DMP Test Flashcards
What is an assessment?
evaluation or appraisal that is used to reach a diagnosis and form a patient care plan
What are vital signs?
indication that the body systems are functioning (temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, pain)
extremely high fever
abnormally low temperature
How is blood pressure measured?
with a sphygmomanometer
listening for sounds within the body using a stethoscope
crackle-like sound during inspiration
coarse rattling sound caused by secretions in the bronchial airways
high-pitched musical sound caused by blockage in the throat or larynx
abnormal sound heard during auscultation of an artery, usually due to a partially blocked, narrowed, or diseased artery
Heart Murmur
abnormal sound that most commonly signifies defective heart valves
procedure to determine the density of a body part by the sound produced when tapping the surface with the fingers
used to examine the interior of the eye
used for visual exam of the external ear canal and tympanic membrane
used to enlarge the opening of any canal or cavity
used to listen to sounds within the body
lying on the back, face up
Dorsal recumbent
lying on the back, face up, knees bent
lying on the back, face up, feet and legs raised and supported in stirrups
lying face down
lying on the left side, right knee and thigh drawn up, left arm placed along the back
lying face down, hips bent so that knees and chest rest on the table
Difference between hematocrit and red blood cell count
volume of a blood sample occupied by red blood cells, used to diagnose abnormal states of hydration, polycythemia and anemia vs number of erythrocytes in the blood, low count can indicate anemia
Specific gravity
amount of wastes, minerals and solids present, low-diabetes insipidus high-cand indicate dehydration, liver failure or shock
calcium in the urine, high levels can indicate hyperparathyroidism
glucose in the urine, most commonly caused by diabetes
blood in the urine, sign of kidney stones, infection, kidney damage
small flexible tube with a light and a lens on the end, named for the body part they are designed to examine
surgical puncture to remove excess fluid or fluid for diagnostic purposes
creates an image of hard tissue structures, resulting in a radiograph
Computed tomography
uses a fan shaped xray beam that rotates around the patient, produces multiple cross-section views of the body
Magnetic resonance imaging
uses radio waves and a magnetic field, a computer converts these into images of any plane through the body, used to examine soft tissues that do not show up well in radiographs
xray images are projected on a luminous fluorescent screen, used to visualize body parts in motion
imaging of deep body structures by recording echoes of sound waves, resulting in a sonogram
blood flow
PET Scan
combine tomography with radionuclide tracers to produce enhanced images of selected organs or body areas
Adverse drug reaction
aka side effect- undesirable reaction
Paradoxical reaction
result of medical treatment that yields the opposite of expected results
factor in the patient’s conditions that makes use of a medication dangerous
substance that eases pain or severity of disease symptoms but does not cure it
an inactive substance administered only for its suggestive effect, used in medical research
What is a brand name drug?
sold under the name given by the manufacturer, always spelled with a capital letter
What are analgesics?
relieve pain without affecting consciousness
placed under the tongue and is quickly absorbed directly into the bloodstream
administered from a patch applied to the skin, absorbed by the skin and transmitted to the bloodstream
administered in a manner other than through the digestive tract, often injections, transdermal, topical, rectal, inhalation
subcutaneous-fatty layer below skin
Intradermal-middle layers of skin
Intramuscular-muscle tissue
What practices supplement conventional health care
complementary medicine-mind-body therapies, energy therapies, hands-on therapies
neuromuscular therapy
massage and soft tissue manipulation, focusing on trigger points to alleviate pain
blood pressure
systolic, diastolic