final Flashcards
Abruptio placentae
Disorder in which the placenta separates from the uterine wall before birth, leading cause of fetal death
hair loss/baldness
a group of disorders involving the parts of the brain that control thought, memory, and language. It is marked by progressive deterioration that affects both memory and reasoning capabilities of an individual
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
aka lou gehrig’s disease, causes progressive weakness of voluntary muscles
aka ADAM, androgen decline in the aging male, a progressive decrease of testosterone that usually begins in the late 40s
Aphthous ulcer
Aka canker sore or mouth ulcers, are grey-white pits with a red border in the soft tissue lining the mouth. Exact cause unknown but associated with stress, certain foods, and fever
Absence of spontaneous respiration
chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways
Abnormally slow breathing, less than 10 breaths per minute
abnormal sound heard during auscultation of an artery, usually due to a partially blocked, narrowed, or diseased artery
The involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth that usually occurs during sleep and is associated with tension and stress
Cervical dysplasia
presence of precancerous changes in the cells of the cervix that can be detected on a pap smear
aka pinkeye, inflammation of the eye caused by infection or allergy
Crohn’s Disease
chronic autoimmune disorder that can occur anywhere in the digestive tract; however it is most often found in the ileum and colon. Results in thickening and scarring of the wall of the affected area.
aka scab, collection of dried cellular debris or serum
A undescended testicle, a developmental defect in which 1 or both testicles fail to descend into the scrotum
Cushing’s Disease
prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol (corticosteroid) causes a moon face
Bluish discoloration of the skin caused by the lack of adequate oxygen
Diabetes mellitus
group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia that is due to defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both
“Shortness of breath” difficult or labored breathing
Graves’ Disease
unknown cause, immune system attacks the thyroid gland and stimulates excessive amounts of thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism)
characterized by unpleasant odor from the mouth
Hashimoto’s Disease
autoimmune disease that causes the body’s own antibodies to attack and destroy the thyroid gland cells, often leads to hypothyroidism
Heart murmur
abnormal sound that most commonly signifies defective heart valves
swelling of clotted blood in tissues
Ischemic stroke
most common in older people, Occurs when flow of blood to brain is blocked
Lung cancer
Condition in which cancer cells form in the tissues of the lung, leading cause of cancer deaths in US
flat spots on the skin such as freckles
beginning of the menstrual function
termination of the menstrual function during middle age
Multiple Sclerosis
MS, a progressive autoimmune disorder characterized by inflammation that causes demyelination of the myelin sheaths. This scars the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves and disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses. The damage leaves the patient with varying degrees of pain plus physical and cognitive problems.
Nocturnal enuresis
Bed wetting/incontinence while sleeping
involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball
Abnormally low sperm count of below 20 million/mL
degenerative central nervous disorder with loss of control over movement
phase between regular menstrual periods and no periods at all
crackle-like sound during inspiration
inflammation of a fallopian tube
high-pitched musical sound caused by blockage in the throat or larynx
Type I vs. Type II diabetes
insulin deficiency disorder vs insulin resistance disorder
a stone located anywhere along the ureter
Urinary hesitancy
difficulty starting a urinary stream
Small, hard skin lesions caused by the human papillomavirus; also known as warts
Walking pneumonia
Caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae and is milder but longer-lasting
small bumps that itch and are often caused by an allergic reaction
aka adrenaline, stimulates the sympathetic nervous system
a hormone and neurohormone, plays role in fight or flight by raising blood pressure, strengthening heartbeat, and stimulating muscle contractions
chemical substances that make it possible for messages to cross from the synapse of a neuron to the target receptors
stimulates the liver to convert glycogen into glucose
Pineal gland
influences the sleep wake cycle with melatonin
Thymus gland
secretes thymosin, posterior to the sternum
air sacs that are covered with capillaries where gas exchange takes place
chemical messenger with specialized functions that are secreted by endocrine glands directly into bloodstream
Structures of the respiratory system
Dura mater
thick outermost meninges layer
Pia mater
third layer, consists of delicate connective tissue that contains a rich supply of blood vessels
Arachnoid membrane
second layer of the meninges, resembling a spider web
Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic nerves
Cranial nerves
12 pairs, named with Roman numerals and for the area or function they serve
Myelin sheath
protective covering made of glial cells that covers parts of the spinal cord
temporary organ that forms within the uterus, allows for the exchange of nutrients and oxygen and waste between mother, and produces hormones to maintain the pregnancy
removes excess glucose from the blood stream and stores it as glycogen, destroys old erythrocytes, removes toxins from blood, secretes bile and enzymes which aid in digestion of fat
Pyloric sphincter
controls flow from stomach to small intestine
Lower esophageal sphincter
muscular ring that controls the transfer of food from the pharynx to the stomach
Different parts of the colon
Renal cortex vs. medulla
outer region of kidney, contains over a million nephrons vs inner region, contains most of the urine collecting tubules
cluster of capillaries found in each nephron
Urethral meatus
external opening of the urethra
Layers of the epidermis
Eustachian tubes
Structures of the retina
Pleural cavity
space between the two layers of the pleura which contains a lubricating fluid that decreases friction between the membranes during the breathing process
Accessory organs of the digestive system
liver, gallbladder, pancreas
What is an obstetrician?
physician specializing in providing medical care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and immediately afterward
What is an orchiopexy?
Repair of an undescended testicle
What is an oophorectomy?
Surgical removal of both ovaries
When does an embryo become a fetus?
after 8th week/9th week
Know the examination positions.
What is auscultation?
listening for sounds within the body using a stethoscope
What is a radiologist?
specializes in diagnosing in and treating an injury using x-rays and other forms of radiant energy
What is transesophageal echocardiography?
ultrasound image of the heard performed from inside the esophagus
What is computed tomography?
uses a fan shaped xray beam that rotates around the patient, produces multiple cross-section views of the body
What is positron emission tomography?
combine tomography with radionuclide tracers to produce enhanced images of selected organ or body areas
What is palliative care?
treatment that eases symptoms but does not cure the disease
Know the difference in complementary and alternative medicine.
What is the practice of homeopathy?
the use of plant or mineral substances diluted in water or alcohol
What is meant by “perfusion of an organ”?
blood flow through an organ
What are contraindications?
factor in the patient’s conditions that makes use of a medication dangerous
What is a paradoxical reaction?
result of medical treatment that yields the opposite of expected results
What is an eructation?
Act of belching or raising gas orally from the stomach
What is peristalsis?
wave like muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract
What is specific gravity (urinalysis)?
amount of wastes, minerals and solids present, low-diabetes insipidus high-can indicate dehydration, liver failure or shock
What is a red blood cell count?
number of erythrocytes in the blood, low count can indicate anemia
What is the term for vomiting?
What is the body’s response to an allergen?
redness, itching, burning, possible anaphylaxis, releases histamines