Digestive and urinary test Flashcards
removes excess glucose from the blood stream and stores it as glycogen, destroys old erythrocytes, removes toxins from blood, secretes bile and enzymes which aid in digestion of fat
stores bile and releases it to the small intestine as needed, bile is used to break apart large fat globules, pear shaped egg sized under liver
soft 6 in gland behind stomach, secretes digestive juices and enzymes into small intestine as needed, aid in digestion and contain sodium bicarbonate to help neutralize stomach acid
Hard/soft palate
bony anterior portion of palate, covered in specialized mucous membranes
flexible posterior portion of the palate, closes off the nasal passage during swallowing
Salivary glands
3 pair, parotid, sublingual, submandibular
bone and soft tissues that surround and support the teeth
aka chewing breaking food down into smaller pieces, mixes with saliva and prepares it to be swallowed
Pyloric sphincter
controls flow from stomach to small intestine
Small intestine/peristaltic action
pylorus to large intestine, 20 ft, completes digestion and absorption of most nutrients, 3 parts duodenum, jejunum, ileum, conversion of food into usable nutrients
moves chyme through
Physician who specializes in disorders of the colon, rectum, and anus
Aphthous ulcers
Aka canker sore or mouth ulcers, are grey-white pits with a red border in the soft tissue lining the mouth. Exact cause unknown but associated with stress, certain foods, and fever
Any disease of the mouth due to a fungus
Aka dry mouth is the lack of adequate saliva due to diminished secretion of the salivary glands
Cleft lip
Aka harelip is a birth defect in which there is a deep groove of the lip running upward to the nose as a result of the failure of this portion of the lip to close during prenatal development
The involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth that usually occurs during sleep and is associated with tension and stress
Act of belching or raising gas orally from the stomach