Clinical Correlates: Exam 1 Flashcards
Saphenous cutdown
Use the saphenous vein to insert a catheter near the medial malleolus of the foot
Varicose veins
When valves of saphenous and perforating veins fail to function correctly, retrograde flow into superficial veins
Femoral hernia
When the intestines push through a weakness in the femoral canal, resulting in a direct inguinal hernia
Trendelenburg test
Injury to superior gluteal nerve - Gluteus medius/minimus work to pull hip down on supported side to lift leg off the ground. An abnormal case will not be able to pull hip up and leg will be dragging on unsupported side. Treat by giving a cane on the unaffected side.
Piriformis syndrome
compression of sciatic nerve by the piriformis, pain extends along the sciatic nerve and is worse when sitting (aka fat wallet syndrome)
Lumbar lordosis
hamstrings usually pull down on pelvis, tilting it superiorly to prevent it from falling forward, weak hamstrings allow hip flexors to pull pelvis anteriorly (tight hamstrings can cause flatback)
Hamstring pull
avulsion of hamstring tendon from ischial tuberosity
Iliotibial tract syndrome
inflammation of the IT tract causing pain on the lateral knee (from rubbing against lateral chondyle during flexion and extension)
also from excessive pronation that increases internal rotation of tibia, increasing friction
Gluteal injections
Inject in area between ASIS and ilial crest to avoid hitting sciatic nerve (upper lateral quadrant)
Lower back pain, with pain radiating down the leg and to the foot, from herniated disc, spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome or hematoma
Popliteal artery aneurysm
pain behind the knee, edema in lower leg and foot, foot pain, can cause embolism and occlusion
Popliteal (Baker’s) cyst
herniation of synovial membrane of knee joint or distension of gastroc or semimembranosus bursae into popliteal fossa
Compartment syndrome
Increased pressure in a compartment - causes pain, paresthesia, pallor, paralysis and pulselessness, treated by releasing the pressure quickly (fasciotomy)
Achilles tendon rupture
Happens during dorsiflexion and extension of leg
Calcaneal tendon reflex
If absent, injury to S1 or S2, also have decreased sensation and weak plantarflexion of foor
Shin splints
microfractures in the tibia from extensor muscles of the anterior compartment
Stress fracture of the tibia
overuse causes injuries on bone, load exceeds ability to repair bone
Drop foot
damage to the deep peroneal nerve, results in inability to dorsiflex foot, loss of sensation in first web space, patients walk with high steppage gait
Pes planus
flat foot, from posterior tibial tendon dysfunction of spring ligament laxity - overpronation (eversion) and abduction of feet
High ankle sprain
sprain of the ligaments that join the tibia and fibula (anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligaments)
Low ankle sprain
tearing of deltoid ligaments on medial side of ankle (occurs when foot is inverted and plantar flexed) - more here
trimalleolar fracture
foot is everted and strong medial (deltoid) ligament breaks the medial malleolus - talus breaks free and breaks lateral malleolus - tibia breaks free and breaks at posterior distal end