Final Flashcards
Finite State Transducers (FST)Z
Automaton that works on two (or more) tapes.
“translating machine” – they read from one of the tapes and write onto the other.
what does alt lab stand for?
Alberta Language Technology Laboratory
what is a intelligent dictionairy?
it can vary its actions in response to varying situations, varying requirements and/or past experience
what does the alt lab do?
Keeps text descriptions of morphological affixation
list projects alt has done?
web based dictionairies, searchable databases, spell checkers and language learning applications
Alt works with what languages?
algonquian, dene and haida
what does the saying “children are sponges” mean?
children absorb language at a quicker rate that adults
who is the target audience for language revitalization?
pre school children and their families
whats a language nest?
an immersion-based approach to language revitalization in early-childhood education.
where did language nests originate?
1980s maori in new zealand
what are the three steps in language nests?
- group of preschool age children and their parents
- Follow progress and build immersion
- Adults that have spent their entire lives in immersion
system, along with the support of their parents
what is rapid word collection?
collecting words by using a systematic method in a workshop
in order to create a dictionairy you need a…
RWC 9 domains of language?
- Universe, creation
- Person
- Language and thought
- Social behaviour
- Daily life
- Work and occupation
- Physical actions
- States
- Grammar
Mohawk immersion school at
Kahnawa:ke established when?
Mohawk immersion school driven by who?
parents and community
what was mowhawks goal?
create a home like environment
what do kids learn at mowhawk?
learn the language through nature walks, elders, song, dance
how long is the adult mowhawk school?
Two-year full time program
Eight months a year, 5 days a week, 7 hours a week
Third year program in development
what is tpr and when was it formed
Learning through basic body movement commands total physical response in 1982
how do you use tpr to learn language
simon says-style games
Action songs
Tasks and races
whats asla?
accelerated second language aquisition
how do use asla
Uses pictures and/or drawings of life happenings
whats the communicative approach
Learn language in natural context, focusing on learning on how to properly communicate and
interactions with one another.
Task-based language learning (TBLT)
language learning is based around everyday tasks such as
getting ready for school, shopping for groceries, ordering in a restaurant, etc
whats the direct method?
no translation, use of sentences, questions and answers within a particular context.
in the master apprentice progrgam whats the goal
oraal fluency not written
what language family was the first language nest at Chief Atahm School and when?
Salishan language family, 1987
who is map for?
Specifically implied for indigenous languages
Applicable to cases where there are only a few speakers
Focus their efforts on one learner the apprenetic
what is needed in a language act? Hint (luv)
Recommend a 20-year strategy;
i. LEARN: Increasing numbers of speakers and learners
ii. USE: Increasing opportunities for language use
iii. VALUE: Improving language attitudes/public awareness
what are the nine factors of language vitality?
- intergenerational language transmission
- number of speakers
- proportion of speakers
- shifts in domains of language use
- response to media
- materials for language education
- governmental and institutional language attitudes
- community members’ attitudes toward their own language
- type and quality of documentation
what are the factors of egids?
The factors of EGIDS emphasize language use:
1. the speaker population
2. the ethnic population;
3. the stability of and trends
4. residency and migration patterns of speakers
5. when the last speaker died
6. the use of second languages
7. the use of the language by others as a second language
8. language attitudes within the community
9. the age range of the speakers
10. the domains of use of the language
11. official recognition of languages
12. means of transmission
13. economic opportunity
What are egids?
extended graded intergenerational disruption scale
the only thing that language transmission needs to pass it to the next generation?
Extended demographics
Language transmission
whats the difference between revitalization and reclamation?
Language revitalization: focus on the language itself
* Main goals: linguistic fluency, creation of speakers
* Sometimes can have connotation of ‘reviving’ a ‘dead’/sleeping language
Language reclamation: focuses on factors that impact language
shift (social factors, power structures)
* Focus on specific community histories and needs
3 types of language learning classes?
immersion programs, language nests, mentor apprentice programs
how much 2nd language is taught in immersion schools?
what are the principles of map?
Leave english behind
Learn survival phrases and prompts:
Use non verbal communication:
Use full sentences
purpose of the language act?
English and French must be respected.
Both languages must have equal rights and benefits in federal entities. They are used in parliament, judiciary, public communication, and federal institution functions.
purpose of the indigenous languages act?
to support the efforts of Indigenous peoples to reclaim, revitalize, maintain and strengthen Indigenous languages
what are the 10 parts of the official language act?
- proceedings of parliment (uses both french and english
- Legislative instruments (international agreements should be made in both languages)
3.administration of justice (witnesses may be heard in either language) - communications with public (transportation in both languages
- language of work (both languages)
- participation of both canadian languages
- advancement of both languages
what does the minister of Canadian heritage do?
talk to indigenous governments
what does the the commisioner of canadian heritage do?
promote and support “Canadian identity and values, cultural development, and heritage.”
what does the comissioner of indigenous language act do?
support the efforts of Indigenous peoples to reclaim, revitalize, maintain and strengthen their languages
who is dr ron ignace
member of the shuswap committee
elected chief
Teaching courses at SFU on Secwepemc Language and First Nations Studies
The Final Agreement between the
Nisga’a and her Majesty the Queen happened where?
british columbia
First Nations Self Government Act happened where?
2003 Powley Case (the Métis) happened where?
great lakes
2009 Official Languages Act happened where?
Inuit language Protection Act happened where
harry daniels case was represented by who?
the metis
residential schools have constants?
not understanding languages
◦ Isolation and solitude
◦ Anxiety and fear
◦ Boredom
what school allowed cree?
Beuval but ONLY for prayer?
of the 94 calls to action what are 3
- acknowledge Aboriginal rights
- The federal government must finance Aboriginal language revitalization and preservation.
- The federal governmentshould create an Aboriginal Languages Commissioner.
what is Blue quills school when did it open and where?
1931, alberta, first indigenous controlled school
how did they change blue quill school into being run by indigenous? what was the new purpose
a 17-day sit-in by
Indigenous activists and negociations with Jean Chrétien
◦ The school’s new purpose: have “children progress in the white man’s education, while continuing to
retain their dignity and self-respect as Indian people.”
what did dr peter henderson make and do?
ontarios first health code and was sent to make a report on residential schools got it published and then was funding was dismissed and he lost his job
what is the white paper and when did it come out?
1969 & it proposed ending the legal relationship between Aboriginal peoples and the Canadian state and dismantling the Indian Act.
why didnt they abolish the indian act all together?
the indian act has claims to land rights and allows individuals to keep and pass down stautus
whats the story with treaty 6 being signed?
big bear refused to sign the treaty
in the 1870s he tried making a political confederation
1884: gathered at fort battleford and then gathered for a thirst dance
1885: batttle of batoche
From —- to —-, the Indian Act denied women status.
1869 to 1985
what is bill c31
an attempt to address sex-based inequities in the Indian Act
why were creating reserves a bad thing?
the reserves were actually just a way to give europeans access to hunting land
the indian act defined a person as
an individual other then an indian
what is enfranchisment?
legal process that terminated someones status
in 1884 it was illegal to…
practice ceremonies
in 1914 it was illegal to…
dance off reserve
in 1925 it was illegal to….
dance period.
in 1951 people had to register for …
when and what was the oliver act?
in 1911 cities with more then 8000 people were allowed to displace people
the denial to have legal representation started when?
when was it mandatory for children to go to residential school
when were the schools recommended to close due to ineffectiveness
who did the indian act leave out
left out the metis and inuit
when was the indian act passed
under the indian act when were women allowed to vote
the indian act defined indian as
a) any male person of indian blood
b) any child of such a person
c) any woman is who is or was married to such a person
relative directionals
based on the landscape
absolute directionals
rely on human experience