FMF 104 Administrative Fundamentals Flashcards
Reporting Senior
CO and OIC are reporting seniors by virtue of their command authority.
Delegated Reporting Senior
-An actual transfer of that authority and not merely an authorization to sign “by direction”.
-Delegation is held to the highest level consistent with effective observation of performance and CO’s oversight responsibilities are carefully defined.
Enlisted reporting seniors
-Enlisted OIC in the grade of E9 & civilians in command positions GS9-GS12 may sign on reports for E5 and below.
-CPO or SCPO sign on E4 and below only.
-GS13 or equivalent sign E1-E9.
Raters and Senior Raters
-E6 and below require the signatures of a rater and senior rater as well as the reporting senior.
-Rater for E1-E4 can be E6 or civilian.
-E5-E6 the rater should be CPO or military/civilian supervisor who is E7 equivalent or higher.
-Senior rater will be in the member’s division officer or department head. The senior rater may be omitted where the reporting senior is the rater’s immediate supervisor.
3 Types of Reports
Regular, Concurrent, Operational Commanders
Regular Report
-Foundation of the performance record and submitted periodically.
-Must cover day to day, all Naval service on active duty or drilling reserve programs.
Concurrent Reports
-Significant perofrmance in an additional duty or temporary additional duty status.
-Optional and may not be submitted by anyone in the regular reporting senior’s direct chain of command.
-Countersigned by regular reporting senior.
Operational Commanders report
-Only be submitted on COs or OICs by operational commanders who are not also their regular reporting senior.
Guidance on trait grades
5.0 - Above standards and notable for its exemplary or leadership quality.
1.0- Generally poor performance, which is not improving or unsatisfactory performance with respect to a single standard.
2.0 to 4.0- where a majority of sailors and officers are.
-“Two blocking” is detrimental for 2 reasons. First, reporting senior’s summary group and cumulative trait grade averages will be available to retailers and selection boards for comparison purposes. Second, it will be difficult for the reporting senior to allocate promotion recommendations if everyone’s trait grades are the same.
Style and Content
Space is limited, avoid preambles and get to the point. DO NOT use puffed-up adjectives, use factual writing and know bullet style is preferred.
Types of Naval Cirrespondences
Standard: Used to correspond officially with addresses in DOD or writing to addresses outside the DOD IF they adopted this format.
Endorsements: A letter transmitted “Via” your activity, mostly used for transmitting correspondence through the chain of command.
Memos: An informal way to correspond within an activity or between DON activities.
NAVPERS 1070/880
Awards Records in NSIPS
NAVPERS 1070/881
Training, Education and Qualification History
NAVPERS 1070/613
Administrative Remarks (PG13)
Purpose of UCMJ
Promotes good order and discipline and provides a basis for the administration of justice for the Armed Forces.
Who is responsible for upholding the UCMJ?
All members of the Armed Forces
Who is subject to UCMJ?
-Members of a regular or reserve component of the Armed Forces.
-Fleet reserve and fleet marine corps reserve
-Reserve component while on inactive-duty training
-Army national guard and air national guard only when federalized
-In time of war, all persons serving with or accompanying an Armed Force in the field
-Volunteers from the time of their muster or acceptance into into the Armed Forces
-Inductees from the time of their actual induction in the Armed Forces
-Cadets, aviation cadets, and midshipmen
-Retired members of a regular component who are entitled to pay
-Retired members of a reserve component who are receiving hospitalization from an Armed Forces
3 Types of Court Martial
Summary- Composed of 1 active duty commissioned officer with rank of O-3 or higher. Lowest level of authority to convene courts martial is normally a battalion commander. 45 days, restriction for more than two months, or forfeiture of more than one month’s pay.
Special- Can be composed of a military judge alone, or a military judge and not less than three active-duty armed service members. Confinement for 3 months, or forfeiture of more than two thirds pay for 6 months a bad conduct discharge, and reduction in rank.
General: Composed of a military judge alone or a military judge and not less than 5 impartial active duty.
Value of NJP to the commander and to the marine…
Purpose of NJP is to give the commander the ability to maintain good order and discipline.
When can NJP be administered..
For minor offenses of the UCMJ.
The right to refuse NJP..
Before the imposition of NJP proceedings, the accused may demand trial by courts-martial in lieu of NJP.
The rights and procedures to appeal..
The accused may appeal the punishment if he considers it unjust or disproportionate to the offense.
The procedure to appeal..
Submitted within 5 days of imposition of punishment through the chain of command
Sexual Assault`
-Criminal act incompatible with the DON values, high standards of professionalism.
Sexual Harassment
Unacceptable and unprofessional behavior for military or civilian personnel that is dealt with through the leadership and supervisory structure.
Equal Opportunity
Provide equal opportunity for all military members without regard to race, color, creed, sex, age, or national origin.
No Marine or sailor attached to a Marine command.
MCO 1700.2B
Defined as duty relationships and social and business contracts between and among marines of different grades.
Any behavior which would present the appearance of undue familiarity or informality between and among the ranks.