final exam- exam 4 notes Flashcards
what drugs effect hemostasis?
Coumadin, asprin, NSAIDS, warfarin
what are the three P’s involved in diabetes mellitus?
polydipsia- excessive thirst and fluid intake
polyuria- excessive urination
polyphagia- excessive appatite
what is hyperparathyroidism characterized by?
hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and abnormal bone metabolism
what is the most severe form of polystatic fibrous dysplasia?
Albrights syndrome
accumulation of acid in the body resulting from the accumulation of ketone bodies
this identifies the VIRUS rather than antibody and thereby enables the ID of the infection earlier
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
decrease in the number of platelets in circulating blood
this is a decrease in WBC
what anibody tests are used to determined infection of HIV?
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (must have 2 positive of these) and western blot test
how are blood disorders determined?
by a complete blood count- series of tests that examines RBC, WBC and platelets
what fluoride is used with dental implants?
neutral sodium
used to determine disc position (injection of contrast medium and then radiography of a joint)
what are oral complications of diabetes mellitus?
candidiasis, xerostomia, accentuated response to plaque, gingiva is hyperplastic, periodontal disease, mobility, early tooth loss, slow wound healing, abc medication
what is the normal PTT time?
25-40 seconds
this is a chronic form of polycythemia that occurs in middle aged white men under physiologic stress, mildly overweight, hypertensive, and heavy smokers
stress polycythemia
this is patchy RL and RO on radiograph and reffered to as cotton or wool
pagets disease
how do you diagnosis anemia?
lab test of low serum vitamin b12 levels, gastric achlorida, megoblastic anemia
what are ideal properties of dental implant?
high strength, maximal inertness and ability to bend (ductility)
this is a deficiency of intrinsic factor
pernicious anemia
what is the normal bleeding time?
1-6 minutes
muscle pain
this causes the blood PH to be lowered
how must an implant be cleaned?
with a plastic instrument
a joint
this is the most common form of leukemia and accounts for about 1/4 of all cases of leukemia
chronic lymphocytic leukemia
what are some adverse effects of radiation therapy?
develop mucositis
rampant decay
what is the deficiency of vitamin D in children?
listening to sounds within the body
this is an excessive number of abnormal WBC in circulating blood
this is a disease present in women before age 30 and is a result of abnormal hemoblgobin in RBC
Sickle cell anemia
this type of anemia is when bone marrow failure is a result of drug or chemical agent
secondary aplastic anemia
extrinsic factor is necessary for absorption of?
vitamin B12- needed for DNA synthesis
what is the normal WBC count?
what are characteristics of dental implants?
must be biocompatible, made of titanium
a dry, crackling sound
what are the non surgical treatments of TMD?
pharmacologic pain relief(analgesics, muscle relaxants, and pain relivers)
physical therapy (ultra sound, warm heat, spraying and stretching of muscles, and jaw excersise)
mandibular splints (bite guard)
method of evaluating a joint involving the insertion of small cannulas along with a camera and instruments to a joint
another term for platelet
this is a complete removal of damaged disc with TMD?
this type of anemia has an unkown cause
primary aplastic anemia
this type of polycythemia occurs in men 40-60 years and is a neoplastic proliferation of bone marrow stem cells that results in an abnormally high number of circulating rbc
polycythemia vera (primary)
this is a marked reduction in circulating neutrophils and wbc falls less than 1,000
this is excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone
increase in the total RBC mass in the blood
what are the two types of dental implants?
endossesous (osseointegrated)
disc shaped structure found in the blood… for blood coagulation
this is the most common type of hemophelia and caused by a deficiency of plasma thromboplastinogen (factor VIII)
TYPE A hemophelia
what is the normal PT time?
11-16 seconds