equine pregnancy Flashcards
early events of pregnancy
commences with mating/insemination and fertilization
billions of sperm ejaculated into mare uterus- few thousand to oviduct via tube-uterine junction
sperm= morphologically normal, stored in oviduct until oocyte transported from fimbrial end
day 0
sperm are deposited in repro tract concurrent with pre-ovulatory follicle
after adequate maturation, follicle ruptures and releases the oocyte
day of ovulation= 0
CL, present in both diestrus and early pregnancy in the mare, produces progesterone
endocrinology of pregnancy
early pregnancy supported by ovarian progesterone
secondary CL supply support in addition to primary (1st third of pregnancy)
later 2/3 of pregnancy supported by progestin produced by fetoplacental unit, during this part of gestation, progesterone= at baseline conc.
hormones and days
day 0= increasing progesterone
estrogen low
day 40= increasing ovarian progesterone until around day 100, ovarian estrogen follows same pattern but at lower concentration
day 160= fetoplacental estrogen increasing as ovarian progesterone falling along with estrogen
fetoplacental 5a-pregnanes start increasing
day 335- parturition= decline of progesterone and great rise in 5a
oviductal events in mare
infundibulum- covers ovulation fossa
ampulla- sperm passage
fertilization- ampullary isthmic junction
preovulatory follicle ovulated to fimbriae then ovum transported and fertilized in ampullary-isthmic junction
embryo transport to uterus
day 5.5 to 6
enters uterine lumen
embryonic transport through oviduct facilitated by prostaglandin E from embryo which also allows for relaxation of uterotubal junction
compact morula
early embryo cleaves multiple times to form while in oviduct
contained within the zona pellucida
early uterine embryo developed to blastocyst stage and shed its zona pellucida
glycoprotein coating (capsule) replaces zona pellucida which is unique to the horse
role in shape maintenance (18-20 days of pregnancy)
spherical shape= imps. for movement of embryo through uterus and maternal recognition of pregnancy
thought to protect the embryo as it moves through the uterus because highly motile
expanded blastocyst
can see inner cell mass
commonly flushed from uterus at day 7-8
unfertilized oocyte
do not produce PGE, retained in oviduct
strong indication that embryo is present if seen post flush
early detection of pregnancy
day 13-15 post ovulation
mare can ovulate multiple follicles days apart
impt. for detection of twins which is typically due to double ovulation a few days apart
not well tolerated due to placentation
reduction of twins= best option because don’t get placental help needed
mobility and fixation of conceptus
equine embryo highly mobile for first 16-17 days of gestation- traverse both uterine horns and uterine body
impt. for maternal recognition of pregnancy (twins also do this)
increasing size of vesicle as well as increased uterine tone, embryo becomes fixed at base of uterine horn around day 17
early embryo nutrition
relies on yolk sac and uterine glands
yolk sac= transient, provides nutrition to embryo for ~ first 40 days
histiotrophe- produced by uterine glands, source of nutrition for the embryo until placentation develops
glands= instrumental for nutritional support