Female Histology Flashcards
Broad Ligament
mesometrium (uterus)
mesosalpinx (oviducts)
mesovarium (ovaries)
egg keeper
ovary surface epithelium
continuous with mesovarium
ovary tunica albuginea
dense irregular connective tissue, thinner in testis
ovary cortex
follicles and corpora lute, atretica, and albicans
interstitial glands secrete estrogen, prominent in dogs, cats and rodents
stroma= specialized connective tissue with fibroblasts and extensive blood lymphatic capillaries
Ovary Medulla
loose connective tissue and strands of smooth muscle
large blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves
rete ovarii- emrbyonic remnants equivalent to rete testis
hilus cells- produce steroid hormones
Ovaries anatomic variability
cow has medulla on inside, cortex outside
horse opposite plus ovulation fossa
sow has irregular cortex
Follices vary in size
according to stage
born with lots of primordial follicles before differentiating or dying (athletic)
Follicular development
majority within the cortex, not tunica albuginea or medulla
Primordial follicle
single layer of squamous epithelium (mesoderm origin)
primary oocyte from primordial germ cells of yolk sac endoderm
they may not be present in adults of some species
Primary follicle
primary oocyte activates, enlarges, begins to produce zona pellucida
follicular cells become cuboidal, not squamous
stromal cells form theca
Secondary Follicle
zona pellucida now visible, glycoprotein membrane surrounding plasma membrane of oocyte
binds spermatozoa, necessary for acrosomal rxn
follicular cells multiple into several layers- become granulosa cells, retaining basal lamina at periphery
thecal layers begin to elaborate
Late secondary
larger secondary
no antrum but vesicles coalescing into antrum
Early Tertiary
multiple granulosa layers, larger
antrum on the insure, granulosa, theca internal and externa
Tertiary Follicle (graafian follicle)
follicular fluid formed from granulosa cells and blood filtrate accumulates in spaces (when merge= antrum)
granulosa cells differentiate
theca interna (epitheliod steroidogenic cells, blood and lymph capillaries)
theca externa (fibroblastic layer, thecal cone points towards ovarian surface)
Granulosa cell differentiated during tertiary stage
columnar corona radiate cells adjacent to zona pellucida
cumulus cells surrounding corona
membrana granulosa cells lining follicle wall
- thinning of thecal layers
- buildup of follicular fluid
- follicular stigma, site of rupture
- rupture of follicle releases oocyte, zona pellucida, corona radiate, and cumulus
post ovulation
corpus hemorrhagicum- from ruptured vessels
folding in collapsing follicular wall and presence of blood
Corpus lutem
ovulating follicles, thickening to form CL
Corpus Luteum
yellow body
remaining follicular wall collapses and granulosa cells become lutein cells- larger
theca interna cells become theca lutein cells (smaller)
luteinization- hypertrophy, hyperplasia, accumulation of lipid pigment
invasion by capillaries- b/c endocrine hormone released
becomes endocrine gland, predominantly producing progesterone
Theca lutein cells
Granulosa lutein cells