Clinical correlates: Exam 3 Flashcards
gastro-esophageal reflux disease, results from low LES sphincter tone, can lead to Barrett’s esophagus
Hiatal hernias
sliding hernia - common in GERD, weak right crus
paraesophageal hernia - normal Z line, but portion of stomach herniates through hiatus, can lead to stragulation
living donor liver transplant
either lobe, as much as 70% can be removed without complications, will regrow to original size
cirrhosis (causes)
alcohol abuse, hepatic infection, autoimmune disease, industrial solvents
presentation of cirrhosis
hobnail appearance, splecnomegaly (from portal hypertension, and ascites
presentation of cirrhosis
hobnail appearance, splecnomegaly (from portal hypertension, and ascites
Four locations of portal hypertension manifestations
esophageal varicies, intestinal varicies and bleeding, hemorrhoids, or caput medusa
gall stone complications
cholecytitis, jaundice, pancreatitis, cholecystoenteric fistula