Female Reproductive System and Breast Flashcards
What lies within the pelvic cavity?
- ovaries
- uterine tubes
- uterus
- superior part of vagina
What lies within the perineum?
- Inferior part of vagina
- Perineal muscles
- Bartholin’s glands
- Clitoris
- Labia
The inferior part of parietal paritoneum forms the
- ____ of peritoneal cavity and the
- ____ over ______ organs
Covers the ______ aspect organs
Forms pouches
- ________ pouch
- ________ pouch
The inferior part of parietal paritoneum forms the
- floor of peritoneal cavity and the
- roof over pelvic organs
Covers the superior aspect organs
Forms pouches
- vesico-uterine pouch
- recto-uterine pouch
How can fluid collection in the pouch of douglas be drained?
Needle passed through the fornix of the vagina
What is the broad ligament?
Double layer of peritoneum
Extends between the uterus and the lateral walls & floor of the pelvis
Helps maintain the uterus in its correct midline position
What is contained within the broad ligament?
Uterine tubes and the proximal part of the round ligament
What is the round ligament?
An embryological remnant
Describe the location of the round ligament?
Attaches to the lateral aspect of the uterus and passes thorugh the deep inguinal ring to attach to the superficial tissue of the female perineum
What holds the uterus in position?
Number of strong ligaments- uterosacral ligaments
Endopelvic fascia
Muscles of the pelvic floor (levator ani)
What is the most common position of the uterus?
Anteverted and anteflexed
What does anteverted mean?
-cervix tipped anteriorly relative to the axis of the vagina
What does anteflexed mean?
-uterus tipped anteriorly relative to the axis of the cervix (the mass of the uterus lies over the bladder)
What is normal variation in the uterus position?
Retroverted and retroflexed
Define retroverted
-cervix tipped posteriorly relative to the axis of the vagina
Define retroflexed
-uterus tipped posteriorly relative to the axis of the cervix
- The ovaries are _____ sized and shaped, located ______ in the pelvic cavity
- Secrete ______ and _______ in response to anterior pituitary hormones ___ and __
- Develop on the _______ abdominal wall and move onto the lateral wall of the pelvis.
- the _____ ligament of the uterus
- The ovaries are almond sized and shaped, located laterally in the pelvic cavity
- Secrete oestrogen and progesterone in response to anterior pituitary hormones FSH and LH
- Develop on the posterior abdominal wall and move onto the lateral wall of the pelvis.
- the round ligament of the uterus
The fornix has 4 parts:
- anterior
- posterior
- 2x lateral
- Ischial spines can be palpated
- ______
- _ and _ o’clock positions
- Ischial spines can be palpated
- laterally
- 4 and 8 o’clock positions
- Palpation of adnexae
- ______ _____ and _____
- place examining fingers into _____ fornix
- press ____ with other hand in the ____ _____ of the ____ ____
- repeat on other side
- can detect ____ ______ or ________ affecting these structures
- Palpation of adnexae
- uterine tubes and ovaries
- place examining fingers into lateral fornix
- press deeply with other hand in the iliac fossa of the same side
- repeat on other side
- can detect large masses or tenderness affecting these structures
What is the perineum?
shallow space between pelvic diaphragm and the skin
What is the perineum divided into?
Superficial and deep pouches
What makes up the levator ani?
Number of smaller muscles
The levator ani muscle is a _____ muscle under ______ control
The levator ani muscle is a skeletal muscle under voluntary control
What forms the majority of the pelvic diaphragm?
The levator ani
What is the role of the levator ani?
Provides continual support for the pelvic organs
- tonic contraction
- reflexive contraction
What supplies the levator ani?
Supplied by the nerve to the levator ani
S3, 4, 5 sacral plexus
What supplies the perineal muscles??
Pudendal nerve
What is the perineal body?
Bundle of collagenous and elastic tissue into which the perineal muscles attach
What is the perineal body important for?
Important for pelvic floor strength
When can perineal body be disrupted?
During labour
Where is the perineal body located?
Just deep to skin
Bed of breast extends from ribs _-_, the ____ border of the _____ to __-______ line
Bed of breast extends from ribs 2-6, the lateral border of the sternum to mid-axillary line
Where does the breast lie?
On deep fascia covering pec major and serratus anterior
Where is the retromammary space?
Lies between fascia and breast
How does the female breast attach?
To skin via suspensory ligaments
How is lump position described in the female breast?
in 4 quadrants of the clock face
Most lymph (>75%) from the breast drains to the _______ _____ lymph nodes and then to the ________ nodes
Most lymph (>75%) from the breast drains to the ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes and then to the supraclavicular nodes
Lymph from inner breast quadrants can drain to the ________ lymph nodes
Lymph from the lower inner breast quadrant can drain to ______ lymph nodes
Lymph from inner breast quadrants can drain to the parasternal lymph nodes
Lymph from the lower inner breast quadrant can drain to abdominal lymph nodes
Lymph from the upper limb also drains to the ______ lymph nodes:
- this can have implications if axillary nodes are removed (“axillary node clearance”) e.g. in treatment for some breast cancers:
- it can result in the formation of “__________”
Lymph from the upper limb also drains to the axillary lymph nodes:
- this can have implications if axillary nodes are removed (“axillary node clearance”) e.g. in treatment for some breast cancers:
- it can result in the formation of “lymphedema”
What is contained in the axilla (pyramidal passageway between arm and chest)?
- brachial plexus branches
- axillary artery (& branches) and axillary vein (& tributaries)
- axillary lymph nodes
- all embedded in axillary fat
How is axillary node clearance described?
In relation to pectoralis minor
- Level I – inferior and lateral to pectoralis minor
- Level II – deep to pectoralis minor
- Level III – superior and medial to pectoralis minor