Foot Taiyang 61-67 Flashcards
BL61 Pu Can
Subserviant Visitor
BL61 Location
On the lateral side of the foot, 1.5 cun inferior to BL60, in a tender depression on the calcaneum
BL61 Needling
Perpendicular insertion 0.3-0.5 or transverse superior insertion
BL61 Associations
No hats
Meeting of Bladder with Yang Qiao Mai (Yang Motility)
BL61 Indications
Headache/heavy head
Atrophy of leg muscles
Urinary Dysfunction
Lumbar Pain
Mental Health: Mania, delusions
Haulm = a stalk or stem
BL61 TCM Actions
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Relaxes sinews
BL61 TCM Patterns
BL61 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
Dermatome Segment: S1
Deeper Structures: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
BL61 Notes
One of the points in the External Dragons protocol in five element acupuncture, along with Baihui Du-20, Dazhu Bl-11 and Shenshu Bl-23, for eliminating a blockage between the therapist and patient, or a disconnection from themselves, with the additional presence of external symptoms or trauma.
In “Yang penetrative needling”, to promote flow of qi through the foot taiyang Bladder meridian, needle transversely through Kunlun Bl-60, Fuyang Bl-59 as far as Feiyang Bl-58 (Liu Yan, 2008, Diagrams of Acupuncture Manipulations, p.138).
BL61 Nearby Points
BL62 - Approx 0.5 cun inferior to the inferior border of the lateral malleolus, in a depression posterior to the peroneal tendons
BL62 Shen mai
(Gui Lu)
Extending Vessel
(Ghost Path)
BL62 Location
On the lateral side of the foot, approx. 0.5 cun inferior to the inferior border of the lateral mallelus, posterior to the peroneal tendons
BL62 Needling
Oblique insertion directed inferiorly, 0.3 - 0.5 cun
BL62 Associations
Confluent Point of Yang Qiao Maid (Coupled with SI3)
Ghost Point
BL62 Indications
Dizziness; Deafness
Insomnia (anxiety at night) combine with KI6
Low back pain (with SI3)
Eye pain/redness
Mobility Issues
Mental Health: Mania/Depression
Aversion to wind, chills/fever
Spinal problems
Occipital headache
Wind-cold of Taiyang channels
Taiyang channel - stiff neck, shoulders, head
Fowth - plenty (opposite of dearth, scarcity)
BL62 TCM Actions
Pacifies interior wind and expels exterior wind
Calms the spirit and treats epilepsy
Benefits the head and eyes
Opens and regulates Yang Qiao Mai
Activates channel and alleviates pain
BL62 TCM Patterns
Liver Yang Rising
Kidney Yang Xu
BL62 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
Dermatome Segment: S1
Deeper Structures: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
BL62 Notes
Ghost Points:
The second trinity of ghost points, consisting of this point Daling Pc-7 and Fengfu Du-16, is concerned with the ghost trying to get you to search for the remnants of its past, either by dreamwork or literally going to places and seeking people it longs for. This is the most Yang phase of possession with many signs of Wind and Heat leading to agitation, uncontrollable movement and outbursts.
The alternative name Guilu, Ghost Path, represents the stage of possession when a person begins to walk the path of the ghost, actively seeking out the places or people of the ghosts past. With its relationship to the Yang qiao mai the symptoms often include symptoms similar to epilepsy, especially when confronted including disengagement and a blank forward stare, or at the other extreme uncontrollable aggression, contortions and deviations in the face.
BL62 Nearby Points
GB40 - At the ankle joint in the depression anterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus
BL63 Jin Men
Golden Gate (bridge - close to arch of foot)
BL63 Location
On the lateral side of the foot, in a depression posterior to the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal bone
BL63 Needling
Perpendicular insertion 0.3 - 0.5 cun
BL63 Associations
Xi Cleft Point
BL63 Indications
Mania; Motor Impairment
Obstruction of lower limb
Loss of consciousness; Lumbar pain
Shan disorder, sudden and violent
BL63 TCM Actions
Pacifies wind
Moderates acute conditions (Xi Cleft)
Relaxes sinews, activates channel and alleviates pain
BL63 TCM Patterns
Liver Wind
BL63 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
Dermatome Segment: S1
Deeper Structures: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
BL63 Notes
A Xi-Cleft point is the site where the Qi of the meridian is deeply converged. Qi and blood are stored deeply at these particular points. If there appear abnormal reactions at X-Cleft points, it shows that the pathogens have entered the deeper parts of Zang-Fu organs. Thus, they are used for acute, painful symptoms, inflammation, protracted diseases of its pertaining meridian and Zang-Fun organ. Also, Xi-Cleft points of the Yin meridians have hemostatic functions.
BL63 Nearby Points
ST42 - On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression formed by the junction of the second and third metatarsal bones and the cuneiform bones, 1.5 cun distal to ST41 on the line drawn between ST41 and ST43 , at the point where the pulsation of the dorsalis pedis artery can be felt
BL64 Jing Gu
Capital Bone
BL64 Location
In a depression anterior and inferior to the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal bone at the junction of the red and white skin
BL64 Needling
Perpendicular 0.3 - 0.5
BL64 Associations
Yuan Source Point
BL64 Indications
Palpitations/Chest Pain
Irritability/Mental Health
Chest Pain
Abdominal fullness
Lumbar/Leg Pain/Cramps
Mental health
Visual Disturbance (dizziness, obstruction)
BL64 TCM Actions
Clears the head and eyes and eliminates wind
Calms the spirit
Relaxes sinews, activates channel and alleviates pain
BL64 TCM Patterns
BL64 Notes
Ling Shu Ch. 24, On Counterflow Diseases, employs this point for the treatment of Heart pain. It advises piercing this point and Kunlun Bl-60 when treating a Heart pain that feels like being struck with a bent and painful back, associated with the Kidneys
Clinically, Yuan-Source points are of great significance in treating diseases of the internal organs. Yuan-Source points are the sites where the Yuan (Primary) qi of the Zang-Fu organs passes and stays. Puncturing the Yuan-Source points stimulates the vital energy of the regular meridians, regulates the functional activities of the internal organs, reinforces antipathogenic factors and eliminates pathogenic factors. This method of treating diseases deals principally with the root causes. The Yuan (source) point from the affected meridian is often combined with the Luo (Connecting) point of the internally-externally related meridians in use.
BL64 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
Dermatome Segment: S1
Deeper Structures: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
BL64 Nearby Points
GB41 - In a depression distal to the conjunction of the fourth and fifth metatarsals, just proximal to the extensor digitorum longus tendon (abduct little toe to make it prominent)
BL65 Shu Gu
Restraining Bone
BL65 Location
On the lateral side of the foot, in a depression posterior and inferior to the head of the fifth metatarsal bone
BL65 Needling
Perpendicular 0.3 - 0.5 cun
BL65 Associations
Shu Stream
Wood Point
BL65 Indications
Headache/Neck Pain
Aversion to Wind-Cold; Chills/Fever
(U)Vision Blurring/Redness
Lumbar/Leg Pain
Mental health - manic
Haulm - stems or tops of crop plants
BL65 TCM Actions
Clears head and eyes
Clears heat and dissipates swelling
Activates channel and alleviatese pain
BL65 TCM Patterns
BL65 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
Dermatome Segment: S1
Deeper Structures: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
BL65 Notes
In five element acupuncture this point is reduced to drain excess in the Bladder.
Ling Shu Ch. 19, on the Four Seasonal Qi, advises using the Shu-Stream points, unless the diseases are in the Fu organs, in which case the He-Sea points are chosen.
Ling Shu Ch. 34, On the Five Disturbances, advises piercing this point and and Zutonggu Bl-66 to remove disturbing Qi in the head causing counterflow leading to headaches, a heavy head and dizziness with falling down if Tianzhu Bl-10 and Dazhu Bl-11 did not work.
BL65 Nearby Points
GB42 - Between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, in the depression proximal to the metatarsal heads, on the medial side of the tendon of m. extensor digitorum longus (branch to little toe)
BL66 Zu Tong Gu
Valley Passage
BL66 Location
On the lateral aspect of the foot, anterior to the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint, at the junction of red and white skin
BL66 Needling
Perpendicular-oblique insertion toward the sole 0.2 - -0.3 cun
BL66 Associations
Ying Spring
Water Point
BL66 Indications
Blurring of vision
Undigested Food
Neck Rigidity
Cough/Full chest
Mental Health - anxiety, mania
BL66 TCM Actions
Clears Head
Clears heat
Descends Lung and Stomach Qi
BL66 TCM Patterns
BL66 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
Dermatome Segment: S1
Deeper Structures: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
BL66 Notes
Ling Shu Ch. 19, on the Four Seasonal Qi, advises opening the Jing-Well and Ying-Spring openings in winter, piercing deeply and retaining the needle for a while.
Ling Shu Ch. 34, On the Five Disturbances, advises piercing this point and and Shugu Bl-65 to remove disturbing Qi in the head causing counterflow leading to headaches, a heavy head and dizziness with falling down if Tianzhu Bl-10 and Dazhu Bl-11 did not work.
ing-Spring points are where the qi dribbles down the meridian. Ying-Spring points are indicated for heat in the body and changes in the complexion. Ying-Spring points are known to clear heat from the meridian.
BL66 Nearby Points
GB43 - Between the 4th and 5th toes, 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the web
BL67 Zhi Yin
Reaching Yin
BL67 Location
On the dorsal aspect of the little toe, a the junction of lines drawn along the inferior and lateral borders of the nail, approx. 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
BL67 Needling
Perp or oblique insertion directed proximall 0.1 - 0.2 cun or prick to bleed
Moxibustion for malposition of fetus (generally indirect moxa for 10-20 minutes 1x/day).
BL67 Associations
Jing Well
Metal Point
(Tonification Point)
Exit Point to Kid 1
BL67 Indications
Fetus malpositioned
Labour Difficult; Lin Syndrome
Opposite end of channel pain
Skin disorders
Seminal Emission
Eye Pain; Epistaxis
Wei syndrome.
BL67 TCM Actions
Expels wind
Clears head and eyes
Turn fetus and facilitates labour
BL67 TCM Patterns
BL67 Neuroanatomy
Superficial Innervation: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
Dermatome Segment: S1
Deeper Structures: Sural nerve (L5 - S2)
BL67 Notes
Well known empirical point for turning a malpositioned foetus during labour through the use of moxa (Van der Berg et al, 2008)
UB 67 is the point to turn the fetus. Because this point is the place where the UB meridian and Kidney meridian connect, it can regulate the Kidney and tonify Qi. If the Kidney Qi is not sufficient, it is difficult to maintain the fetus in the correct position. The deficiency of Kidney Qi also causes lack of strength, making the labor difficult. UB 67 regulates and tonifies Kidney Qi. Jing-Well points are where the qi bubbles up. Jing-Well points are indicated to revive consciousness. Jing-Well points are known to treat fullness below the Heart and clear Heat.
In five element acupuncture this point is reinforced to tonify Bladder deficiencies.
Ling Shu Ch. 19, on the Four Seasonal Qi, advises opening the Jing-Well and Ying-Spring openings in winter, piercing deeply and retaining the needle for a while.
BL67 Nearby Points
GB44 - On the dorsal aspect of the 4th toe, at the junction of lines drawn along the lateral and inferior borders of the nail, approx. 0.1 cun from the corner