FMF 109 Weapons Fundamentals Flashcards
M9 Service Pistol
Semiautomatic, magazine fed, recoil operated, double action pistol, chambered for the 9mm cartridge.
Caliber: 9mm NATO
System of Operations: short recoil, semi-automatic
Length: 8.54 in
Width: 50 in
Height: 5.51 in
Weight w/ empty mag: 33.86 oz
With w/ 15 round mag: 40.89 oz
Max effective range: 50 meters
Max range: 1800 meters
Mag: staggered, 15 round capacity
M16A4 Service Rifle
-Lightweight, gas operated, air cooled, magazine fed, shoulder fired weapon that can fire semi auto single shot or 3 round burst.
Caliber: 5.56mm
System of Operation: gas-operated, semi-automatic, 3 round burst
Length w/ Compensator: 39 5/8 in
Weight w/ 30 round mag: 8.79 lbs
Mechanical Features: Rifling, detachable carry handle integral accessory mounting rail adapter system
Max Effective Range: 550 meters point/800 meters area
Max Range: 3600 metes
Magazine: staggered, 30 rounds
M4 Carbine & M4A1 Carbine Service Rifle
-Lightweight, air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine fed, shoulder fired weapons that can be fired in full automatic mode, 3 round burst, or semi-automatic single shots.
Caliber: 5.56mm
Length: (Buttstock closed: 29.75in) or (Buttstock open: 33in)
Weight (w/ 30 round magazine): 7.5 lbs
Mechanical Features: Rifling, Detachable Carrying Handle Integral Accessory Mounting Rail Adapter SYstem
Max Effective Range: 500m point/600m area
Max Range: 3600m
Magazine: staggered, 30 round capacity
M4 Super 90 (M1014) Shotgun
Compact, lightweight, semiautomatic, 12 gauge semi-automatic weapon with fixed magazine tube.
Caliber: 12 gauge (18.4mm)
System of Ops: ARGO Twin System (Auto-Regulating Gas Operated) with dual gas system
Length: 39.8in extended buttstock or 34.9in buttstock collapsed
Weight (W/ 30 round mag): 8.79 lbs
Mechanical Features: Rifling, Detachable Carrying Handle Integral Accessory Mounting Rail Adapter System
Max Effective Range: Dependent on ammo used
Max Range: Dependent on ammo used
Magazine: 2.75-inch shells (7) or 3 inch shells (6)
M67 Grenade
Used to produce casualties by high velocity projection of fragment.
Weight: 14oz
Diameter: 2.5in
Filling: Composition B
Filling Weight: 6.5oz
Fuse: M214 Pyrotechnic (4.2 sec delay)
Fatality radius: 5 meters
Casualty radius: 15 meters
Max distance of fragments: 230 meters
M203 Grenade Launcher
Lightweight, single shot, breech loaded, pump action (sliding barrel), shoulder fired weapon attached to an M16A2 or M16A4.
Length of rifle & grenade launcher: 39 inches
Length of Barrel only: 12 in
Length of Rifling: 10 in
Wgt of launcher unloaded: 3.0lbs
Wgt of launcher loaded: 3.5lbs
Wgt of rifle & grenade launcher both fully loaded: 11lbs
Max Range: 400 meters
Max effective range: Fire team -> 350 meters/Vehicle or weapon->150 meters
Minimum safe firing range Training: 165 meters/ Combat: 31 meters
Minimum arming range: 14-38 meters
Rate of fire: 5-7 rounds per minute
M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon)
Gas operated, air-cooled, belt or magazine fed, automatic weapon that fires from the open-bolt position.
Wgt of SAW w/ bipod & tools: 17lbs
W/ 200 round drum: 23.92lbs
Length: 40.87in
Muzzle velocity ball ammo: 3,025 ft per seconds
Tracer ammo: 2,870 ft per second
Rifling: Standard right hand twist one turn in 7in
Ranges: Max - 3,600 meters
Max Effective Point: 800 meters
Area: 1,00 meters
Grazing Fire: 600 meters
Rates of fire, Sustained: 85 rounds per min, fired in 3-5 rounds burst, 4-5 sec between burst, no barrel changes.
Rapid: 200 rounds per min, fired in 6-8 round burst, 2-3 sec between burst, barrel change every 2 mins.
Cyclic: 850 rounds per min, continuous burst, barrel change every min.
M240G Machine Gun
Air cooled, belt fed, gas operated auto weapon that fired from the open bolt position.
Total Wgt: 45.6lbs
Wgt of Machine Gun: 25.6lbs
Wgt of Barrel: 6.6lbs
Wgt of spare barrel, case, and all SL-3 components: 12.90lbs
Wgt of tripod, complete w/ flex-mount including T&E mechanism: 20lbs
Length of machine gun: 49in
Ht of machine gun on tripod: 17in
Ranges Max: 3,725 meters
Max Effective: 1,800 meters
Grazing fire: 600 meters
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Rates of fire:
Sustained: 100 rounds per min fired in 6-8 round bursts 4-5 secs between bursts, barrel change every 10 mins.
Rapid: 300 rounds per min fired in 10-12 round bursts 2-3 secs between burst barrel change every 2 mins.
Cyclic: 650-950 rounds per min continuous burst barrel change every minute depending on gas settings.
M2 50 CAL Machine Gun
Belt fed, recoil operated, air cooled, crew served machine gun capable of single shot as well as automatic fire.
Total system wt: 128 lbs
Wgt of receiver: 60 lbs
Wgt of barrel: 24 lbs
Wgt of tripod mount M3: 44 lbs
Length of gun: 65in
Length of Barrel: 45in
-Max M2 Ball: 7,400M
-Max Effective: 1,830M
-Grazing Fire: 700M
-Caliber: 50 Cal
Rate of fire
-Sustained: 40 rounds or less per minute
-Rapid: More than 40 rounds per minute
-Cyclic: 450-550 rounds per minute
MK19 Machine Gun
Self powered, air cooled, belt fed, blowback operated weapon designed to deliver accurate, intense, and decisive firepower.
Gun: 75.6lbs
Cradle (MK64 Mod 5): 2lbs
Tripod: 44lbs
Total Wt: 140.6lbs
Length of gun: 43.1in
Max M2 Ball range: 2,212
Max effective: 1500m (point)
Grazing fire: 2,212m area target
Boar diameter: 40mm
Muzzle velocity: 790 ft per sec
Rates of Fire
Sustained: 40 rounds or less per minute
Rapid: 60 rounds per minute
Cyclic: 325-375 rounds per minute
Rifle Combat Optic (RCO)
Lightweight, rugged, fast and accurate 4 power optical scope designed to provide enhanced target identification.
Objective lenses: 32mm
Magnification: 4x
Eye relief: 1.5in
Exit pupil: 8mm
Field of View: 7 degrees
Length: 7.8in
Wgt: 1.004lbs
Waterproof: 66ft
Tritium: 0.1 curies
Day reticle color: red
Night reticle color: red