and Support
(lift up butt cheek lol)
BL36 Location
Just below the buttock, on a line directly superior to BL40, in the centre of the transverse gluteal crease, in a depression between the hamstring muscles.
or more simply:
On the posterior side of thigh at the midpoint of the inferior gluteal crease, directly above BL40
BL36 Needling
Perpendicular 1 - 2 cun
BL36 Associations
No hats
(Trigger Point)
BL36 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Genital Pain, Swelling
Urinary Disorders (Lin)
Seminal Emission
Back Pain
Sciatica down back of leg
Weakness of lower limbs
(Bachelor of Social Work, Hold & Support, Gushy feelings)
Similar functions to UB 35 in clearing damp heat and swellings from the lower warmer - genital pain and swelling, hemorrhoids, seminal emission, difficult urination.
Pain in the lower back and gluteal region, constipation, muscular atrophy, numbness and motor impairment of the lower extremities.
BL36 TCM Actions
Activates channel, relaxes sinews and alleviates pain
Regulates lower jiao
Treats hemorrhoids
BL36 TCM Patterns
Bladder Damp Heat
BL36 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (S1 - S3)
Dermatome Segment: S3
Deeper Structures: Sciatic nerve (L4 - S3)
BL36 Trigger Point
Muscle: Adductor magnus
Myotome Innervation: Posterior branch of obdurator nerve (L2 - L4) and sciatic nerve (L4 - S3)
Pain Referral Pattern: Intrapelvic
Indications: Diseases of the hip and knee
BL36 Nearby Points
GB30 - On the lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3rds of a line drawn between the greater trochanter and the sacral hiatus.
BL37 Yin Men
Gate of Abundance
BL37 Location
On the back of the thigh, in a depression between the hamstring muscles, 6 cun distal to BL36 and 8 cun proximal to BL40, on a line connecting BL36 with BL40
or more simply
6 cun below BL36 on a line connecting BL36 and BL40
BL37 Needling
Perpendicular 1 - 2 cun
BL37 Associations
No hats
(Trigger Point)
BL37 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Back Pain - strengthens
Leg Pain/Cramps
Atrophy of leg muscles
Diarrhea (watery)
(Blad - promotional flyer or mock up for a product like a book… in between 2 hamstring muscles like open book, strengthens spine like spine of book)
Strengthens the spine and alleviates pain - low back pain, sciatic pain, local hamstring, thigh, leg pain.
Also used for watery diarrhea.
Pain in the lower back and thigh, muscular atrophy, pain, numbness and motor impairment of the lower extremities, hemiplegia.
BL37 TCM Actions
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Benefits lumbar spine
BL37 TCM Patterns
Large Intestine Damp Heat
BL37 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (S1 - S3)
Dermatome Segment: S2
Deeper Structures: Sciatic nerve (L4 - S3)
BL37 Trigger Point
Muscle: Adductor magnus or biceps femoris
Myotome Innervation: Adductor magnus: Posterior branch of obdurator nerve (L2 - L4) and sciatic nerve (L4 - S3); Biceps femoris: Common peroneal and tibial branches of sciatic nerve (L5 - S2)
Location Notes: Biceps femoris trigger points would lie either side
Pain Referral Pattern: Adductor magnus: To medial side of thigh and knee
Biceps femoris: either to lower buttock and down medial side of knee (medial point) or to posterior apsect of the knee (lateral point)
Indications: Diseases of the hip and knee
BL37 Nearby Points
GB31 - 2 cun below BL37 directly below greater trochanter
described more accurately as: 7 cun above popliteal crease directly below greater trochanter (12 cun below gt)
BL38 Fu Xi
Floating (Superficial) Cleft
BL38 Location
On the back of the knee, 1 cun superior to BL39 (popliteal crease) on the medial side of the tendon of biceps femoris. Locate with knee slightly flexed.
BL38 Needling
Perpendicular 1 - 1.5 cun
BL38 Associations
No hats
(Luo Harmonizing Point
Trigger Point)
BL38 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Thigh/buttocks pain
Urinary Problems - hot urine
Constipation (hard stools from Heat in SI/LI)
Knee Bursitis
Sciatica/SI Heat
Similar functions to the bladder points on the sacrum and leg in that it relieves pain and moves the triple warmer.
Draws heat from the lower warmer - small intestine heat, hard stools from heat in the large intestine.
BL38 TCM Actions
Relaxes sinews and alleviates pain
Clears heat and soothes contraction
BL38 TCM Patterns
Large Intestine Dryness
Small Intestine…?
BL38 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (S1 - S3)
Dermatome Segment: S2
Deeper Structures: Tibial nerve (L5 - S2)
BL38 Trigger Point
Myotome Innervation: Common peroneal nerve (short head), tibial nerve (long head) both from sciatic nerve (L5 - S2)
Pain Referral Pattern: Mainly at the back of the knee over the popliteal crease with areas radiating around the point and down to the medial aspect of the calf
Indications: Diseases of the knee joint ; Myalgia of the posterior thigh
BL38 Notes
At the end of a Bladder Luo treatment this point is needled, deqi grasped and removed immediately to normalize the circulation of blood (Cecil-Sterman, 2012, Advanced Acupuncture)
BL38 Nearby Points
UB39 - 1 cun below UB38 in the popliteal crease, lateral to UB40 on the medial border biceps femoris
UB40 - Midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa, between the tendons of biceps femoris (lateral) and semitendinosis (medial)
ST34 - With knee flexed, 2 cun above superior-lateral border of the patella on a line connecting with the ASIS
BL39 Wei Yang
Outside of Crook (Bend of Yang)
BL39 Location
On the popliteal crease, lateral to UB40 on the medial border of the tendon of biceps femoris (1 cun below UB38)
BL39 Needling
Perpendicular 1 - 1.5 cun; Transverse to KI10 and add BL40 (cross T-shaped needling)
BL39 Associations
Lower He Sea point of San Jiao
BL39 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Back Pain/local knee pain
Axillary swelling/Arm Pain
Syncope (swoon, pass out, hence bashful)
Fullness of Chest
Urinary Disorders (disperse)/Incontinence (tonify)
Lower Intestinal Distention
Harmonize the triple warmer, damp heat conditions effecting the lower warmer: disperse for difficult urination, tonify for urinary incontinence.
Frees the channel - lumbar pain, lower intestinal distention, hemorrhoids.
Swellings in the axillary region.
Local point for knee issues.
BL39 TCM Actions
Activate channel and alleviate pain
Harmonize san jiao, regulate urination
Open water passages, clear damp heat
BL39 TCM Patterns
LI Damp Heat
BL Damp Heat
BL39 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (S1 - S3)
Dermatome Segment: S2
Deeper Structures: Possibly common fibular peroneal nerve (L4 - S2)
BL39 Notes
This point is also on the 4th trajectory of the Chong mai relating to structural aspects of the body via the Qiao (Yuen, 2005, The Extraoridinary Vessels).
“Crossed T-Shaped Needling” involves transverse needling from Weiyang Bl-40 to Ququan Kid-10 combined with perpendicular needling of Weizhong Bl-40 for numbness or paralysis of the leg (Liu Yan, 2008, Diagrams of Acupuncture Manipulations, p.138).
BL39 Nearby Points
UB40 - In the centre of the popliteal crease, between the tendons of biceps femoris and semitendinosis
KD10 - At the medial end of the popliteal crease, between the tendons of semitondinosis and semimembranosus. Needle with knee slightly flexed.
LV8 - Just superior to the medial end of the popliteal crease, posterior to the medial epicondyle of the tibia, on the anterior border of semitendinosus and semimembranosus with knee flexed (about 1 cun anterior to KD10)
BL40 Wei Zhong
Middle of the Crook
BL40 Location
In the middle of the popliteal crease, between the tendons of semitendinosis and biceps femoris
BL40 Needling
Perpendicular 1 - 1.5 cun or prick to bleed superficial veins
BL40 Caution
Tibial nerve and popliteal artery and vein lie deep to this point
BL40 Associations
He Sea and Earth point
Lower He Sea of UB (?)
Command Point of Back
Heavenly Star point
BL40 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Skin Problems (Rash)
Night Sweats (Sleep Hyperhidrosis)
Acute/Chronic Low Back Pain
Knee Pain
Bi Syndrome of Lower limbs
Rebelliuos Qi (vomiting, nosebleed)
Diarrhea/Difficult Urination
Summer Heat, Heat Stroke
As the Lumbar Command Point, useful for all lumbar related issues: acute low back pain, sprain, muscle spasms, etc.
Main point for heat conditions such as summer heat, heatstroke and heat exhaustion. Nightsweats in some cases from deficiency.
Main point for all skin related issues: itching, oozing, inflammation, eczema, etc.
Good local point for hip, leg a/or knee pain.
Wei and Bi syndromes of lower limbs (Bi syndrome of knee, Bi syndrome of hip, paralysis of lower limbs
BL40 TCM Actions
Benefits lumbar region and knees
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Cools the blood
Clears summer heat, stops vomiting and diarrhea
Benefits the bladder
BL40 TCM Patterns
Summer Heat
(Bladder Damp Heat
Large Intestine Damp Heat
Heat in Blood
Blood Stagnation?)
BL40 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (S1 - S3)
Dermatome Segment: S2
Deeper Structures: Tibial nerve (L5 - S2)
BL40 Trigger Point
Muscle: Plantaris
Myotome Innervation: Tibial nerve (L5 - S2)
Pain Referral Pattern: Local to point and to upper calf
Indications: Pain in the back of the knee and upper calf
BL40 Notes
Location of popliteal pulse
This point is also on the 4th trajectory of the Chong mai relating to structural aspects of the body via the Qiao (Yuen, 2005, The Extraordinary Vessels).
This point is unusual in Cecil-Sterman’s Bladder Divergent treatment in that it is both the opening and confluent point (Cecil-Sterman, 2012, Advanced Acupuncture).
The “59 piercings” are named in the Su Wen Ch. 61 and mentioned in Su Wen Ch. 32 for treating Heat diseases. This point along with Yunmen Lu-2, Jianyu LI-15 and Yaoshu Du-2 clear Heat from the four limbs.
Ling Shu (Spiritual Pivot) Ch. 71, On Evil Visitors, says that when a depletion evil is in the Kidneys it remains in the hollows of the knees. Yuen’s theory of the Divergent meridians suggests that they store pathogens at the major joints, depleting our resources while they do, which would make this a potential point for for the Kidney/Bladder Divergent.
BL40 Nearby Points
UB39 - On popliteal crease on the medial border of the tendon of biceps femoris, level with BL40
KI10 - On the medial end of the poplitial crease between the tendons of semitendinosus and semimembranosus, needled with the knee slightly bent
LV8 - Just superior to the medial end of the popliteal crease, in a depression on the anterior border of the tendons of semimembranosus and semitendinosus, posterior to the medial epicondyle of the tibia (1 cun anterior to KI10)
ST35 - With knee flexed, below the patella in a hollow lateral to the patellar tendon
EX-LE-5 Xiyan - Lateral (ST35) and medial knee depressions
EX-LE-2 Heding - In a depression at the midpoint of and superior to the patella