First half of Chapter 5 Flashcards
What are the names of Four Broad categories of tissues?
Epithelial tissues, connective tussues, nervous tissue, muscular tissues.
What is Histology?
The study of tissues.
How do the four broad categories differ?
Variations on the types of functions of their cells. Characteristics of the matrix. Relative amount of space occupied by cells versus matrix.
Define Matrix?
It is compose of fibrous proteins, clear gel called ground substance.
Three primary germ layers?
Ectoderm(outer) -gives rise to epidermis and nervous system.
Endoterm (inner) -gives rise to mucous membrane lining digestive and other things
Mesoderm(middle)- becomes gelatinous tissue called mesenchyme
What is the problem with inspecting tissue?
It depends on how you slice it. longitudinal, cross-sectional and oblique. Meaning axis, cross section, cross and longitudinal.
What are Epithelial Tissue?
Epithelial are sheets of closely adhering cells, on or more cells . Mostly cell, very little matrix. Skin lining of the mouth intestines etc. All epithetical tissue. lining or covering. Protects and excretes waste.
Basement membrane
Layer between an epithelium and underlying connective tissue.
What is basal surface and apical surface?
Basal surface is surface of epithelial cell facing the basement membrane.
Apical surface is surface of epithelial cell that faces away from the basement membrane.
What is simple epithelia ?
Contains one layer of cells, named by the shape, ALL CELLS touch basement membrane.
What is stratified epithelia ?
Contain more than one layer named by the apical cells, some cells rest on top of others and do not touch basement membrane. (like building with bricks)
What are four types of epithelia with only one layer of cells.
Simple squamous(thin and scaly) Simple cuboidal(square and round cell) Simple columnar(tall, narrow cell) Pseudostratified columnar(falsely appears stratified,Every cell reaches the basement membrane.
Goblet cells?
Wineglass shaped, mucus-secreting cells in simple columnar and pseudostratified epithelia.
Simple Epithelia: Simple squamous
Simple squamous: Permits rapid diffusion or transport of substances, secretes serous fluid because they are thin. Connective tissues is always below basement tissue
Simple Epithelia: Simple cuboidal
Simple cuboidal:Single layer of square or round cells. Absorption and secretion, mucus production and movement.