Fats pg 3/4 Flashcards
what are the 3 things fats provide
why do our bodies need fats
-provide concentrated sources of energy
-source of vitamins A, D, E and K
-keep us warm from a layer of insulating fat and protect our bones and organs
-to make cholesterol
what are fats made up of
fatty acids
=in form of triglycerides
fatty acid chains are made up of….
carbon and hydrogen
-can be saturated or unsaturated
-difference is how carbon atoms bond with hydrogen atoms
what bond do saturated fatty acids have
single C-C bonds
what bond do unsaturated fatty acids have
at least one C=C double bond
characteristics of saturated fats
-solid at room temperature
-come from animal sources
-high in fat
-too much can increase cholesterol levels in the blood, increasing the risk of CHD
whats the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats
saturated are bad for your health and unsaturated are generally healthier
characteristics of unsaturated fats
-liquid at room temperature
-come from vegetable sources
-can be monounsaturated and polyunsaturated
what is a monounsaturated fat
-contain 1 C=C double bond
-found in olive oil, almonds, peanut butter, avocados
what is a polyunsaturated
more than 1 C=C double bond
-found in sesame oil, soybean oil, seeds oily fish
fats shouldn’t make up more than what percent of our daily food energy
what is the average amount of fat an adult should consume in a day
Excess fat
-lead to weight gain
-type 2 diabetes
-increase blood cholesterol levels
Deficiency fat
-less fat-soluble vitamins A,D,E and K
-weight loss
-less insulation
-thinner layer of fat under skin
examples of saturated fats
examples of unsaturated fats