Female & Male Repro QUIZ Flashcards
1. Multiparous cycle
2. Polyestrous
- Having more than one offspring at birth (ie Litter)
- Having more than one estrous cycle per cycle
- Where is the hormone GnRH produced in the brain (known as the CEO of the brain)?
- What hormone starts the process of follicular growth?
- What hormone does the granulosa cell produce?
- What hormone completes the process of follicle development in the ovary and causes the follicle release?
- What hormone does the corpus luterum produce?
- What happens to the corpus luteum if no pregnancy results after the ovum is released (in most species)?
- What is the term for the release of the ovum?
- Hypothalamus
- Estrogen
- LH
- Progesterone
- Lyses
- Ovulation
What conditions increase estrus activity in the mare?
1. Placing mares in herds with other mares
2. Decreasing day length in the fall
3. Increasing barn temperature with heaters
4. Increasing day length in the spring
- Increasing day length in the spring
The period of no ovarian follicular activity is known as:
Which of the following criteria are evaluated during a breeding soundness exam for a male animal?
1. Semen motility
2. Semen morphology
3. Scrotal size
4. Presence of both testicles
5. All of the above
- All of the above
T/F: Normal semen evaluation should show at least 70% normal motility and 70% normal morphology (size, shape, structure) but the volume of semen is very dependent on the species of animal.
Castrated male swine is called…
Immature female bovine is called…
Castrated male bovine is called…
Mature male sheep is called…
Castrated male sheep is called…
Mature male pig is called…
Immature female pig is called…
Immature male llama is called…
Mature male castrated horse is called…
Immature female horse is called…
Utilizing correct terminology, describe the Reproductive cycle of the Bovine (Cow). (5)
- Proestrus - estrogen begins to increase and epithelial cells begin to cornify
- Estrus - estrogen peaks, this is when the female is receptive for pregnancy
- Metestrus - corpus luteum will develop and it will produce progesterone. uterus preps for implantation.
- Diestrus - if fertilization occurs, CL will remain (& is at its peak effect), if not it will dissolve.
!!!No anestrus!!!