Fertility Control Flashcards
Fertility Control
Methods/Devices designed to make a fertile act infertile. They prevent proper function of the reproductive system.
an agent that prevents conception
an agent that impedes implantation
an agent that disrupts pregnancy after implantation
Barrier method
prevents sperm from entering female body, which prevents sampling of sperm DNA, prevents vaginal absorption of seminal fluid
side effects of barrier method
depression, preeclampsia, less frequent conjugal union
pregnancy complication with high blood pressure
surgical sterilization
cutting and sealing off ducts that transport gametes. Prevents fertilization. Can be reversed, but is difficult.
sealing the vas deferens. Makes a man sterile. Sperm die in duct and are consumed by immune cells.
side effects of vasectomy
chronic scrotal pain, bleeding, infection
tubal ligation
sealing uterine tubes. makes a woman sterile.
side effects of tubal ligation
painful intercourse, sever hormonal imbalance, osteoporosis, heart disease
hormonal method
fertility hormones are used to promote infertility. Mimics hormones of pregnancy. Ovulation doesn’t occur during pregnancy.
a group of hormones with a similar chemical structure
a synthetic progestogen
a natural progestogen
a molecule that acts similar to human estrogen. Not found naturally in the human body. Can be synthetically created, like the ones in hormonal method.
methods of action in hormonal method
block hormonal signals for ovulation, create hormonal signals that thicken cervical mucus, prevent full growth of endometrial lining, which impedes implantation and promotes miscarriage
breastfeeding effects of hormonal method
hormones enter breast milk and affect baby. Reduces the amount of milk produced (if contain xenoestrogen) Negatively alters nutritional composition (if high dose), may inhibid endometrial gland formation as child grows
other effects of hormonal method
long term use may cause permanent thinning of endometrial lining, which impairs fertility. Normal cycles may return immediately, or they may take months to return after cessation.
risks to developing child during hormonal method
increased risk of miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy. Can cause developmental defects, pregnancy may not be recognized.
theoretical benefits for condom distribution
artificial barriers prevent HIV transmission
results of condom distribution
appears ineffective, infection rates stay the same or increase due to risk compensation. 100% usage must be enforced to cause a benefit.
risk compensation
the increase of risky behavior to a greater extent than the decrease in risk from an intervention
ABC approach
Abstinence, be faithful, condoms as a last resort. Used effectively in Uganda