FINAL 03 - Liniments (Camphor and Soap Liniment) Flashcards
Are alcoholic or oleaginous solutions or emulsions of various medicinal substances intended to be rubbed on the skin
Liniments are for _________ use only
Liniments are applied with __________
Has a faster effect; ability to penetrate the skin faster (Types of liniments)
Alcoholic liniments
Has a milder action than alcoholic liniment (Types of liniments)
Oily liniments
Example of alcoholic liniment
Efficascent oil
Example of oily liniment
Omega pain
Camphor and soap liniment (Category)
Alcoholic based liniment
Camphor and soap liniment (3 synonyms) (LSL)
Linimentum camphores el saponis, Soap liniment, Liquid opadel doc
Camphor and soap liniment (Use)
Camphor and soap liniment (Method of preparation)
Agitation w/o aid of heat
Camphor and soap liniment (Label)
Unofficial red label
Camphor and soap liniment (Container)
30 mL flint bottle