FDNY -EReardon Flashcards
Prior to lift off HRRT should be on what HT channel ?
Ch. 13 TAC U
Personal floatation device should fully inflate w/i __ seconds & rapidfire auto strobe light should activate. If doesnt inflate ? If auto strobe light does not activate?
Within 5 seconds. Use oral inflation tube. For strobe: Pull on black cord located underneath strobe light. *ensure service indicator is green prior to donning & pfd’s are not designed for fire fighting - must remove prior.
Personal floatation device are being issued to all units involved in Air Support Plan. The PFD’s must be donned ?
Will don PFD over bunker gear PRIOR to boarding the aircraft. *Can support member wearing full ppe including SCBA. Inflate after exiting aircraft.
A PCR is needed for DOA & every time unit goes 10-84 ? T or F
DOA - Yes. Only if patient contact - 10-84 but no patient contact 10-37-4
What is the final step when changing teleprinter paper?
10-11 send
Negative stack effect may occur when outside temp is greater then inside the bld. It is greatest when outside temp is above __ deg ?
Tools for HIgh rise roof kit?
(1) Bolt cutter, (1) Rabbit, (2) Axes, (2) search ropes, (6) scba w/ 1 hour cylinders, (2) Halligans, Bags for tools. “BRASH”
Riding lists are decided on 2 things?
Level of experience and training of members working.
Overt biological release. Avoid entry for a minimum of __ to __ ?
30 minutes to an hour.
Brush fire 10- ?
Respond to Class 3 Alarm. After investigation you deem it to be result of smoking in unauthorized area. You recommend what signal to Bc?
Elevators: emergency stop buttons are inoperative in phase 1 & phase 2 ?
Phase 1
Collapse: Response ticket:
E79 E80 E83 L37 TL23
who ensures 3 1/2” suppy line stretched to first TL ?
E80 - 2nd due
E65Y shall report to IC or ___ if established ?
Logistics. Y = systems ctl unit
Natural vertical vent is influenced by stack effect. It becomes more noticeable in buildings over __’ ?
HR Office: Bld built between ‘45-‘68 all have fire twr. T or F ?
T. All between ‘38 to ‘68 have fire twr. Some before ‘38 have fire twr. Not required after ‘68.
BISP: concrete construction. Standpipe must be maintained up to & capped __ floor(s) below stripping floor ?
Steel construction: standpipe maintained & capped on floor below the __ floor ?
Concrete: one floor below stripping floor.
Steel: on floor below the walking floor.
Yellow hydrants on parkways & expressways have valves that require __ turns to fully open ?
18 clockwise
Lt Annette views response ticket & its says ‘E80H’. What is their assignment ?
E80H = hm tech unit. E80N would be high rise nozzle.
UFS: fire prevention is found in section ?
- ‘Finances/funds #6 before fires #8’
Search rope: distance knots are __” apart from each other & the last set of knots is at __’ w/ how many knots ?
6”. 175’ - 7 knots
Cast iron columns at 1100 deg F lose __% of its original strength ?
58% *when they lose strength loss is cumulative & never regained. Cannot withstand an eccentric load.
You are the officer of the first arriving satellite unit. You should supervise operations at?
Supervise operations at the Hydrant hook up site.
HR Office: who determines which stairway is the best for evacuation & advises ICP ?
3rd truck
HR Office: fire on 21st floor. You hook up to standpipe on 20. How much psi supplied to siamese ?
250 psi. *its fire floor not where you ‘hook up’. 1-10 = 150, 11-20 = 200, 21-30 = 250
Car accident. At least what minimum distance from side air bags ?
5” - sides (5) letters. From driver - 10” - (10) letters.
Search rope: What type of contact with all search team members ?
Verbal/ voice.
HR Office: 3rd truck. Examine floor above the fire & report to ICP the following ?
‘FACE’ 1. Fire extention 2. Access stairs down or upward 3. Conditions smoke/heat 4. Evacuation status
What 2 transmissions must the roof hear in order to pop bulkhead?
Interior team has door control on fire floor
Charged hoseline is advancing into fire apt.
Good nozzle pressure for satellite deluge guns for 2” or 2 1/2” __ ? 3” or 3 1/2” __ ?
2” or 2 1/2” = 125psi
3” or 3 1/2” = 100psi
ABR schools have a written fire drill & evacuation plan. They are in substantial or complete compliance. Non-ABR or ABR in process have a regular fire drill & ISP for these children. What info on ISP ?
- Name of student 2. Location of student 3. Name of staff member designated to evaluate student 4. Name of b/u staff member
OLT’S- order of preference for roof man ?
Adjoining building
Rear fire escape
E79 has training on 9x tour. Details should arrive before __ & unit must leave no later than __ ?
Detail arrives BEFORE 915 - leave no later than 915.
Members detailed to quarters other then their own are allowed to walk up - how far ?
Within 1 mile or 20 blocks
You are assigned to a 10-14 engine. You lose a guy to ML during the tour. State what to dispatcher ?
We are responding ‘understaffed’.
A Ladder, Rescue or Squad or Gr 1 eng loses a guy - ‘We are responding with 4 FF’
*when responding understaffed - state # of FF you are responding with.
Satellite water system: deluge guns have a horizontal reach of __’ ? TL __’ ?
Deluge guns - 250’ TL - 300’
Unit with an officer & 1 FF ?
OOS. Respond to VERBAL alarms.
In __ or __ sty structures where amount of hose is __ lengths or less, the 2nd eng officer should contact 1st to ascertain if assistance is needed ?
1 or 2 story structures. 4 lengths or less.
CFRD: to start a tour a CFRD engine needs how many FF ?
2 cfrd FF (FF or Officer) to be in service.
Begin each tour w/2 FF - during tour an officer & 1 FF in service
CFRD: who carries the trauma bag. ?
C-Checker: patient assessment & hands on care. Checks pulse, begins compressions. Trauma bag.
PD. when entering the first floor main entrance above a cellar, a thermal imaging Carmela showing heat waves emanating across the first floor indicates what?
The interior cellar door is open
PD. during initial size-up at apparent 1st floor fire what should members do before committing the first hose line?
Check to determine that fire did not start in cellar
Members are not to attempt to remove a tree which has fall onto a car unless ? 3 reasons
- Emergency lane 2. First aid 3. Perform a rescue.
You are in quarters or in the field. A man walks up to you with a 2 day year old infant. You request EMS & state unit is in custody of abandoned infant. Radio code 10- __ is given ?
10-99 unit is OOS until ambulance has assumed custody.
How do u start fire pumps?
Kansas City Starters Suck Close knife switch Close circuit breaker Push start button Move selector lever for speed/press
Put these in the proper order from highest to lowest Directors, Leaders and Supervisors.
Acro: DSL
You are ‘understaffed’ & only unit 10-84. Take what position ?
Defensive. Known life hazard can perform rescue activity.
What info must 1st arriving truck obtain from Fire Safety Director?
Acro: AFEE Location of Fire Evacuation procedures status of Elevators Access stairs serving fire floor
HIRi: Prior to leaving the lobby the 1st arriving truck must do what?
ACRO: FAME Floor plan ( if more than 1 copy ) Access stairs keys MAN ICP Elevator Cars in fireman service
HIRI: 1st arriving truck upon arrival to the floor below the fire must relay this info to ICP?
ACRO: F-SHLAP determine Fire Floor select stairway with STANDPIPE determine Heat/Smoke cond FireFl determine LIFE hazard Advance Engine + Primary Search
Fr Hayes was instructed not to enter the fire area because of his PPE. Which two are required - hood, suspenders or knee pads ?
Suspenders & knee pads. No hood OOD instruct member earflaps down & collar up & secured by neck strap PRIOR to entering.
You feel pain or discomfort through the hood, you must leave immediately unless area can be immediately cooled by a __ ?
Hoseline NOT a can
Normally an Aerial ladder is placed 2” to 6” from objective…for a rescue __” ?
HIRi: 4th truck Upon arrival to roof shall report what info to the IC?
ACRO: Cow Vu CONDITIONS in stairs any Occupants fire/occupants at WINDOWS from roof VENTILATION UNUSUAL conditions
In a flashover situation, a Bunker equipped member must be within __ to __’ of an exit in order to survive ?
5’ to 10’
CFRD: when requesting ambulance you should transmit what to dispatcher ?
CC CAP - 1. Cups 2. Chief complaint 3. Cpr 4. Age 5. Pulse/ Respiratory rate
*no mention of race or sex.
Under River Tube: EED located ?
EED: at both ends of each under rvr tube at BASE of emergency exit.
CO: Colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-irritating, toxic gas.
LEL __% UEL __%
Ignited: 1128
Slightly lighter then air .968
___ more attracted to o2 then hemoglobin.
LEL = 12.5% UEL = 74%. 210x
CFRD: patient RMA - PCR ?
Yes Pcr encourage to stay
Under River Rail:
Victims should be removed in the following order:
1. Ambulatory
2. Non Amb red then yellow
3. Requiring disentanglement/extrication red/yellow
T or F
True. Red then yellow
Brush fires: bambi buckket __ gallons
150 gallons
Under Rvr Rail: primary method for moving patients & equipment ?
Nolan rail cart
Brush fires units: Cannot knock over trees, go through hedge grows or transverse streams or ponds ? T or F
Traditional PD collapse is NOT primary consideration. Generally estimated to an hour -no ceiling protection can occur w/i __ minutes?
Within 20 minutes
Brush fires: weather controlling factor. Serious brush fires occur
- ___ humidity
- Wind in excess of __ mph
- Little or no rainfall for preceding 3 days or more. The longer w/o rain the greater the hazard
- Low humidity
2. Wind in excess of 15 mph
PD: Nyc bld code - lw constructed spaces btwn ceiling & floor above or ceiling & roof divided ___ sq feet or less unless sprinkler system ?
500 sq ft or less
Iroquois: initial actions ?
Set up perimeter & eliminate source of ignition
PD: LW material used. Top Fl fire - not extended into cockloft - roof ops ?
- Check rear & sides
- Check hvac for unusual heat
- Vent skylight/ top fllor windows
* after completing get off roof
* *extension into cockloft notify IC no roof ops
PD: Most common type of peaked roof found in LW construction is the ?
open web LW wood truss
Iroquois: primary consideration ?
Evacuation of area
PPF: The vent group supervisor shall inform IC of recommended placement of PPF. Proper placement based upon ?
- # of ppf & personnel available 2. Location of FF 3. # of floors in bld 4. Stage of FF operations
PPF: the priority order for the use of fans ?
- Attack 2. Evacuation 3. Venting public hallways for smoke/CO
PPF: The __ stairwell is the first consideration for pressurization & will be pressurized upon orders of the IC. ?
Attack. ***the vent group supervisor shall inform IC of the recommended placement of PPF.
PPF: proper placement __’ to __’ from the attk stair door on the GROUND floor & directly facing the door to the stairwell at __deg angle ?
4’ to 6’ 80 deg angle. Fan positioned to blow into stairwell; not placed in stairwell.
PPF: pressure delivered will allow up to __ stairwell doors to be open & remain effective?
Up to 3 doors
PPF: burp the bulkhead, until smoke clears (approx. how long) ?
60 seconds
PPF: should be inspected & started daily beginning of the 9x6 tour. Weekly at MUD - should be started & allowed to run at full rpm for 5 minutes ? T or F
PPF: One fan can provide the proper pressure in the stairwell up to __ stories, two fans will pressurize a __ sty bld?
10 sty. 40 sty.
RRV132: what is primary method of communications ?
DARS. DARS are 400mhz UHF hand held radios. Switch to boro frequency.
RRV task force. DARS is primary method of communications. If DARS is OOS ?
Alternative 800mhz if DARS is OOS. Cell phones if DARS/800mhz OOS. Dept radio if others not operable & for emergencies.
What type of PV systems may be difficult or impossible to detect during night time hours ?
Flush & integrated mounted
Vacants: most important consideration in size up ?
Protection of life
Vacants: structural stability is the most important aspect determining the initial attack strategy ? T or F
No member can consent to be a victim of hazing. You are officer & men inform you of hazing incident. You must report incident to ?
In writing, via chain of command to COD
What number is the training section in the uniformed filing system?
- Remember always pull out the existing file card first. 0 reports 1 admin 2 personnel 3 operations 4 training 5 equipment 6 finances 7 civilian defense 8 fire prevention
Members wearing Bunker gear with or without scba become totally submerged in under __ ?
Under 1 minute.
Large crazing of glass indicates remoteness from pt of origin & slow heat build up ? T or F
True. *checkering is water applied to heated intact glass.
Terrorist activity suspected ?
Notify FM. Do not confront.
E79 responds to a fire on the 101st floor. They decide pump pressure of __ psi & it requires activation of __ ?
650 - 3rd stage activation. Pressures exceeding 600psi req 3rd stage. High pressure pumpers can discharge over 250 up to 600.
CFRD: defibrillator displays a flashing ___ hourglass in the upper right hand corner is operational & ready for use ?
Flashing BLACK. Flashing OR solid RED X & or emits chirping sound OOS - exchange at depot.
Defibrillator malfunctions. All equipment remains together except data card. Double clear bag. RT2. Copy of PCR & Unusual occurrence report ? T or F
F. All equip including data card.
Dunn: #1 ignition source for shanty fires at construction sites?
Portable heaters too close to combustibles
CFRD: you turn on AED during cardiac arrest (10-37-2). The original PCR shall be ?
Immediately faxed & fwd to OMA. A copy of (part one) shall be turned into cfrd depot w/AED module. Serial # of module onto pcr.
CFRD: What is minimum amount of blanket(s) on apparatus ?
2 minimum on apparatus at all times. Blanket white w/blue letters ‘FDNY’. CFRD units min of (6) in stock. Depots min 25.
CFRD: the patient a female has no ID & her name is not known. Write what on PCR ?
Unknown female
CFRD: how do you know who completed PCR ?
Name is circled.
A person should stand how far from ERS box speaking grid ?
1’. *After push button is depressed, a series of ring backs is audible for approx 20’ from box.
Teleprinter: must be acknowledged with __ seconds ?
20 seconds
Flammable solids is what # on DOT chart ?
Railroad shipping papers is called ___ & is carried by conductor in the caboose or engine ?
Rail = waybill. Truck = bill of lading, in the cab w/i reach of driver. Aircraft = airbill kept by pilot. Ships = cargo manifest - 1st mate/master
OSHA maximum safe working level for CO __ppm over 8 hour period. EPA residential levels are not to exceed __ppm over 8 hours ?
Osha: 35ppm over 8 hours.
Epa: 9ppm over 8 hours
CO readings are between 10 & 99ppm recommend evacuation ? T o F
True. Unless symptomatic. 100ppm or greater begin evacuation. Once source mitigated & readings are 9ppm or less area can be reoccupied.
Gasalert Extreme CO monitor: a visual & low audible w/ slow vibration when concentration of CO exceeds __ppm ?
35ppm. *visual & high audible w/ a fast vibration is exceeds 100ppm.
1st arriving CPC Officer will recommend ENTRY POINT into the hotzone. He shall not don CPC unless - Examples are?
- Where operation requires a number of entry teams 2. Complex entry team operation 3. Entry team not w/i line of sight
CPC standby position. __ arm in suit ?
Decon: 2 pumpers __’ apart w/ control panels facing outside? Using aqua-stream operating pressure of __ to __ psi ?
25’ apart. 50 to 80 psi
HMTU: where are units Level A cpc suits kept ?
On first piece to ensure availability at all times.
Is how many ppm?
50-499 ppm
PS Decon shall be implemented only when members are exposed to
50ppm or more
PCB Transformer is not to have combustible material within how many feet?
16.4 feet
5 meters
Decon: 2 1/2” HL w/ aqua-stream fog nozzle. Operating pressure __ to __psi ? Consideration of 2 HL approx how far apart ?
50 to 80 psi. 25’ to 30’ apart.
Permanent storage sites for PCB’s are for how long?
Up to 1 year is allowed for PCB items and PCB liquids
All PCB transformers must be registered with who?
Fire Dept
PCB Contaminated for temporary storage sites are allowed for how long?
Not to exceed 30 days
PS PCB liquids of 500+ are not allowed in a temporary storage site
Carcasses if drained of PCB’s will be treated as what?
PCB Transformer.
FD considers ANY amount of PCB as a PCB Transformer.
T/F FD personnel can deactivate transformers with the direction of engineering personnel or Con ed?
False only Con Ed or engineering
Personnel can deactivate transformers
What color is the Con Ed truck that
Removes large amounts of PCB’S?
Dark Green color
PS 3000 gallons
1ST arriving officer at a PCB incident shall seek to contact a person in charge and get what info?
Type of Material
EPA Regs
PCB concentration greater than
_______ ppm is prohibited.
Greater than 1000
M2 cars operate in pairs A is an even numbered car and the B car is the odd car, which car has pantograph?
A car has pantograph
PS transformer in every car
PS pantograph is UNfolded when using cantenary
M2 cars have battery located on
_____ side and transformer will be in the ______ of the car on all cars
Left side
NYC owned transformers PCB contaminated 50-499 will have a _____ color background.
NON PCB 0-49 will have a______
color background
Yellow= 50-499 Blue= 0-49
Who do u notify for the allegation concerning theft of city property or services by an employee or person dealing with city?
Who do u notify for misuse of dept vehicle?
New Haven and Metro North cars have Approximately 200 rail cars with transformers. What color striping id’s these cars?
Orange stripes= transformers
Who do u notify for Alcohol/arrest Boxing between bro's Civilian confrontation also PD Drinking driving/drugs
LRFPMD: who accounts for all elevators ?
Preference of charges against member - notify bits how ?
Written notification to BITS. ABCD - immediate notification to BITS. Arrest/Alcohol on duty , Brawling among members, Confrontations between members & other agencies/SERIOUS confrontations w/civilians, Drugs/dangerous misuse of dept vehicles
Misuse of time who do u notify?
Written -Bits
Kennedy airport intermediate pressure hydrant (90 psi) - what colors ?
Black body yellow top
Primary consideration at PD constructed w/ LW material ?
Collapse. Primary emphasis is an exterior attk unless fire is minor or confined to small area
Fully involved Brownstone - no fire in exposure ? 1st line ? 2nd ? 3rd ?
Fire bld. Fire bld. No fire in exp - thru exposure to rear yard if fire bld
Who ensures sprinkler supplied for cellar fire in Mill Loft Bld ?
2nd engine
Cockloft Rowframe ?
1’ to tall enough for man to stand
Brownstone cockloft ?
2’ to 3’
H-type cockloft ?
As deep as 4’
Taxpayer cockloft ?
4” to more then 6’
The Bell 412 heli should be approached from the_____.
Th Augusta u approach from the
PS chief rides in Augusta
FF ride in the Bell
HRRT will be issued how many PDFs with a carrying case?
T/F no attempts shall be made to forcible restrain an EDP?
False - unless there is a DIRECT threat of physical harm to members of the Dept.
Code 10-47
T/F LP gases are lighter than air?
False= heavier
1.5 to 2 times heavier
LP tankers u should remain ____ ft
from the sides and remain _____ ft from the front/rear?
500 sides
1000 from front/rear
What do u use to extinguish on small LP gas fires
Dry chem are effective and carbon dioxide extinguishers can also be used.
LP gas fires in tankers, failure usually occurs where?
Vapor area
What are the signs of LP tank failure?
Increase in volume of fire or a rise in noise level or both. There may be a bubble or blister forming on shell
Propane is a liquefied gas stored in cylinders at a temperature ______ it’s boiling point and stays as a liquid as long as container is closed.
There are 3 areas of exposure in a LP-gas system during a vehicle leak?
Engine compartment
Fuel line from tank to automatic shut off
Tank area
T/F to extinguish a gasoline fire by using foam, dry chem or water spray and at the same time cooling propane cylinder with hose streams to prevent bleve?
If the tank area is involved in fire in LP cars immediately do what?
Locate where the tank relief valve discharges and keep Clear of this area.
PS discharge on passenger cars are positioned within 45 degree of vert
LP gas systems have containers for vans, trucks and buses found where?
Rear section of vehicle or mounted under the skirt or frame
CNG buses carry _____ aluminum cylinders which contains _____ cubic feet of gas.
PS ups and sanitation are starting to use these vehicles
ID# 1971
Can CNG cylinders BLEVE ?
No because they contain no liquid.
Remember if u can not shut off, let it burn.
Fusible plug is set for_____ degrees
Fahrenheit at CNG filling stations
212 degrees
PS Manhattan area code
What type of foam is used on methanol fire?
Alcohol must be used
For small fires, type b, what type of agents do u use?
Purple K is most effective but u can use Dry Chem.
Search rope: A single directional knot is located 18” before each distance knot. This knot will always be closer to the tie off or exit ?
F. Except first distance knot of 25’
Search rope: officer must decide if members will conduct searches off the rope (out of contact w/rope). Factors in this decision are?
- Configuration of area
- Heat/smoke conditions
- Experience level of search team
- Voice contact
- Size of area being searched
Search rope: who operates as first search team ?
Officer & 2 FF. Other members remain at tie off point.
Search rope: repacked. ?
Monthly. Inspect rope after each use.
Utility rope: 50’ condemned LSR. How many does Squad carry ? Ladder co ? Engine co ?
SQ & Ladder 3. Engine 2. *Eng carries 3 cans of foam, ladder 2.
Utility CORD: how long ?
CIDS: construction class. A wood frame building using wood truss or laminated I beams would be classified as what ?
CL4LW on cids card
You are handed a response ticket. In the CIDS section it reads, ‘AIR’. What does ‘AIR ‘ mean ?
AIR - Artist in residence.
When can CFRD company request “CFR Hold” (CFRH) for a facility that does not require response of company ?
TRAINED med professionals on staff during ALL hours of operation. They have trained in CPR, O2, DEFIB.
There are 5 ways a chemical can enter into the body?
Inhalation Skin contact Ingestion Puncture/wound Eyes. PS no ears
T/F To identify material on a truck the diamond placard is your main source of info ?
False only if no ID number or shipping name can be found should u then resort to the diamond
Is CO heavier than air?
No CO is slightly lighter than air. .968
Where do u take an initial reading with the CO Meter?
At the front door of the Premises
CO readings greater than_____ ppm but less than_____ppm u recommend persons leave affected area?
Greater than 9 but less than 100ppm.
PS greater than 100ppm begin evacuation.
CO detector activation EMERGENCY greater than 9ppm is code?
CO no detector activation,no detector present or detector present but did not activate. What code?
Exchanged batteries received from depot must be left on charger for a minimum of ____ hrs before using?
14 hrs
When should an officer have a member inspect all ht batteries assigned to their unit to ensure no battery has passed their required reconditioning date?
On 1st day of each month, on 9x6 tour. Mark taken in co Jo
There are no “no smoking” signs at constructions sites - Issue a ?
Fast unit should rpt & stage near ICP within __ contact ?
Officers rpt to ICP rpt in alone - instruct members to stand at least __’ from command post ?
Cfrd run: Ems on scene first. Who contacts who first ?
E 52 b/u on ch 10 will contact Ems. Switch to ch 10 upon arrival. ‘E52 to EMS’ not ‘E52 b/u to Ems’. If E52 10-84 before Ems - Ems will contact E52 first
T/F chemical agents,signs and symptoms are fairly Consistent between victims.
PS biological = different signs and symptoms
Spray canisters, spray devices compressors and tanks are a warning sign of what type of release?
Biological agents in liquid form are ___ but vary in color. Typically thicker than water but not as thick as syrup.
Weapon oozed anthrax may appear, what 2 colors?
Gray or brown
T/F A chemical agent released at dawn, dusk or during the night will have greater impact.
False biological agent
Post radio: due to radio frequency radiation hazard members shall not be within __’ of transmitting radio ?
W/I 2’
Post radio: 2nd engine officer in vicinity of standpipe - who does he establish contact with - fire area or ICP ?
ICP on command channel - informs ICP of his location. Then fire area on tactical ch - lets them know contact established w/ICP. *if 1st Bc is delayed w/post radio - man operating elevator delivers to 2nd eng
What do u use on mailbox fires?
Carbon dioxide
PS 3 short blasts for 2 minutes
Security dogs are professionally trained and are classified into 3 categories?
PS watch dogs do not attack
What is the best method of detecting a dog ?
Shake the door VIGOROUSLY.
PS direct extinguisher stream into dogs face then use short bursts if still aggressive use chair or tool
In junkyards and similar facilities if a fire condition exists a charged ___
Can be used for protection while a
______ line can be advanced.
1 3/4
If a dog attacks a member What notifications do u make?
EMS PD Board of Health Center of Animal Care/Control,if stray Medical office
Security dogs must be entered on CIDS. What info?
Location of dogs Type Name of handlers Telephone #'s PS no mention of how many dogs
Foam rubber furniture or bedding has been involved in fire, What should be done?
Hose line should be STRETCHED.
If possible
Roll up and tie with rope/wire etc
Cut foam rubber into small pieces place in tub or sink
Lexan windows are how many times greater than safety glass?
250 times
T/F Lexan windows will not shatter even by a bullet?
PS it is half the weight of glass also self extinguishing and 1/3 thermal conductivity of glass.
Lexan windows can be found in NYC schools up to ____ ft in height?
75 ft
Lexan is installed on the ____ fl of many telephone buildings and
AT TIMES installed on ______ and _____ floor windows.
1st fl
Cellar and 2nd fl
To quickly remove Lexan windows,
What is the best tool?
PS portable ladder can be used at ground or below might push in Lexan
Portable power saw with carbide tip
a sawzall with coarse tooth wood blade can be used but is slower
PS it might be easier to work on window framing or mullions
T/F compactors fires u are to clear the blockage?
Compactor= put fire out
Incinerator= clear the blockage
If u see smoke when u open the chute door the blockage is where?
PS if there is a draft with little smoke blockage is generally below.
an upper fl with smoke, spark arrest or or fly ash collector.
To free a blockage in a chute, what are the ways to clear it?
Bent reinforcing rod 10 ft an shaped into an L or hook
Tie a heavy weight to a rope
Last resort burn, if only incinerator
If water is used turn off gas/ burner
Who chocks open ground level stairwell door when dealing with compactor/incinerator fires?
Roof firefighter
Which one has a shaft that a FF can fall into that terminates in the basement ?
Fly ash collector or
Spark arrest
Fly ash collector
PS u will FLY
T/F There are buildings with incinerators and compactors that DO NOT have standpipes?
T/F It is determined that the fire is in the basement incinerator room stretch down the stairs to the room?
Entry may have to be made via outside entrance. Use SOP for basement fire.
Unprotected lightweight open web steel joists may collapse in _ minutes?
5 to 10 min
T or f. Early collapse of a truss roof must be anticipated in a heavy fire condition and members should not be committed to roof ops?
T or f. Members should never operate above an open steel joust roof?
You just can’t cut the roof
When is fdny the primary agency (single command)?
Bad chiefs - boat 1st due, auto 1st due ,downed tree ,confined space ,implement or intrapment ,elevators, fires structural collapse
Compactor rooms should be fire ___ protected by a ____ door and supplied by automatic sprinkler.
Fire door
In compactor rooms the electrically operated head will operate at approximately _____degrees and will stop flowing when the temp falls below____ degrees.
PS many times it will not work because it is clogged by refuse.
Do not replace sprinklers
In compactor rooms there is a small OS%Y that controls the head in the compactor and room. Where is it found?
Found on the water line in or NEAR the compactor room. Either inside or outside the room
In refuse chutes of new construction
sprinklers shall be spaced how far apart?
Not more than 2 stories apart in height.
Compactor fire what is the 1st thing officer and forcible entry must do?
Locate electrical shut off and shut power
PS this shut off will generally be on the wall IN the compactor room
Before the compactor door to the chute is opened 2 things must be done?
Hose line shut down and sprinkler
OS&Y is closed
T/F All compactor rooms have a garden hose hook up ?
False- MOST rooms
Fire in the compactor UNIT where does the line get stretched to?
1st floor
Fire has extended from compactor to room. What FF tactics do u take?
Same as a cellar fire
What are the 5 conditions that must be present for a wind impacted fire to occur?
1)wind-2) fire in apt-3)failed or open window in fire room4) fire apt door leading to public hall left open OR not fully closed 5) area of low pressure (flow path)
The stack effect is influenced by what?
1 height of building 2 temp. Differential between outside and inside temperatures. 3 air leakage to other floors. 4 wind
FP. Wind impacted fires: what is the one factor that cannot be controlled eliminating flow path?
Occupant in another apt opening their door, especially on opposite side of fire apt
What are the 5 conditions that must be present for a wind impacted fire to occur?
1)wind-2) fire in apt-3)failed or open window in fire room4) fire apt door leading to public hall left open OR not fully closed 5) area of low pressure (flow path)
1 3/4 line stretched to 5th fl, 6 lengths are stretched. How much pressure?
50 for 1 3/4 + 20 length + 5 per fl = 190
2 1/2 line stretched to 3rd fl 5 lengths are stretched. How much pressure?
2 1/2 noz is 40 + 5 length + 5 floor= 75
ILP: initial handline stretch will be controlled by either the __ for 4 man engine or ___ for 5 man engine until relieved by Control FF(hydrant FF) ?
4 man ECC, 5 man doorp b
ILP: main must be __” or larger ?
6” or larger. ***During water alert, ILP shall not be used unless absolutely necessary.
Not more then 6L as initial supply line. Intake drops below 15 psi - augment.
6th grade FF evaluations must be prepared in triplicate at the end of which months of service ?
9th, 13th, 17th
Lt Annette is covering in E80. You ask him if you can work the 6x9 following education day ?
Cannot work 6x9 before or after education day. All members below BC attend.
EEO: when Inspectors enter notify officer that his presence is required at house watch? T or F
True. For IG, Bits, testing unit - make no announcement unless specifically requested by them.
Chemical suicide: ventilate when ?
Vent occupancy prior to entering
Chemical suicide: your unit stretches & charges hose line w/fog nozzle primarily for ?
Chemical suicide: you immediately transmit 10-80-__& call for NYPD response ?
What is a priority hydrant?
HOT. High profile Only hydrant on block Target hazard
An APR can only be used when authorized by IC only after?
CFOAM Concentration of material mesured Filter cartridge specific 02. 19.5% to 23.5% Air contaminant ID Monitoring on going ( air)
Hrfpmd. Wind impacted fires: once the decision has been made by IC to enter fire apt after wcd device has been deployed and ladder gains door control who does the engine officer contact before entering with a charged hose line ?
Roof or other member in apt above. Requests: 1) layout 2)location of fire 3) most direct route to fire
What hydrants require priority repair ?
Any priority hydrants that are oos. 2 adjacent hydrants in a block that are both oos. (Report both hydrants requiring priority repair)
How many defective hydrants may be reported on each cd-63?
7 defective hydrants, more than 7 you need additional forms
High rise nozzle: E80N not H(HMTU). It is 8’ 68 degree w/ 2’ bend. Attached to FDNY 2 1/2” shut off that is permanently attached. The 1 1/8” MST is attached to outlet & is removeable. Check MST when?
MUD & before use
Yellow hydrants on Pkwy - how do you open ?
18 turns to the right (clockwise) to open fully.
Supply cockloft nozzle with __ hose ?
1 3/4” – HRN: 2 1/2”.
Cockloft nozzle carried by ?
Division vehicle. *manhole hooks Battalion vehicle
Akron NYer: connect hose lines to siamese before tying the required knots ? T o F
False. Tie required knots first.
Akron NYer: it is recommended to use two hose lines. When two are used bring them back a distance of __’ from siamese, parallel to each other, before making any sharp bends or turns in hose lines?
Akron NYer: using one hose line bring back for __’ before making any sharp bends or turns?
15’. Do not move multiversal unless water is shut down.
Akron NYer: 1 1/4” tip = 1 1/2” = 2” = ?
1 1/4” = 100, 1 1/2” = 70, 2” = 50
Firefighters may be permitted to accumulate a maximum of 4 self mutual tours. T or f
False. Firefighters may work a maximum of 4 self mutuals in any calender year. But can accumulate a maximum of 2 self mutual tours
The EBF-4 riding list is directly linked to what 3 things
Spare radio list
Scheduling units for training To ensure a timely response drill requests shall be received by the planning unit at least How many days in advance
14 days
The following units start each tour with at least 2 school trained chauffeurs
Satellite units. Ex E-72
Collapse rescue units ex L-25 and Decon units(other than tractor trailer)
Planning vehicle
Class J alarm. Bld personnel reset alarm. If it resets - how long should you wait to see if it reset holds?
Approx 2-3 minutes
T or f. Group changes shall be made so that member works as close to 144 hrs per 25-day cycle as possible
T or f. If the group change would exceed the 144 hrs in a 25-day cycle the member would receive ot for the additional hrs
If the group change contemplated would result in excessive lost time co commanders should consider?
- Change of cycle day
- Change group # to another one
- Have diff member change group
If a ff intends to decline a rsot tour. When should he notify co off
At 0900 on the day before the 9x6 or 6x9 rsot tour
T or f. A rsot tour that has been mutualed or rescheduled may not be mutualed or rescheduled again
Mutual exchange of rsot tours must be submitted to the bc on form rs-6 at least _ hrs before the first rsot tour for approval
24 hours
T or f. Ffs who make a Mutual exchange of part of there scheduled vac and as result are scheduled to work rsot while on vac, may either work or mutual exchange there scheduled rsot
T or f. Rsot is not permitted for 6th grade ffs with less than 6 months on the dept
T or f rsot is not permitted for ffs on accrued or terminal leave
The limit for overtime/comp time earnings is _ hours per year
A mutual exchange shall be submitted at least _ days in advance of first date
3 days in advance
Mutual exchange of tours shall be completed in _ days
30 days
T or f. Approved Mx of tours shall be voided if either member will be on any type of leave or detail and member has been notified more than 5 days prior to first date of Mx
True Any leave. And more than 5
Under normal conditions members should not owe or be owed more than _ Mx of tours. This excludes self-mxs
More than 4
Every off on or off duty who suspects or knows that any member has in engaged in prohibited conduct. Alcohol/ drugs shall do what. ?
PROBBE prohibit on and off duty members from leaving. Relieve the on duty member OOS Battalion Bits Entry in co journal
CO: greater then 9ppm less then 100ppm?
Recommend evacuation. 100ppm or greater begin evacuation
10-38 code
1: DUL
2: activation 1 to 9ppm; no symptoms
3: activation >9ppm
4: no activation - detector present did not activate; no detector present
CO detector - Gasalert extreme: a visual & low audible warning with slow vibration when CO exceeds __ ppm?
Exceeds 35ppm; a visual & high audible warning with a fast vibration when CO exceeds 100ppm
L23C: primary objective is rescue of non-ambulatory patients in contaminated zone they also are - a. Level a trained b. Level b trained c. Can perform decon d. Can perform mitigation – which answer(s) are incorrect?
D. Cpc no mitigation
In order to be a CPC unit you need an officer & __ cpc trained FF?
- 2 entry, 2 b/u, 1 decon
**The first CPC officer will recommend to the IC?
Entry Point into HOTZONE
CPC officer shall not don a CPC suit unless ?
Entry team not in line of sight, complex entry, operation requires a number of entry teams
CPC officer maintains supervision - immediate & functional?
CPC standby position - what arm in suit?
IC special call CPC unit or HMTU if more then __ entry teams are expected to be put to work?
> 2
A single entry team can remove up to how many victims?
2 victims in hot zone
HM: Area of safe refuge is in what zone?
Removing victims clothing removes up to __% of contamination?
Up to 90%. FF with bunker gear over 90%
Decon using 2 1/2” line with aquastream. __ to __ psi? How many feet apart?
50 to 80psi. 25’ to 30’ apart
2 pumpers - decon:
25’ apart. Pump panels facing inside. 50 to 80 psi.
TL: turbomaster; Aerial: aquastrean
HM: decon. Primary method of exposure?
Decon trailers:
Operated by Squad units
Decon engine can set up equipment in the warm zone wearing bunker gear or work duty uniform?
True. Once patients or responders reach edge of decon corridor, CPC
Decon personnel are trained to perform several different tech decon. How many different can be done at once?
One procedure at a time
First responders Bridge manual “Field Guide” is what color?
Green. “Risk is Red” RR
Ladder pipe: __ angle for severe crown, max extention __’, __ psi?
Staff Chief approves VACATE for residential bld. DC determines that structural OR life safety conditions permit __ hours should be granted to allow occupants to prepare for relocation?
6 hours
PG on CIDS card - at a minimum this bld should have familiarization drill at least ?
One time per year
Taxpayers mentions this from 2008 code: an area any size located __ stories above grade needs a sprinkler?
Any size located 3 stories above grade sprinkler. Occupancy w/i bld exceeds 7,500 sq ft, occupancy in HR bld or unenclosed stair or escalator need sprinkler as well
E8 single unit on class E alarm for 8th fl. Capt ER transmits 10-76. What does Capt ER do next?
Go back down to lobby for hose/equipment. Re-check alarm panel. Wait for truck - truck in same scenario would NOT go back down
Utility rope stretch from window instead of stairs. Lowest floor you can employ this?
3rd fl utility rope stretch. F/E stretch if fire below 4th, F/E hook is NOT used, line stretched up stair well of f/e
HR office: 2 way communications available between FCS & ?
FEEMA. Floor warden stations Elevators Elevator machinery rooms Mech ctl center Air handling ctl rooms
TL: scrub area covers front of bld __’ high, __’ wide & __’ frontage in lower 3 floors ?
60’ H, 50’ W, 100’ frontage
Buildings prior to __ dont require C of O ?
Prior to 1938
10-60-2: collapse of 6sty MD?
True. 60-2 collapse of 6 sty md. 10-60 collapse of PD.
Nitrogen odor?
Musty, fishy
Lewisite odor?
Vx & Sarin odor?
No odor
Soman odor?
Aerials: placement?
- Whether immediate rescue is apparent
- No immediate rescue, the size of frontage for future use
- Smoke, heat, fire causing an exposure that would endanger a victim/member on ladder.
- Area or street conditions that might hamper optimum positioning
Paramount concern at vacants?
Life hazard & safety of members involved in the operation is Paramount concern. Structural stability = initial attk strategy. Most important consideration in size up = life
Ultraradiac: low rate __ ? High rate __? Low dose __? High dose __?
Ultradiac 2mR low rate; 50R high rate. 5R low dose; 12 R high dose.
- 2mR hotline
- 5R rotate members
- 50R catastrophic event
Unconcious FF position on left side to ID?
False, right side
Fast pak: once downed member is supplied with air turn purge valve to fully opened position to allow for constant airflow?
Half way to allow for constant air flow
E79 discovers potential cids entry for bld not within their admin area, so they immediately notify admin company or battalion?
E80 defibrillator has a flashing black hourglass in upper right hand corner when Proby FF checks it. He tells you. What do you do?
Nothing its operational.
Cfrd companies carry how many blankets?
- White with blue letters
When would cfrd company respond to a CFRH?
Segment 1: A/C. Arrest (cardiac-respiratory); choking
- on Duty personnel trained in CPR
- trained personnel are able to provide o2 to patient
- on duty personnel trained in use of defib & its available
- all equipment & personnel are available during all hours of operation
Post radio: due to radio frequency hazard, members shall not be within __ from a TRANSMITTING radio?
Upon arrival on the floor below the fire, the 2nd eng off shall establish contact with ICP on command ch 2 via POST radio & verify its in place & give her location. This should be done before making contact with fire floor ?
True. Then will use HT on Tactical Ch to announce to units in the fire area that link has been established with ICP
Ventilation: if smoke and fire are venting _____, ______or _______this indicates the fire conditions are wind impacted?
Downward, horizontal or pulsating
FF Myers entered room from window. Made quick sweep of floor in the hall outside the door for any victims before closing the door. Searched the room, when he completed the search he did not open door until?
Derailment of subway car ?
Hydrocarbons burn at __ the rate as ordinary combustibles & generate 4 to 10 times the amt of smoke?
If there is any indication of a delay in putting water on a __ fire, all members operating above the fire shall seek refuge by returning to the fire floor or floor below ?
Wind fire: alternate strategy implemented which (3) people can give ladder officer & one member of f/e team to enter public hall to ctl fire apt door?
- IC
- Fire sector supervisor
- operations section chief
HRRT: generally needed to assemble a. Fire above 10th floor b. Fire has possession of 2 or more floors c. Int access above fire is blocked d. Access to roof limited to exterior of bld via helicopter which ones are correct?
All good
Systems ctl unit under ?
Member monitoring EFAS: “L37 EFAS to command” “Command to L37 EFAS” ?
False. Efas to command
Steam: pressures at generating plants can be as high as __ psi with temps reaching __ F
2000psi; 900F
Lobby Ctl shall verify which 4 locations?
- fire floor
- fta
- fsa
- sae
Opting out of cfrd?
- must be appointed before jan 1, 2001
- 14 or more cfrd on roster
- 90 days notice to chief of operations