Fetal Physiology Flashcards
Where is most energy to fetus comes as?
- Glucose 50%
- Stored as glycogen starting at 36 weeks.
- Amino acids
- lactate
- acetate (Krebs)
Water content in newborn compared to preterm?
Less ECF
More ICF
More fat
Preterm baby allowed to lose how much weight at birth?
How many umbilical veins/arteries?
1 vein
2 arteries
Fetal circulation:
Umbilical vein>ductus venous>IVC>RA>foramen Ovale>LA>LV>aorta
Anything that goes into RV and Pulmonary artery shunts to the aorta via Dustus arteriosus
Aorta to Internal iliacs>umbilical arteries
How to detect acidosis in fetus?
Fetal scalp lactate
In first breath
- Placenta removed
- Shunts close
- Pulmonary resistanceDrops dramatically
4. Parallel > series
P50 adult Hb is?
P50 fetal Hb O2?
More affinity: takes O2 from mom
-Alpha and Gamma
Fetal O2 sats in utero?
~lower, relative hypoxia
Normal colour born?
Born white?
Baby’s arts hit 90-100% when?
5 minutes
Haemoglobin of newborns?
Nadir at 6weeks.
Patent ductus arteriosus why?
Giving O2 to babies, O2 closes, NSAIDS, panadol closes
Prostaglandin to keep it open
When alveoli develop?
~22 weeks
Fetal lung liquid is?
Made in lung
How is fetal lung liquid production stopped?
Switched off by adrenaline
C-section for fetal lungs?
Risk of transient tachypnoea of newborn/ Wet Lung
How is fetal lung fluid Ex pulsed?
Birth canal squeezed out
Lymphatic absorption
Pulmonary circulation
Effect of oligohydraminios?
Underdevelopment of lungs
Asphyxia in utero, consequences?
Myconeum aspiration
Reduces surface tension
Lipoprotein complex
DPPC - hydrophilic and phobic ends, they repel each other keeping it open
Hyaline membrane syndrome/ RDS?
Not enough surfactant
Stimuli to breath?
Light Cold -face Physical stim Movement of air position Pain Noises Visual
What is head’s paradoxical reflex? Positive pressure
Mask onto newborns times breathing.
Mask on adult, you stop breathing.
Polyhydramnios consequences. If not swallowing, why?
Esophageal atresia
Neurological probs
Fistula, tracheo
If fetus has renal a Genesis then?
What is Potter’s Syndrome?
Renal agenesis>Oligohydramnios>less lung development
Can’t survive