FMF 110 Tactical Measures Flashcards
- Unaided day & night observation techniques
-Avoid all unnecessary movement.
-Use all available concealment because it offers a low silhouette and makes detection by the enemy difficult.
-Preserve night vision when subjected to lighted areas or illumination.
-Demonstrate techniques that enhance hearing.
110.1 Off-Center Vision Method
Viewing an object by looking at 6-10 degrees above, below, or to either side of the object rather than directly at it.
110.1 Scanning method
-Able to overcome the physiological limitations of their eyes.
-Looking from right to left or left to right using a slow, regular scanning movement.
110.1 Strip Method
-In daylight, look at the ground closest to you.
-Observe close to your post & search a narrow strip 50 meters going right to left or left to right.
-Search left to right a second time and same strip farther away but overlaps the first.
-Continue to observe until entire field of view has been searched.
110.1 Preserving night vision
Entering a lighted area, one eye should be closed & covered to preserve its night vision.
Red light helps preserve night vision.
110.1 Techniques that enhance hearing
-Amplified with mouth open.
-Remove the helmet, reduces sound distortion.
-Ear to the ground, can hear people walking and vehicles moving.
Unit Identity
110.3 SMEAC
Admin & Logistics
Command & Signal
110.3 Situation
Environment/Enemy Forces/ Friendly Forces/ Attachments & Detachments.
110.3 Mission
Clear and concise statement of the task
110.3 Execution
Task organization of the patrol or movement to the objective area to include navigation method.
110.3 Admin & Logisitics
Info about rations and ammo, corpsman, and aid stations.
110.3 Command & Signal
Prearranged signals, password & countersigns, radio call signs/frequencies & emergency signals.
Column Formation
Echelon left/right
Skirmishers left/right
Wedge Formation
cease fire
110.6 Individual Fighting Position
Small as practicable, wide enough for the shoulders of a man sitting on the fire step, long enough to use entrenching tool, at least 4 feet deep to fire step, Marine be able to aim & fire a weapon.11
110.6 Two-man Fighting Position
-Gives protection against tanks.
-Soil is piled around the hole as a parapet, 3 feet thick and 1/2 foot high, leaving a berm or shelf wide enough for the marine to use an elbow rest while firing.
-If turf/topsoil, the Marine removes sufficient ground cover and sets it aside until the fighting hole is completed.
-Once done, ground cover can be laid on top and side of the parapet so that it will better blend in with the surroundings.
Advantages of 2 man fighting hole
Continuous observation, mutual assistance, reassurance, redistribution of ammo between the 2 occupants.
Disadvantages of 2 man fighting hole
Less protection against:
-Protection from tanks
-shell fragments
110.8 Ensure service of .782 gear
Scrub soiled spots gently with a brush
Dry in shade
DO NOT dry in dryer
110.8 Maintaining canteen & canteen cup
Wash with warm, soapy water & rinse
Keep clean when not in use
Check for holes and rust
110.8 Inspect and clean flak jacket
-Visually inspect
-Tears, punctures or damages
-Increase in weight = nylon filter has become wet
-Clean hook & pile fastener with warm, soapy water
-Inspect broken or missing elastics
-Brush off mud & loose dirt
-Air dry
110.8 Helmet Maintenance
DO NOT: heat water in it, hammer with it, or dig with it.
-Clean & air dry
110.8 Silence Gear
-Cover all metal areas with tape.
-Tape up all loose straps.
-Tape anything that could enhance noise.
110.8 Waterproof Gear
Use trash and ziplock bags to prevent wet gear.
Waterproofing bag to keep sleeping system dry.
110.9 Armor Protection Level System
Enables commanders to tailor protective postures based on their estimate of the situation and/or based on guidance from service/joint/theater combatant commanders.
110.10 APLS Levels
Level 0- No body armor worn
Level 1-Vest/PC with soft armor only
Level 2-Vest/PC w/ front & back sappies
Level 3-Vest/PC w/ front, back and side sappies.
Higher numbered APLS corresponds to greater weight, increased thermal loading and reduced mobility; thus degrading individual and unit performance ove extended periods of time.
Based on their unique mission requirements, marine special ops command personnel will wear body armor protection directed by their operational Commander, SOCOM.
Anything that you can use to keep yourself, your equipment, and your position from looking like what they really are.
Anything that gives protection from bullets, fragments of exploding rounds, flame, nuclear effects, and biological and chemical agents.
Anyting that hides your from enenmy observations. Does not protect you from enemy fire.
5 CASEVAC Categories
Priority 1-Urgent
Priority 1A-Urgent Surgical
Priority 2- Priority
Priority 3- Routine
Priority 4- Convenience
Criteria for selection of a helicopter landing zone
Selection of a pickup zone
Marking the landing zone