final exam- exam 2 notes Flashcards
this is an infection caused by filamentous bacterium of actinomyces israelli
this fungal disease is associated with bird droppings
this disease has a classic triad of symptoms, occurs in children less than 5 years
hand schuller Christian disease
also called thrush
this is very similar to BMMP, occurs in older patients over 60 years..
bullous phemphigoid
dry mouth
this form of TB has involvement of the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes
this is the union of two separate teeth… one crown two roots
formation of enamel
this affects salivary and lacrimal glands a side effect is xerostomia
sjogrens syndrome
lymph organ in chest that produces t lymphocytes
this type of syphilis has an oral lesion known as a chancre.. highly infectious and forms at site where spirochete enters body
bulls teeth.. long pulp chamber and short roots
what is the most common type of phemphigus?
phemphigus vulagris
this has an oral lesion of a mucous patch.. this is about six weeks after pimrary lesion appears.. diffuse eruptions of skin and mucous membranes
secondary syphylis
this is eye involvement or abnormal visual intolerance to light
this is the joining of two teeth by the cementum
this has a bulls eye or target skin lesion
erythema multiforme
what are the classifications of impactions
this viral infection causes infectious mononucelus
Epstein barr
this is when a pustule develops after needle puncture … oral ulcers are very similar to apthous ulcers
beches syndrome
hypersensitive state acquired through exposure to an allergen
well defined pear shaped radiolucency formed between roots of max lateral incisor or canine
glubomaxillary cyst
the superficial layer of epithelium sloughs off when firm, sliding manual pressure is applied
nicosky’s sign
where are minor apthous ulcers located?
moveable mucosa
what is shyphilis caused by?
treponema pallidum
this type of herpes has genital lesions
type two
this is acquired via vaccination and considered immunized
active immunity
dry eyes
this is when the enamel and dentin is very thin, extremely large pulp chambers
ghost teeth
this cyst develops in place of a tooth
primordial cyst
formation of cementum
this is the most common developmental cyst
radicular cyst
this is caused by a fusiform bacillus and spirochete (borrelia vincentti)
what is the drug of choice to treat syphyllis?
this is when the enamel doesn’t mature and calcify.. appears chalky white
enamel hypocalcification
inflammation of the bone
this stimulates wbc population growth
accessory cusp located in the area of the cingulum
talon cusp
this has a gumma which is a firm mass that eventually becomes a ulcer found on tongue and palate.. occurs after initial infection if treatment has not been giben
tertiary syphlis
this type of hypersensitivity is responsible for the rejection of tissue grafts/ transplanted organs
type IV cell mediated
this involves the production of antibodies or b lymphocytes
humoral response
this type of herpes has oral lesions
type one
what Is the most common treatment of candidiasis?
this has a striae called wickhams striae?
lichen planus
this is benign mucous membrane phemphigoid or BMMP.. has gingival lesions termed?
desquamative gingivits
disease caused by a microorganism that does not ordinarily cause a disease but becomes pathogenic under certain circumstances
opportunistic infection
this causes hairy leukoplakia
Epstein barr
administered by injection
opportunistic infection
this is a classic butterfly rash occurs across bridge of the nose and some on finger tips
systemic lupus erythematous
immunity predominated by t lymphocytes
cell mediated immunity
infection herpes that involves the distal phalanx of a finger
which ganglion is the herpes virus dormant in?
what is the most common position for impaction
this refers to tooth development and occurs during the fifth week of embryonic life
this increases the functioning of b lymphocytes and enhances the antibody response
t helper cell
what is the most severe form of erythema multiforme?
stevens Johnson syndrome
formation of dentin
this virus causes chicken pox and shingles
varicella zoster virus
what factors cause enamel hypolasia
amelogensis imperfect, febrile illness, vitamin deficienct, local infection of primary tooth, enamel fluorosis, congential syphlisis, mulberry molar, birth injury
abnormal bend or curve in the root
this is the most common type of candidiasis affecting the oral mucosa
chronic atrophic candidiasis
what are the most commonly congenital missing teeth?
3 molars, max lateral incsiors, mand 2 premolar
this type of immunity involves t lymphocytes and macrophages
cell mediated immune response
allergic reaction causing the relase of vasoactive substances such as histamine…causes respiratory distress
what is it when a patient has a reaction to latex on their hands?
contact dermitis
mucosal inflammation
antibody that reacts against an antigenic constituent of a persons own body
this is located within the incisive foramen and appears as well defined radiolucency at the apex od the central incisors
nasopalatine duct cyst
this is known as a vascular lesion
aneurysmal bone cyst