Feeding and nutrition of lambs and growing sheep Flashcards
Goals of sheep nutrition
- Incr repro
- Rearing of lambs
- meat prod
- milk prod
Nutrient requirements of sheep (6)
- DM
- E as NEm
- Metabolisable protein (maint)
- CF
- Minerals
- Vitamins
Sheep: DM
2.5-6kg per 100kgBW
Roughly 3.5kg
Sheep: E as NEm
Adults: 0.31 MJ x BW to the power of 0.75
Sheep: metabolizable protein (maint)
2.6 x W to the power of 0.75
Sheep: CF
Sheep: minerals (6)
Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, I, Se
Sheep: vitamins:
A for maturing ewes
E for suckling lambs
Timeline (5)
- Nov: insem
- April: lambing
- July: weaning
- Oct: flushing
- Nov: insem
4 pieces of key info for ewes
Ovarian cycle
Rest period
Ewe length of pregnancy
136-155 days
ewe length of lactation
3-4 mnths
ewe: ovarian cycle
16 days
ewes rest period:
3 mnths- after this “tupping” takes place
Key info for the lamb (4)
BW at birth
Weaning age
Weaning weight
Insem age
lamb: BW at birth
Weaning age:
30-40 days
weaning weight
Insem age
3-4 mnths
Nutrition of mothering ewes (3)
- Time when the nutrient requirement is higher in the form of conc
- Flushing
Mothering ewes: time when the nutrient requirement is higher in the form of conc
- Flushing
- Last 6 wks of preg
- Milk prod
Mothering ewes: BCS
Measured before mating and at the end of preg
Mothering ewes: flushing
- 2-3 wks before mating
- Roughages + 0.3-0.4kg of conc (rye or wheat)
- P
- Carotene
Nutrition of pregnant ewes (3)
Month 4: +30% NEm
Month 5: +50% NEm
6wks before partuition: 0.3-0.5kg of conc
Nutrition of lactating ewes (3)
CF: 18-23%
During wk 3-5: there is NEB
0.2-0.3kg of conc and hay
Milk composition of sheep
DM: 200g/kg
Fat: 80g
Protein: 60g
Feeding of ewes during weaning
- 1 wk before: NO conc
- 1 day before: NO feed or water
- After weaning: water and roughages
Methods of lamb rearing (2)
- Natural lamb feeding technology
- Artificial lamb rearing
Natural lamb feeding technology
- 200g BWG per 1kg of ewe milk
- 2 wks: good quality grass hay
- Weaning at 4-6 wks: 0.2-0.3kg of hay and 0.3-0.4kg of starter conc
Artificial lamb rearing
In high repro breeds
After colostrum ad lib homogenised milk and milk replacers
Methods of fattening lambs
- Fattening suckling lambs
- Fattening of express broiler lambs
- Growing lambs of high BW
Fattening of suckling lambs
Until the ages of 8-9 wks
BW: 14-15kg
Fattening of express brolier lambs
From weaning to 120/130 days
200-350 g daily weight gain
BW: 28-35kg
Growing lambs of high BW
Weaning at 3 mnths: given high amnts of fat, roughage and conc
Daily gain is 100g for ewes and 150g for rams
BW: 40-50kg
Ration for weaned lambs for breeding
- 0.5kg of moist feed
- 0.5kg hay
- 0.5kg of pea straw
- 1.2-1.3kg of conc
7 different types of feed to discuss
- Green forages
- Silage
- Hays
- Hay meal
- Cereal by-products
- Beets and potatoes
- Seeds
- Concentrates
- Supplements
Green forages
Sugar beet
- grass silage
- alfalfa
- sudan grass
Meadow hay
Red clover
Hay meal
Alfalfa meal
Cereal by-products
Corn starch
Pea straw
Beets and potatoes
And carrots!
These are for pregnant ewes