FMF 113 USMC Drill & Ceremonies Flashcards
5 Purposes of Close Order Drill & How they enable a Commander
Move unit from one place to another in a orderly manner while maintaining best appearance.
Provide simple formations from which combat formations may be readily assumed.
Teach discipline by instilling habits of precision and automatic response to orders.
Increase confidence of junior oficers and NCOs’ through exercise of command.
Give marines opportunity to handle individual weapons
An individual, squad, section, platoon, company, or other unit which is part of a larger unit.
An arrangement of elements on line, in column, or in any other prescribed manner.
A formation in whih the elements are abreast, except that a section or platoon is in line when its squads are in line and one behind the other.
A line of marines or vehicles placed side by side.
A formation in which elements are placed one behind the other
A single column of marines or vehicles one behind the other.
The right or left extremity of a unit either on line or in column. Element on the extreme right or left of the line. A direction at a right angle to the direction an element of a formation is facing.
Normal interval
Normal interval between individuals is one arm’s length
Close interval
Horizontal distance between shoulder and elbow when the left hand is placed on the left hip.
Dressing of several elements on a straight line.
The individual (base) upon whom a formation, or other elements, therof, regulates its march. “to guide” means to regulate the interval direction, alignment, and cadence on a base file (right, left, or center) be included in the count.
Middle element of a formation within an odd number of elements or the left center element of a formation with an even number of elements.
The length of a full step at quick time, which is 30 inches and is measured from the back of one heel to the back of the other heel.
The distance from heel to heel between the feet of a marching man.
A rhythmic rate of march at a uniform step.
4 Characteristics of Command Voice
Voice Control, Distinctness, Inflection, Cadence
2 Types of Drill Commands
Preparatory Command: Indicates the movement to be executed.
-Beginning Pitch
Command of Execution: Indicates when a movement is to be executed.
-Beginning Pitch
Positions of individuals in Color Guard
-Consists of 4 men: 2 NCOs as color bearers, 2 juniors as color guard.
-Color bearers are unarmed and carry the national colors while commanding the color guard.
-Junior color bearer carries the organizational color and always on the left of the national color.
-When only the national color is carried, the color guard will include only one color bearer.
Wet Down
Party thrown by a newly promoted SNCO or officer to celebrate his new rank.
Hail & Farewell
Serves the purpose of introducing any SNCOs’ and their spouses who have arrived since the last Hail & Farewell and saying good-bye to any SNCOs’ who are leaving.
Promotions and Re-enlistments
Are required ceremonies to recognize milestones in an individuals Marine career.
-Personal Awards first, Promotions second, Re-enlistments third.
CO may desire to conduct a formal dinner in honor of recognizing a new member to the unit, or saying farewell to a departing member.
Relief and Appointment
Ceremony will be held upon the relief of the old squad and appontmet of the new SGt MJR within units of battalion or squadron size and larger.
Ceremony may be as simple as a formation of the unit affected a review or parade.