Exam 1 (Lecture 3) Flashcards
occurs as a result of an obstruction of a salivary gland duct or infection, painful swelling involved, diagnosis is determined by injecting radiopaque dye into the gland (sialography)
this lesion containing multinucleated giant cells/vascularized CT, occurs only in jaws
-giant cell granuloma-
peripheral GCG- Occurs on gingival or alveolar process, women..excision
Central GCG- Occurs in bone on max/mand children/young adults, excision
1. destructive-displacement of teeth
brown lesion
this type of burn comes from a cavity-sterilizing/cauterizing agent and causes whitening of area/ulcer if not removed quickly
phenol burn
this usually occurs with children who have bitten or chewed a live electric cord or inserted something into an electric socket, can also be food burns, cheek or tongue biting, or self induced fingernail gouging
electric burn
this is also known as condensing ostetitis, and is a change in bone near the apex thought to be a reaction to low grade infection..radioapque area extending below roots of involved tooth and there is no treatment
- Focal Sclerosing Osteomyelitis-
mand. 1st molar most common tooth affected
dense bone with little marrow or CT
usually associated with carious tooth or large restoration
young adults
normal physiologic pigmentation of oral mucosa, most common in afro americans
2 types; oral melanotic macule, smokers melanosis
this is a form of denture stomatitis.. the palatal mucosa is covered by multiple erythematous papillary projections and is associated with a denture or partial ortho. appliance, surgical removal
papillary hyperplasia
pigmentation associated with smoking..
smokers melanosis
- anterior labial gingival
- women more than men
this is a dry socket from post op complication of tooth extraction, loss of blood clot exposing bone which becomes infected, pain, bad taste and odor.. for treatment you need to irrigate/pack socket/ rinse with peroxide and warm salt water
alveolar osteoitis
this benign lesion on hard palate associated with smoking, usually a pipe or cigar.. heavy smoker, hyperkeratinosis with presence of raised red dots seen at openings to minor salivary glands
nicotine stomatitis
this is a lesion caused by injury to a peripheral nerve, it is painful, most commonly found at mental foramen, and surgical excision is the treatment
traumatic neuroma
this is composed of a purulent exduates surrounded by CT containing neutrophils and lymphocytes, tooth associated with abcess is painful and can be slightly extruded, establish draiange with extraction or root canal
periapical abcess
true cyst consisting of pathologic cavity lined with epithelium
most common cyst in oral region
most symptomatic found on xray
root canal, extraction, or apicoectomy
well circumscribed rl at site of extraction
radicular (PA) cyst
excessive proliferation of chronically inflamed dental pulp tissue, large carious lesions, occurs in young children, red or pink nodule of tissue that often fills the entire cavity in the tooth, must be extracted or root canal
pulp polyp
salivary gland stone, precipitation of calcium salts around a central core, can cause obstruction of gland
this is a lesion that forms when a salivary gland duct is severed and the mucous secretion spills into the adjacent connective tissue, cyst like structure, most common site is the lower lip, increase and decrease in size of time
mucous retention cysts-results from obstruction of duct (50 yrs +)
ranula- mucocele in floor of mouth (frog belly appearance), has to be cut out
common occuring intraoral lesion chracterized by proliferation of connective tissue containing blood vessels/inflammatory cells, response to injury..sessile or pedunculated
-Pyogenic granuloma-
ulcerated, soft to palpatation, bleeds easily, deep red to purple,
occurs on gingiva, develops rapidly
occurs in pregnant women -pregnancy tumors
surgical excision
usually on 1 tooth is affected with this.. associated with inflammatory response in the pulp.. radiographically- round to ovid RL area in central portion of RO
treatment is root canal unless perforation then extraction
internal root resorption
degeneration of tissues of lips due to over exposure to sun, may also be derived “angular chelitis” at corners of mouth, strong link to basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma.. use sun block to prevent
solar chelitis
this is hyperkeratinosis associated with the use of chewing tobacco
-tobacco chewers-
snuff dipper-muccobuccal fold
increase risk of cavities, perio disease, attrition and staining
“FIBROMA”, broad based, persistant exophytic lesion composed of dense, scar like, CT
Occurs as a result of chronic trauma
most <1cm
surgically removed
irritation fibroma.. most common mass on gingiva
this injury results from some type of trauma..persistent trauma can lead to a hard, raised lesion known as a traumatic granuloma
-traumatic ulcer-
healing within 7-14 days (if trauma is removed)
if not healed in 2 weeks, have biopsy to rule out cancer
what are the responses caused by caries or trauma?
chronic hyperplastic pupitis
necrosis of dental pulp
this is a flat, bluish-gray lesion resulting from entrapment of amalgam particles into the tissue, most commonly found on gingival or endentulous ridge.. particles can be seen on an xray
amalgam tattoo
benign condition of gland characterized by painful, swelling/ulceration in area.. usually at junction of hard and soft palate
necrotizing sialometaplasia
this occurs with giant cell granuloma.. bone lesion identical to CGCG with pts/ who have hyperparathyroidism
brown lesion
this type results with lesions located at the midline of hard palate varying from ulcers to keratonic to exophylic reactive lesions and caused by smoking crack
cocaine use
flat, well circumscribed brown lesion of unknown etiology
oral melanotic macule
this appears as slight raggedness or blunting of the apex and can proceed to severe loss of tooth root structure, generalized root resorption associated with ortho
external root resportion
this localized mass of chronic granulation tissue forming at opening of pulp canal at apex of non vital tooth root, chracterized by epithelial rests of malassez.. must be extracted or root canal
periapical granuloma
This occurs when patient places aspirin beside a tooth with a tooth ache..tissue becomes necrotic/white, sloughes off leaving ulcer
-Aspirin burn-
ulcer heals in 7-21 days
this white raised line forms on the buccal mucosa at the occlusal plane.. results from clenching
linea alba
What are some injuries that can occur from the soft tissue?
aspirin burn phenol burn electric burn cocaine use traumatic ulcer frictional keratosis linea alba nicotine stomatitis tobacco chewers traumatic neuroma amalgam tattoo melanosis solar chelitis mucocele necrotizing sialometaplasia sialolith sialadentitis pyogenic granuloma giant cell granuloma irritation fibroma epulis fissuratum papillary hyperplasia gingival hyperplasia
caused by an ill fitting denture and is located in the vestibule along denture border, elongated folds of tissue, excise and form a new dentur
epulis fissaratum
this is an increase in bulk of the free/attached gingiva, esp. the interdental papilla, no stippling and rounded margins, must do biopsy to rule out cancer, treated with gingivectomy
gingival hyperplasia
this can also be known as hyperkeratosis or chronic rubbing or friction against the mucosa resulting in a thickening of the keratin on the surface..similar to callous on the skin. opaque-white appearance and represents a protective response
-frictional keratosis-
biopsy if questionable
what are the causes of gingival hypeplasia?
local irritants- plaque, calculus
horomonal chances
drugs- dilantin(phenytoin); procardia (CCB); cyclosporin