Foot Taiyang 21-30 Flashcards
BL21 Wei Shu
Stomach Shu
BL21 Location
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of T12
BL21 Needling
Oblique towards spine 0.5-1 cun or transverse-oblique 1-1.5 cun
BL21 Caution
Perpendicular needling or oblique needling away from the spine carry a significant risk of causing a pneumothorax
BL21 Associations
Stomach Back Shu
BL21 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Epigastric Pain
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Food Stagnation
Abdominal Masses
Acid Reflux Disease (GERD)
Abdominal Pain
Chest Pain
Main point for all Stomach related issues in TCM diagnostic terms - harmonizes the stomach, transforms damp and resolves stagnation
Dissolve accumulations/lumps in the abdomen, combine with Pigen (point for lumps, tumors), 3.5 cun lateral to the lower border of L1. Due to the same qi stagnation resolving functions it may also be useful for pain in the chest, stomach/spleen area and lateral costal margin area.
As the point also regulates the upward rising qi functions, it is used for prolapse of the rectum and uses with other points for hiatal hernias.
BL21 TCM Actions
Regulates the stomach qi and descends rebellion
Harmonizes the middle jiao
Resolves dampness
Alleviates food stagnation
BL21 TCM Patterns
- Stomach Rebellious Qi
- Stomach Food Stagnation
- Stomach Qi Deficiency
- Cold in Stomach (Retained Fluid)
BL21 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Posterior cutaneous thoracic nerves from T12
Dermatome Segment: T12
Deeper Structures: Dorsal rami of spinal nerves from T12
BL21 Nearby Points
UB50 - 3 cun lateral to lower border of spinous process of T12
BL22 San Jiao Shu
San Jiao Back Shu
BL22 Location
Directly below the spinous process of L1, level with GV5
BL22 Needling
Oblique or perpendicular-oblique insertion toward the spine 1 to 1.5 cun
BL22 Caution
Deep perpendicular needling may injure the kidneys
BL22 Associations
Back Shu Triple Burner
BL22 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Borborygmus/Bloating/Back pain
Abdominal Pain/Masses/Ascites
Urinary retention/painful/blood
Turbidity of urine
Food retention
Urinary pain
Lin Disease (Urinary Disorders)
Fever/alternating chills and fever
Irritating sensation of back and shoulder/headache
As Triple Heater Shu this point effects conditions related to imbalances between the upper and lower parts of the body especially those related to water: edema, bloating, ascites, borborygmus, difficult or painful urination, urinary retention.
With its ability to move water accumulations also useful for certain damp related issues in the head such as headaches and visual dizziness.
Uses with alternating chills and fever, jaundice and other issues involving difficulty digesting foods.
BL22 TCM Actions
Moves and regulates san jiao
Regulates SP & ST, resolves dampness
Regulates water passages and promotes urination
Resolves masses
BL22 TCM Patterns
Bladder Damp Heat
SP & ST Damp Heat
Stomach Dampness
Stomach Food Stagnation
Spleen Yang Deficiency (sedate BL22)
BL22 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of L1 - L3
Dermatome Segment: L1
Deeper Structures: Dorsal rami of L1
BL22 Trigger Point
Muscle: Longissimus thoracis
Myotome Innervation: Posterior branches of dorsal rami from L1
Pain Referral Pattern: Inferior to posterior superior iliac spine
Indications: Low back pain ; Myalgia of long extensors of back
BL22 Nearby Points
GV5 - Directly below the spinous process of L1
UB51 - 3 cun lateral to GV5, lower border of L1
GB25 - On the lateral side of the abdomen, or possibly back, on the lower border of the free end of the 12th rib
BL23 Shen Shu
Kidney Shu
BL23 Location
1.5 cun lateral to GV4, lower border of L2
BL23 Needling
Oblique or perpendicular-oblique insertion toward the spine 1 - 1.5 cun
BL23 Caution
Deep perpendicular needling carries a risk of injuring the kidney
BL23 Associations
Back Shu of Kidney
BL23 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Back pain acute or chronic, Empirical Point
Edema/fluid retention in abdomen
Abdominal pain/amenorrhea
Urination dripping, frequent
Taxation of 5 Zang/Tooth problems
Irregular Menstruation/Infertility
Urination difficult, blood, turbid
Mental Health
Ear issues - tinnitus, deafness, infection
Dysmennorhea/diarrhea cold and damp
For all Kidney system related issues from a Chinese Medicine perspective which effect the brain, bone, hair, teeth a/or hearing.
Male deficiency related sexual problems: impotence, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, sterility, exhaustion following ejaculation.
Female sexual and reproductive disorders: irregular cycles, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, infertility, leukorrhea.
Tonification point in deficiency conditions: exhaustion, weakness, chronic fatique, good point for the elderly as Kidney Jing is naturally depleted.
Main point for acute or chronic low back pain, sprains a/or strains.
Useful for KD related ear issues: tinnitus, deafness, chronic ear infections.
Useful for dampness issues and water metabolism issues - edema, fluid retentions in the lower abdomen.
As the kidney system provides the root of the bodies energy many psychological conditions will respond well to tonification of this point as well - depression, anxiety disorders.
BL23 TCM Actions
Tonifies kidneys and fortifies yang
Benefits essence
Nourishes kidney yin
Firms kidney qi
Regulates water passages and benefits urination
Benefits and warms uterus
Benefits ears and bones
Strengthens lumbar region
BL23 TCM Patterns
Kidney Yang Deficiency
Kidney Yin Deficiency
Kidney Qi Deficiency
Kidney Jing Deficiency
BL23 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of L1 - L3
Dermatome Segment: L2
Deeper Structures: Dorsal rami of spinal nerves from L2
BL23 Trigger Point
Muscle: Multifidus
Myotome Innervation: Posterior branches of dorsal rami from L3
Pain Referral Pattern: Around the point and radiating down the back. Also to the abdomen directly anterior to the point.
Indications: Myalgia of the long extensors of the back ; Paraumbilical pain
BL23 Nearby Points
GV4 - Directly below the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebrae
UB52 - 3 cun lateral to GV4, lower border of L2
BL24 Qi Hai Shu
Sea of Qi Shu
BL24 Location
1.5 cun lateral to the GV line, level with the lower border of L3
BL24 Needling
Perpendicular insertion 1 - 1.5 cun
BL24 Associations
No hats
BL24 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Knee Pain/Back pain
Generally used as a local point for back pain. General weakness in the low back and/or knees.
Due to the qi moving functions in the area, may be used with hemorrhoids, dysmehorrhea and other discharges such as leukorrhea, blood stools, etc.
BL24 TCM Actions
Strengthens lumbar region and legs
Regulates lower jiao
BL24 TCM Patterns
BL24 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of L1 - L3
Dermatome Segment: S2
Deeper Structures: Dorsal rami of spinal nerves from L3
BL24 Trigger Point
Muscle: Iliopsoas and deep quadratus lumborum
Myotome Innervation: Iliopsoas: Femoral nerve (L1 - L2); Quadratus lumborum: Dorsal rami of spinal nerves from T12 - L4
Location Notes: Lumbar pain and stiffness, painful obstruction and pain of the lower limb, atrophy disorder.
Pain Referral Pattern: Around lower vertebral region (iliopsoas) and to buttock (quadratus lumborum)
Indications: Low back pain ; Myalgia of long extensors of back
BL24 Nearby Points
BL25 Da Chang Shu
Large Intestine Shu
BL25 Location
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of L4
BL25 Needling
1 - 1.5 cun perpendicular
BL25 Associations
Back Shu of LI
BL25 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Poor Assimilation of Food
Low Back Pain
Abdominal Pain/Distention
IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Syndrom)/IBD(Disease)
Diarrhea (cold-damp)
Wei and Bi Syndrome of lower legs
Main point for low back pain especially when related to constipation a/or menstruation.
Main point for all intestine related issues: constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, colitis, IBS, etc.
Regulates the function in the colon so as potential uses for poor assimilation, limited weight gain despite eating many calories.
BL25 TCM Actions
Regulates the intestines
Transforms stagnation and alleviates pain
Strengthens lumbar region and legs
BL25 TCM Patterns
Large Intestine Dryness
Large Intestine Damp Heat
Large Intestine Cold
Large Intestine Blood Stagnation
BL25 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of S1 - S3
Dermatome Segment: S3
Deeper Structures: Dorsal rami of L4
BL25 Notes
Main point for low back pain especially when related to constipation a/or menstruation. Combine with local points such as GV 3, UB 26, Shiqizhui (between L5 and S1), UB 31, UB 32, GB 30 & distal points such as GB 34, GB 39, GB 41, UB 40, UB 57, UB 58, UB 60 & UB 62.
Main point for all intestine related issues: constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, colitis, IBS, etc.
Regulates the function in the colon so as potential uses for poor assimilation, limited weight gain despite eating many calories.
BL25 Nearby Points
GV3 - Directly below the spinous process of L4
Yaoyan - 3.5 cun lateral to the lower border of L4 (GV3)
BL26 Guan Yuan Shu
Origin Gate Shu
BL26 Location
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of L5
BL26 Needling
1 -1.5 cun Perpendicular
BL26 Associations
Storage of Yuan Qi Back Shu Point
(Trigger Point)
BL26 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Urinary Disorders (Lin Disease)
Back Pain
Local point for clearing the channel - low back pain, both as a local point and from wind invasion (possibly with UB 28).
Dissipates cold in the lower warmer - abdominal pain, bowel issues, abdominal masses.
Possibly useful for a range of urinary issues - frequency, nighttime urination, difficult urination.
BL26 TCM Actions
Strengthens lumbar region
Regulates lower jiao
BL26 TCM Patterns
Large Intestine Cold
BL26 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of S1 - S3
Dermatome Segment: S3
Deeper Structures: Dorsal rami of L5
BL26 Trigger Point
Muscle: Quadratus lumborum
Myotome Innervation: Posterior branches of dorsal rami from T12 - L4
Pain Referral Pattern: To buttocks
Indications: Low back pain
BL26 Nearby Points
BL27 Xiao Chang Shu
Small Intestine Shu
BL27 Location
1.5 cun lateral to the GV line level with the 1st posterior sacral foramen (PSF)
BL27 Needling
Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
BL27 Associations
Small Intestine Back Shu Point
BL27 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Urinary Disorders (Lin Disease)
Seminal Emission
Difficult, painful, dark urine
Main function is regulating water with regard to the bladder and intestines
Yin (cold) of Bladder and Sanjiao, Yin (cold) or Yang (hot) disoders of Large and Small Intestine,
Damp heat effecting the bladder (difficult or painful urination, hematuria, dark urine).
Damp heat effecting the intestines (diarrhea, hemorrhoids, dysentary).
Other lower warmer discharges - leukorrhea, seminal emission.
BL27 TCM Actions
Separate pure from the turbid
Regulate intestines and bladder
Drain turbid dampness and clear damp-heat
Regulate small intestine qi
BL27 TCM Patterns
Bladder Damp Heat
Large Intestine Damp Heat
Large Intestine Cold
BL27 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of S1 - S3
Dermatome Segment: S3
Deeper Structures: Dorsal rami of S1
BL27 Trigger Point
Muscle: Multifidus
Myotome Innervation: Posterior branches of dorsal rami from S1
Pain Referral Pattern: Around the point and radiating down the buttock to the sacrum with some radiation to the posterior aspect of the upper thigh and to the abdomen directly anterior to the point
Indications: Myalgia of the long extensors of the back ; Paraumbilical pain.
BL27 Nearby Points
UB31 - On the sacrum, at the midpoint between the PSIS and the PML, level with the first PSF
BL28 Pang Guang Shu
Bladder Shu
BL28 Location
1.5 cun lateral to the PML, level with the second PSF
BL28 Needling
Perpendicular 0.5 - 1 cun
BL28 Associations
Bladder Back Shu Point
BL28 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Damp-heat (painful, dark urine, diarrhea)
Urinary Disorders (Lin Disease) - frequent, incontinence/UTI
Back Pain
Sacral pain/stiff
Main point for all Bladder issues: from damp heat (painful a/or dark urination), from cold (frequent urination, incontinence).
For damp-heat anywhere in the body, combine with SP 9 to expel dampness through urination - diarrhea, constipation, sore back, infections and/or swellings in the lower warmer.
BL28 TCM Actions
Regulates bladder
Clears damp-heat from lower jiao
Dispels stagnation and resolves masses
Benefits lumbar region and legs
Opens water passages
BL28 TCM Patterns
Bladder Damp Heat
Large Intestine Damp Heat
BL28 Notes
As back-shu of the bladder this is the main point on the back for treatment of urinary disorders, the external genitals and regulating water balance. It is also an important point for lumbar, sacral and lower limb disorders.
BL28 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of S1 - S3
Dermatome Segment: S3
Deeper Structures: Dorsal rami of S2
BL28 Nearby Points
UB32 - Level with 2nd PSF, medial and inferior to PSIS
UB53 - 3 cun lateral to medial sacral crest, level with 2nd PSF
BL29 Zhong Lu Shu
Central Spine Shu
BL29 Location
1.5 cun lateral to the GV line of the 3rd PSF
BL29 Needling
Perpendicular insertion 0.5 - 1 cun
BL29 Associations
(Center of Back Muscle Back Shu
Trigger Point)
BL29 Indications
Back Pain
Sweat Problems (lack)
Kidney deficiency wasting and thirsting disorder, absence of sweating.
Stiffness and pain of the lumbar spine, inability to turn the spine.
Generally a local point for back pain and/or stiffness, hernia.
Warms the kidney yang - wasting and thirsting, lack of sweating.
BL29 TCM Actions
Benefits lumbar region
Dispels cold and stops diarrhea
BL29 TCM Patterns
Kidney Yang Deficiency?
(would it not be kidney yin if absence of sweat?)
BL29 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of S1 - S3
Dermatome Segment: S3
Deeper Structures: Dorsal rami of S3
BL29 Trigger Point
Muscle: Piriformis and gluteus maximus
Myotome Innervation:
Piriformis: nerve to the piriformis (L5 - S2);
Gluteus maximus: Inferior gluteal nerve (L5 - S2)
Pain Referral Pattern: Piriformis: To the greater trochanter of the humerus and down the posterior of the thigh
Gluteus maximus: To the buttock
Indications: Sciatica ; Pain in the buttocks
BL29 Nearby Points
UB33 - Level with 3rd sacral foramen, medial and inferior to UB32
BL29 Notes
Ling Shu Ch. 75, On Piercing to Regulate True and Evil Qi, recommends this point as part of the “Undressing” treatment. Its indications are when there is a surplus of Yang and insufficiency of Yin Qi causing Heat in the interior and exterior. The two heats combine to become hot like burning coal and they cannot bear to have clothes touch the skin or to lie on a mattress, the pores are closed and there is no sweating, the tongue is scorched, the lips are desiccated, the flesh dries up, the throat is parched and they cannot tell good from bad food. It is treated by removing the Heat from this point, Tianfu Lu-3 and Dazhu Bl-11, then supplementing the Taiyin channels of hand and foot, Lung and Spleen, to diminish the sweat. Presumably the initial piercings are supposed to induce the sweat or this contradicts the earlier symptom of the pores being closed and the sweat not leaving.
BL30 Bai Huan Shu
White Ring Shu
BL30 Location
1.5 cun lateral to the PML level with the 4th posterior sacral foramen
BL30 Needling
0.5 - 1 cun perpendicular
BL30 Associations
(Trigger Point)
BL30 Indications
Conditions / Symptoms:
Back/Hip Pain
Rectal Prolapse
Irregular Menstruation/Insomnia
Shan Disorder (Hernia)
BL30 TCM Actions
Benefits lumbar region and legs
Regulates menstruation
Stops leucorrhea and seminal emission
BL30 TCM Patterns
Kidney Yang Deficiency
BL30 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Dorsal rami of S1 - S3
Dermatome Segment: S3
Deeper Structures: Dorsal rami of S3
BL30 Trigger Point
Muscle: Multifidus
Myotome Innervation: Posterior branches of dorsal rami from S4
Pain Referral Pattern: Local to point and to midline
Indications: Low back pain
BL30 Nearby Points
UB34 - Level with 4th PSF, lateral to GV2
UB54 - 3 cun lateral to the GV line, level with the 4th PSF
EX-BW-8 Shi Qi Zhui Xia - On the midline of the lower back, in a depression below the spinous process of the fifth lumbar vertebra