Fetal Pig Physiology Flashcards
Site of absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream; also plays a major role in breaking down food
small intestine
Front teeth; bite into food
Directional term that means to the side
Chemically digests food with gastric fluid; mechanically digests food by churning
Narrow tube that carries urine from the bladder and out of the body
Body cavity that includes the intestines, stomach, spleen, gallbladder, and more!
abdominal cavity
Epithelial tissue membrane in the abdominal and thoracic cavities that holds the organs in place and secretes a lubricating fluid so that the organs can move without friction
Pigs have more than humans! Approximately 19,000 in pigs and only 9,000 in humans. Found all over the tongue.
taste buds
Sharp teeth; grip and tear food
Creates enzymes that aid digestion and are passed into the small intestine
Sweat glands; not enough present in a pig to adequately cool the body
sudoriferous glands
Flap above the glottis/trachea that covers the airway while swallowing food/water
Chamber of the heart that pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs
right ventricle
Line the small intestine, increasing its surface area so that more absorption can occur
Projection of the right atrium that increases its capacity
right auricle
Two tubes that the trachea splits into; the right one goes to the right lung and the left one goes to the left lung
Found posterior to the umbilical cord in male pigs; found near the anus in female pigs
urogenital opening
Endocrine gland that shrinks rapidly as you age
Strong cartilage tube that passes air to and from the lungs
Endocrine gland that creates hormones that regulate metabolism
thyroid gland
Directional term that means in front (towards the head of the pig)
Creates insulin and glucagon to regulate blood sugar
Behind the hard palate; has only muscle and soft tissue behind it
soft palate
Breaks down toxins in our blood and produces bile (which helps to break down fats)
Breaks down toxins in our blood and produces bile (which helps to break down fats)
Ears of the fetal pig
Folds inside the stomach that increase the surface area, allowing it to stretch
Stores feces until defecation, where it passes it through the anus
The part of the hair embedded and anchored in the follicle (skin)
hair root
Meshy substance that attaches the abdominal organs to the dorsal wall of the abdomen
Sac that contains the testes
Remove clean blood from the kidneys
renal vein
Collects urine inside each kidney and dumps it into the ureter
renal pelvis
Body cavity that includes the brain
cranial cavity