final exam- exam 1 notes Flashcards
attached by stem like or stalk base (mushroom)
all are benign except the following which are malignant?
melanoma, sarcoma, carcinoma, lymphoma and multiple myleoma
localized swelling of tissue due to edema accompanied by severe itchin
this is common In black women in the third decade of life (60’s), asymptomatic and the teeth are vital where anteriors are usually affected
periapical cemental dysplasia
grinding and clenching of teeth together for nonfunctional purposes
this is alteration in the environment causing tissue damage.. physical, chemical, microorganisms and nutrition deficiencies
PAP can be diagnoses from what category?
this is the bodys final defense mechanism in its attempt to restore injured tissue to its original state
the bodys response to an injury
containing or forming pus
movement of wbc’s to area of injury
this system releases of histamine from mast cells
complement system
what is found with an elevated serum alkaline phosphatase level?
pagets disease
base of a lesion that is flat or broad instead of stem like
this is the bread and butter of diagnosis and is using all of the steps for the final diagnosis
differential diagnosis
chronic rubbing of mucosa resulting in a thickened mucosa that appears white
disuse areas of desquamatation of filiform papillae, erythematous patches well defined broder of white or yellow.. benign migratory glossitis
geographic tongue
this is a lesion containing multinucleated giant cells which occurs in women less than thirty years old and is located on the gingiva or alveolar ridge
peripheal giant cell granuloma
ill defined or spread out
pathologic wearing away of tooth structure that results from repetitive mechanical habit or tooth brush
sessile nodule on the gingival margin of the lingual aspect of mandibular canines
retrocuspid papilla
small circumscribed lesion usually less than 1 CM in diameter elevated above surface of normal tissue
one compartment or unit that is well defined
inflammatory fluid of serum proteins and leukocytes (pus)
this is caused by an ill fitting denture and is located in the vestibule area adjacent to the flange of the denture
epulis fissuratum
lesion occurs at corner of mouth thought to be candidial orgin and is responsive to vitamin therapy
angular chelitis
this provides sufficient information to establish a diagnosis
radiographic diagnosis
these become pacrophages after emigration.. 3-8% of population
eating disorder of food binges followed by self induced vomiting
suffix denoting inflammation (pulpitis, gingivitis, etc.)
enlargement of tissue or organ due to an increase in the size of the cell, not the number of cells
this is wearing away of tooth structure during mastication
paleness of skin or mucosa
excessive proliferation of chronically inflamed dental pulp tissue
pulp polyp
increase in bulk of free and attached gingiva
gingival hyperplasia
this is thyroid tissue that has become entrapped in the tissues of the tongue, more common in females and located as a mass in the midline of dorsal of tongue in the area of the foramen caecum
lingual thyroid nodule
what are the cardinal signs of inflammation?
redness, heat, swelling, pain and loss of normal tissue function
these are clusters of ectopic sebaceous glands on the lips and buccal mucosa
Fordyce granules
prominent veins located on the ventral/lateral surfaces of tongue in older individuals
lingual varicosities
gives color to skin, eyes, hair, mucosa, and gingiva
this is a developmental anomaly that is bilateral, well circumscribed and entrapped salivary gland tissues
lingual mandibular bone concavity (stafnes bone cyst)
short duration, arises quickly
this is a mucocele in the floor of the mouth with the appearance of a frogs belly
this is 60-70% of wbc population
neutrophils (PMN’s)
torus palatinus is an example of
this type of diagnosis is based on appearance of a lesion, and can establish based up on color, shape, location, and history
excess of blood in part of the body
temporary increase in number of wbc circulating in the blood
non specific response to injury and occurs in the same manner regardless of nature of injury
torus mandibularis located on the lingual aspect of the mandible
mandibular tori
ingestion and digestion of a foreign substance by cells (macrophages)
this is the main component of a definitive diagnosis and use of biopsy specimen
microscopic diagnosis
abnormal multiplication or increase in the number of normal cells
wrinkled (tin roof)
these are also called Polymorphonuclear leukocyte
most common cyst in oral region…
radicular PA
red (erythematous), white, pink
this is flat or slightly raised oval or rectangular erythematous area in the middle of dorsal surface of tongue has devoid filiform papillae
median rhmobid glossitis
the adhearance of wbc’s to the endothelial cells lining an injured blood vessel
this is a salivary gland stone or calcification
this is when the filliform papillae becomes elongated and appear white, yellow, black or brown
hairy tongue
this eliminates injurious agents, contains injuries and heals defects
bluish gray lesion resulting from entrapment of amalgam particles into the tissue, can see on xray
amalgam tattoo
passage of wbc through endothelial wall of small blood vessels
chemical mediators causing directional movement of wbc’s
another term for dry socket
alveolar osteitis
usually bilateral white line on buccal mucosa along the occlusal plane that is prominent with bruxism or clenching
linea alba
this is a B-complex deficiency and is cracking at the corners of the mouth
angular chelitis
this is an abscess, cyst or granuloma that cannot be determined on an x-ray
periapical pathosis (PAP)
this is injury whereby there is loss of tissue and the edges of the injury cannot be joined during healing
healing by secondary intention
area distinguished by color differentiation from adjacent tissue; flat (freckles)
feeling of area with fingers (soft, firm, semifirm, fluid filled)
various sized round elevations containing pus
loss of tooth structure resulting from chemical action
having a fluid or water consistency relates to serum
restoration of damaged or diseased tissue