Clinical Correlates: Exam 2 Flashcards
rib dislocation
sternocostal joint
rib separation
costo-chondral joint
common cause of chest pain in children and adolescents
flail chest
multiple rib fractures, during inspiration negative intrapleural pressure causes ribs to be suck inward and mediastinum shifts to opposite side, reverse happens during expiration
cervical rib
an extra rib, can cause compression of the brachial artery, compression of lower brachical plexus, causing weakness in hand (ulnar nerve)
thoracic outlet syndrome
from the presence of cervical rib, due to compression of brachial plexus or subclavian artery, structures are entrapped between cervical rib and scalenus muscle
pectus excavatum
funnel chest
pectus carinatum
pigeon chest
herpes zooster
shingles, often presents in dermatomal pattern, arises in dorsal root ganglia and travels down nerve axons to cause infection
coarctation of aorta
collateral circulation involving internal thoracic and intercostal arteries occurs, may result in rib notching
inflammation of the pleura, pain during breathing, coughing or sneezing, cause by infections, penumothorax, pulmonary embolism, or lung cancer
pleural rub
sign of pleurisy
pleural effusion
build up of fluid in pleural space usually in the costodiaphragmatic recess
gas or air in the pleural space, from lung conditions or trauma
pulmonary blebs
cause of spontaneous pneumothorax, weakened outpouches of the lungs
tension pneumothorax
air enters but cant be expelled, significant problems with respirations, increase HR and rapid breathing
pulmonary embolism
difficulty breathing, chest pain, low blood oxygen, cyanosis, rapid breathing/HR
water bottle silohuette
suggestive of pericardial effusion
cardiac tamponade
an acute pericardial effusion
Becks triad
- muffled heart sounds due to blood insulation, weakened beat
- jugular distension due to reduced venous return
- low arterial pressure due to reduced stroke volume/cardiac output
tap at left xiphosternal angle (or 5/6 intercostal space)
coronary artery disease
damage of coronary arteries from atherosclerotic plaque
CAD repurfusion strategies
- coronary artery collateralization (new capillary growth)
- reverse blood flow in thebesian veins under low perfusion conditions
- endogenous bypass via vasa vasorum
graft options for coronary bypass
great saphenous, internal thoracic artery, radial artery