Fight and Flight response Flashcards
Areas of body that stimulate response.
Sights/sounds of danger detected by eyes/ears causing many impulses to be sent to cerebrum. Cerebrum association areas interpret situation and activate hypothalamus. Hypothalamus stimulates increased activity of sympathetic system and triggers release of adrenaline from adrenal medulla which binds to receptors on target tissue.
Pupil dilation to allow more light in so person can see more.
Medulla oblongata sends nerve impulse down acelerator nerve to SAN and secretes noradrenaline. Heart rate and stroke volume increases to pump more blood around the body to provide muscles with glucose and oxygen. CO2 removed from lungs fasted so doesn’t build up.
Metabolic Rate
Increases e.g respiration to provide more ATP.
Arterioles to digestive system
Vasoconstriction - less blood flows to digestive system where it isn’t needed, so peristalsis is reduced.
Arterioles to liver and muscles (e.g skeletal)
Vasodilation - allows more blood flow to important areas. Muscles cells can respire more to produce ATP for contraction to aid movement of limbs and joints. Glycogenolysis in liver cells provide more glucose for respiration. Increased blood glucose concentration.
Sweat Glands
Secrete more sweat so body doesn’t overheat.
Endorphins released.
Intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract faster so breathing rate and tidal volume increases to provide the blood with more oxygen to transport to cells.