FINAL EXAM Flashcards
transverse ligament of the atlas
prevents anterior displacement of the atlas and skull on C2 and lower vertebrae
posterior longitudinal ligament
prevents hyperflexion of spine
alar ligaments
connect dens to skull
nuchal ligament
connects spinous processes to nuchal lines
anterior longitudinal ligaments
prevents hyperextension of spine
hangmans fracture
bilateral fracture of posterior arch of C@ with anterior subluxation of C2 on C3 - from hyperextension
clay shoveler fracture
tip of spinous process C6-T1
Jefferson fracture
compression fracture of C1 anterior or posterior arch - lateral masses split and transverse ligament tears
pretracheal space
between pretracheal fasica and trachea
retropharyngeal space
between retropharyngeal and alar fascia
danger space
between alar and prevertebral fascia
internal jugular vein formed by joining of…
posterior auricular vein and retromandibular vein
platysma muscle innervated by….
cervical branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
trapezius muscle innervated by….
spinal accessory nerve - CN XI
sternocleidomastoid innervated by….
spinal accessory nerve - CN XI
shortening of SCM or excessive stretching during childbirth
borders of posterior triangle
trapezius, SCM, clavicle (omohyoid splits occipital triangle and supraclavicular triangle)
nerves present in the nerve point of the neck
greater auricular, lesser occipital, supraclavicular nerves, transverse cervical, spinal accessory
list nerves of cervical plexus
lesser occipital - C2,C3 greater auricular - C2, C3 transverse cervical - C2, C3 supraaclavicular - C3, C4 phrenic - C3, C4, C5
cutaneous innervation of the head
from trigeminal nerve (CN V) and from C2-C4
arteries coming off of subclavian
internal thoracic, thyrocervical trunk (inferior thyroid, transverse cervical, suprascapular), vertebral, costocervical (deep cervical, intercostal)
nerves in suboccipital region
great occipital (C2 dorsal ramus), suboccipital (C1 dorsal ramus, least occipital (C3)
triangles of the anterior neck
mental triangle, submandibular triangle, muscular triangle, carotid triangle (SCM, omohyoid, digastric, mandible are major borders)
contents of submental triangle
between two anterior bellies of digastric, contains lymph nodes and small veins
contents of muscular triangle
contains infrahyoid muscles and anterior jugular veins and jugular venous arch
suprahyoid muscles
mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric
infrahyoid muscles
thyrohyoid, sternohyoid, omohyoid
innervation of anterior belly of digastric and mylohyoid
nerve to mylohyoid (branch of CN V3)
innervation of sylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric
supplied by branches of facial nerve (CN VII)
line that connects mylohyoid muscles
geniohyoid muslce action
pulls hyoid antero-superiorly
nerve to mylohyoid is a motor branch of ….
the inferior alveolar nerve from V3
innervation of the infrahyoid muscles comes from
ansa cervicalis
structures that ansa cervicalis supplies
sternohyoid, omohyoid (sup. belly), sternohyoid and omohyoid (inf. belly), sternothyroid
C1 branch reaches thyrohyoid and geniohyoid by piggybacking on which nerve
innervation to geniohyoid and thyrohyoid
C1 via hypoglassal
facial nerve supplies which muscles
post. belly of digastric and stylohyoid
nerve to mylohyoid supplies which muscles
mylohyoid and ant. belly of digastric (branch of inferior alveolar nerve from CN V3)
C1 via hypolassal supplies which msucles
thyrohyoid and geniohyoid
common carotid splits at level of…
upper edge of thyroid cartilage
branches of external carotid
Superior thyroid Ascending pharyngeal Lingual Facial Occipital Posterior auricular Superficial temoral MAXillary
external carotid artery supplies everything outside dura mater except…
anterior forehead, from internal carotid artery from supraorbital, a branch of ophthalmic artery
arterial circle of Willis
vertebral, basilar, posterior cerebral, posterior communicating, internal carotid, middle cerebral, anterior cerebral
carotid body and sinus are supplied by
carotid sinus nerve, from CN IX - glossopharyngeal nerve
sympathetic chain lies _______ carotid sheath
thyroid veins
superior and middle come from internal jugular, inferior from subclavian
where frontal, parietal, greater wing of spherion and temporal bones meet, lies above middle meningeal artery
mandibular foarmen is entrance for ……
inferior alveolar nerve
membranes that bridge over sutures in early life
lambdoid suture
join occipital and parietal bones
metopic suture
join two halves of frontal bone
premature fusion of sutures
scaphoncephaly - closure of sagittal suture
oxycephaly - closure of coronal suture
infratemporal fossa
bounded medially by lateral pterygoid plate, anteriorly by maxilla, posteriorly by occipital bone, superiorly by base of skull
nerve located in infratemporal fossa
the trunk of V3
foramen in front of the skull
supraorbital - suprorbital nerve from V1
infraorbital - infraorbital nerve from V2
mental - mental nerve from V3
superior orbital fissure
transmits branches of the ophthalmic nerve (V1) - also CN III, IV, VI