Final Flashcards
[THEORY] change occurs because the child repeats increasingly complex behavior to obtain rewards and avoids poor behavior to avoid negative outcomes.
[THEORY] mental and behavior change depends on interaction with teachers and peers willing to scaffold and guide a child through instruction and play.
[THEORY] uses a computer model to understand a child’s mental activity, the focus is on memory capacity, reasoning strategies and evaluating outcomes.
Information Processing
[THEORY] development is driven by unconscious inner dynamics beginning in infancy and childhood.
[THEORY] development is a process of active creation of schemas and working models to understand objects as well as people.
Cognitive Developmental
[THEORY] social development relates to self-concept and self- esteem and hinges on our personal choices and taking responsibility for those choices.
The statement: A child who has trouble sitting still in the classroom and therefore difficulty learning is likely distracted by inner unconscious issues like fear of abandonment. reflects _______________ theory
a. Psychodynamic
b. Information Processing
c. Sociocultural
d. Humanist
The statement: A child with a poor self-concept and low self-esteem will not take responsibility for their learning. reflects the perspective of a _______________ psychologist.
a. Psychodynamic
b. Information Processing
c. Sociocultural
d. Humanist
The statement: Learning relates to how you mentally organize your experience, the schemas you create are what you use to understand your world. is most reflective of the ideas behind __________ theory.
a. Cognitive developmental
b. Information Processing
c. Sociocultural
d. Behaviorist
Cognitive developmental
The statement: Learning relates to available data, selection of problem solving strategies and available memory space is most reflective of the ideas behind __________________ theory.
a. Cognitive developmental
b. Information Processing
c. Sociocultural
d. Behaviorist
Information Processing
The statement: “The best learning comes from group projects where students work together and communicate what they learn to each other.” is most reflective of _________________ theory.
a. Humanist
b. Information Processing
c. Sociocultural
d. Psychodynamic
[THEORY-NAME] would give Sally a positive consequence each time she performs a action and Sally would become more socially skilled.
[THEORY-NAME] would find peers willing to play with and guide Sally to act in a more socially skilled manner through play activities.
[THEORY-NAME] would analyze conflicts formed in her infancy and childhood and enable to express these fears and reduce her unconscious anxiety.
[THEORY-NAME] suggest that if Sally is shy in school, consider the context and evaluate Sally in multiple contexts before labeling her introverted.
[THEORY-NAME] would look at Sally’s need states and if she is meeting her needs for safety and security, then work on needs for belonging and self-esteem.
[THEORY-NAME] would analyze Sally’s inner sense of initiative and guilt or her feelings of industry and inferiority to explain her introverted nature.
[THEORY-NAME] would ask questions to better understand Sally’s friendship schemas and attachment models in order to explain her introversion
Diane has temper tantrums. ___________ would get her to talk and then analyze how her Ego is coping by releasing unconscious Id aggression through tantrums.
a. Skinner
b. Freud
c. Piaget
d. Erikson
If you want a child to have self-control _____________ warns you not to “give in” to a tantrum because this is a positive consequence which increases the likelihood that the child will have more tantrums and less self-control.
a. Piaget
b. Bandura
c. Maslow
d. Skinner
________________ suggests that Paul is simply imitating his mother, his mother was unsure of herself and hesitant about caregiving so now Paul is unsure of himself and hesitant about change.
a. Piaget
b. Bandura
c. Maslow
d. Skinner
The teacher’s states that Torrence needs to learn social skills and she intends to apply __________ ‘s theory, specifically rewarding Torrance every time he demonstrates a prosocial behavior.
a. Skinner
b. Bronfenbrenner
c. Vygotsky
d. Erikson
Torrence’s mother was confused by the teacher’s assessment because her son’s social skills were adequate when he was tested at the university. __________ would argue that the university assessment studied Torrance separate from important contextual factors.
a. Skinner
b. Bronfenbrenner
c. Piaget
d. Erikson
___________ would suggest that a child who cannot understand other children’s points of view would have a limited ability to think about other people’s feelings and therefore less developed social skills.
a. Skinner
b. Piaget
c. Vygotsky
d. Freud
According to _________________ a child’s social skills benefit from having older siblings who sometimes tease but are also supportive, talking about how to react and get along with other children.
a. Skinner
b. Piaget
c. Vygotsky
d. Erikson
Piaget’s theory explains _______ development while Vygotsky’s theory explains________ influences on development.
a. Cognitive / Behavioral
b. Psychosocial / Sociocultural
c. Cognitive / Sociocultural
d. Psychosocial / Contextual
Cognitive / Sociocultural
In his theory Erikson emphasizes _________ factors while Bronfenbrenner emphasizes ____________ factors in his theory.
a. Cognitive / Contextual
b. Psychosocial / Contextual
c. Contextual / Reinforcement
d. Sociocultural / Cognitive
Psychosocial / Contextual
Todd cries when mom leaves but when his mom returns he is nervous and even a little angry and his behavior is clingy as if he is afraid mom will leave again. Dr. Duke believes Todd’s behavior reflects the type of mother-child bonding pattern established in infancy. This psychologist is thinking of the work by
a. Skinner
b. Erikson
c. Baumrind
d. Ainsworth
Trish is generally successful both in academics as well friendships. She is good at interpreting her friend’s points of view and has strategies for non-aggressive conflict resolution. The school psychologist suspects Trish has authoritative parents. This psychologist is thinking of the work by
a. Skinner
b. Erikson
c. Baumrind
d. Ainsworth
According to _____________ children should be praised for their effort because they need to feel accepted and recognized for who they are. If they feel valued this will lead to good self-esteem and self-concept.
a. Kohlberg
b. Rogers
c. Baumrind
d. Ainsworth
Dr. ______________ proposes that as we age we have the potential to develop multiple intelligences while Dr. ______________ proposes that as we age we add practical and creative intelligence to analytical.
a. Rogers / Cattell
b. Sternberg / Skinner
c. Gardner / Sternberg
d. Ainsworth / Erikson
Gardner / Sternberg
Mary follows the rules because she cares about the opinion of her teacher and she recognizes rules maintain social harmony in the classroom. The psychologist who categorizes Mary as a conventional thinker is referring to the work of ______________
a. Kohlberg
b. Sternberg
c. Baumrind
d. Ainsworth
School districts should start language learning early because young children have inborn language receptiveness, they fast map and discover grammatical structure naturally, with no instruction. The psychologist making this argument is thinking of the work by _____________
a. Kohlberg
b. Skinner
c. Gardner
d. Chomsky
[METHOD] observation is used to study real-life behavior; the researcher may not ask questions or interfere in any way, therefore the actions are “real” and not influenced by the researcher.
[METHOD] produces descriptive and detailed data which is desirable but this method takes a long time and findings may not apply to other children because you have studied only one or two children.
Case study
[METHOD] observation is based on creating a situation similar to real-life; all participants have the opportunity to show how they would behave in this situation, for example Ainsworth’s strange situation.
[METHOD] often used with older children, adolescents and adults because they can read and quickly answer a set of questions about their opinions, attitudes or past experiences.
If Trish participates in a _______________ observation, she doesn’t even know it; she may or may not show the behavior of interest, the researchers can only wait and watch and hope.
a. Survey
b. Naturalistic
c. Structured
d. Experiment
Because it would be dangerous in real-life, researchers created a “visual cliff”, similar to real life but with more control, infants could not get hurt during this ___________________ observation and at the same time they had the opportunity to show how they would behave in this situation.
a. Survey
b. Naturalistic
c. Structured
d. Experiment
If the researcher uses a_____________ method, he collects detailed descriptive data on Trish but this takes a long time and his findings may not apply to other children because he studied only one child.
a. Survey
b. Naturalistic
c. Case study
d. Experiment
Case study
When psychologists use the scientific method to study development it specifically means they analyzed data gained through __________ research.
a. Experiential
b. Empirical
c. Observational
d. Qualitative
{ Experimental; Independent; Dependent; Quasi-experiment; Correlation }
The _______ method is used to test for cause and effect, for example to prove or disprove the hypothesis that external reinforcements lower intrinsic motivation.
School friendships and school attendance demonstrate a _______ because the variables have a consistent relationship to each other; knowing one means you can predict the likely outcome of the other.
Researchers interested in drawing causal conclusions about the influence of teratogens on prenatal development would likely do a _______, comparing two pre-existing groups, for example mothers who smoked during pregnancy and mothers who did not.
In a true experiment the _______ variable is controlled by the researcher and expected to cause change in the _______ variable, which is the measurement of effect.
The {experimental} method is used to test for cause and effect, for example to prove or disprove the hypothesis that external reinforcements lower intrinsic motivation.
School friendships and school attendance demonstrate a {correlation} because the variables have a consistent relationship to each other; knowing one means you can predict the likely outcome of the other.
Researchers interested in drawing causal conclusions about the influence of teratogens on prenatal development would likely do a {quasi-experiment}, comparing two pre-existing groups, for example mothers who smoked during pregnancy and mothers who did not.
In a true experiment the {independent} variable is controlled by the researcher and expected to cause change in the {dependent} variable, which is the measurement of effect.
Which is the defining feature of the experimental group that distinguishes it from the control group?
a. Does not receive the independent variable
b. Receives the independent variable
c. Receives the dependent variable
d. Does not receive the dependent variable
Receives the independent variable
To prove motivation is affected by reinforcement, Mr. Hayes randomly divided his class of fourth graders into two groups. The sticker group received praise and a sticker for coloring while the no-sticker group received nothing for coloring. The amount of time spent coloring pictures was recorded at the start and then daily during the course of this two week study.
The dependent variable in the this study is
a. Time spent coloring
b. Stickers/no stickers
c. Skill at coloring
d. Child’s gender
Time spent coloring
To prove motivation is affected by reinforcement, Mr. Hayes randomly divided his class of fourth graders into two groups. The sticker group received praise and a sticker for coloring while the no-sticker group received nothing for coloring. The amount of time spent coloring pictures was recorded at the start and then daily during the course of this two week study.
The independent variable in Mr. Hayes’ study was?
a. Time spent coloring
b. Stickers/no stickers
c. Skill at coloring
d. Child’s gender
Stickers/no stickers
Theorists can make cause-effect conclusions about development if they control the situation, introduce a variable expected to cause a change, and measure its effect on behavior. This is the ___________ method.
a. Natural observation
b. Survey
c. Experimental
d. Correlational
Dr. Rogers has 245 participants and he is using his data to make cause-effect conclusions, but because he is comparing pre-existing groups he lacks random assignment to groups making this a ____________ method.
a. Quasi-experiment
b. Case study
c. Clinical Interview
d. Experiment
[SCIENTIFIC METHOD] In situations where sample size is small researchers may use this as a control, comparing the effects of treatment to the level of behavior prior to the treatment.
[SCIENTIFIC METHOD] distributes population characteristics such as race and ethnicity equally and without bias across all groups creating comparable groups of children.
Random Assignment
[SCIENTIFIC METHOD] To avoid activating any participant bias, the researcher does not tell you which group you’re placed in and the observer does not know which group you are in.
Blind design
[SCIENTIFIC METHOD] involves repeating a previous study exactly as it was done but on a different group of participants and then the results are compared between first study and second.
[SCIENTIFIC METHOD] An important ethical procedure is giving enough information to ensure that the child and parents can decide if they want to participate or refuse participation.
Informed consent
In her study of the effect of reinforcement on vocabulary development, Mary decided to compare the number of words a student learned in the two weeks before the study started to the number of words the student learned two weeks after the reinforcement period was over. This researcher was using a
a. Control condition
b. Baseline control
c. Random assignment
d. Stratified sampling
Baseline control
Because development can be confused with cohort effects, researchers look for ______________, when other researchers repeat the study using a different group of children to see if they get similar results.
a. Random assignment
b. Replication
c. Informed consent
d. Blind design
Studying children requires multiple ______________, parents must know and be able to decide about their child’s participation and children must also be given the right to know and refuse.
a. Random assignment
b. Replication
c. Informed consent
d. Blind design
Informed consent
[DESIGN] compares different groups at one time, for example give a survey once to people of different ages and living in different areas of the country.
[DESIGN] involves studying different cohorts at the same time because you add additional age groups each time you return to re-test the original group.
[DESIGN] means you start with one age group and return to re-test only that group as they get older and therefore there is a high risk of generational bias in the sample.
A common criticism of research that uses the longitudinal method is
a. Variables are artificial and therefore results do not represent real-life.
b. Adding more participants each time you test a group makes it less reliable.
c. Repeated testing leads to improvement by practice and not simply by development.
d. Testing everyone once and at the same time is not a measure of change over time.
Repeated testing leads to improvement by practice and not simply by development.
Studying development by using a cross-sectional design is best defined as?
a. take different groups and compare them at one point in time
b. re-test the same group of children each year as they age
c. comparing a control group to an experimental group
d. intensely focusing on the study of one or two cases
take different groups and compare them at one point in time
The longitudinal study focuses on a single cohort making it impossible to tell if the change is developmental or influenced by
a. Unconscious conflicts
b. Generational experience
c. Socioeconomic status
d. Expectation bias
Generational experience
A common criticism of research that uses the clinical interview method is
a. Variables are artificial and results do not therefore represent real-life
b. The data lacks qualitative detail and self-reports are unreliable.
c. Repeated testing leads to improvement by practice and not simply development.
d. The data is qualitative and detail can vary widely from one child to the next
The data is qualitative and detail can vary widely from one child to the next
Couples participated in a video-taped chat for the research study. The observers scored the couple’s behavior using a checklist and standard definitions.
The checklist and definitions makes the observer’s data more
a. Quantitative
b. Qualitative
c. Unreliable
d. Subjective
Couples participated in a video-taped chat for the research study. The observers scored the couple’s behavior using a checklist and standard definitions.
Qualitative data is
a. Countable
b. Rich in detail
c. Easily categorized
d. Not informative
Rich in detail
A ____________ provides more consistent and detailed data because every child hears the same set of questions so they have an opportunity to answer things they may not have thought of on their own.
a. Clinical interview
b. Case study
c. Naturalistic observation
d. Structured interview
Structured interview