Famines Flashcards
What was the estimated death toll of the Great Chinese Famine?
Estimated 15–45 million
The Great Chinese Famine occurred between 1959 and 1961 due to a combination of political and environmental factors.
What caused the Soviet Famine, particularly in Ukraine?
Forced collectivization, confiscation of grain, and political repression targeting Ukrainians
The Soviet Famine occurred between 1932 and 1933, known as the Holodomor.
Approximately how many people died during the Irish Potato Famine?
Approximately 1 million; another 1–2 million emigrated
The Irish Potato Famine lasted from 1845 to 1852 and was due to a potato blight.
What were the main causes of the Bengal Famine in 1943?
Wartime policies, hoarding, mismanagement, cyclone, and flooding
The Bengal Famine resulted in an estimated 2–3 million deaths.
What was the estimated death toll of the North Korean Famine from 1994 to 1998?
Estimated 600,000–3 million
The North Korean Famine was caused by economic mismanagement, loss of Soviet aid, and natural disasters.
What were the causes of the Ethiopian Famines in the 1980s?
Droughts, civil war, and government neglect or manipulation of food aid
The famines in Ethiopia are significant events in recent history.
What were the main causes of the Indian Famines from the late 18th to the 20th century?
Monsoon failures, colonial policies emphasizing exports, and lack of relief efforts
Tens of millions died across multiple famines during this period.
What was the estimated death toll of the Persian Famine (1917–1919)?
Estimated 2–10 million
The Persian Famine was exacerbated by drought, disease, and disruptions caused by World War I.
What were the causes of the Cambodian Famine during the Khmer Rouge regime?
Forced collectivization, displacement, and political repression
Famine-related deaths were estimated in the hundreds of thousands to 1 million.
What was the cause of the famine in Ancient Egypt around 2200–2100 BCE?
A series of low Nile floods disrupted agriculture
This famine is linked to the end of the Old Kingdom and political instability.
What is the significance of the Famine Stele in relation to the Seven-Year Famine in Egypt?
It recounts Pharaoh Djoser’s efforts to restore the Nile’s fertility
The famine occurred around 2000 BCE and was possibly related to low Nile inundations.
What caused the famine during the Akkadian Empire around 2200 BCE?
Climate change and prolonged drought
The famine led to desertification and failing crops.
What were the causes of the Great Famine of the Ur III Period?
Drought and administrative issues
This period saw severe famine that disrupted trade routes and food supply chains.
Which biblical famine involved Joseph and lasted seven years?
The famine during the time of Joseph (Genesis 41)
This famine led to food storage initiatives in Egypt.
What caused the famine in the Harappan Civilization around 1900 BCE?
Climate change and river course shifts
This contributed to the decline of the Harappan Civilization.
What were the causes of famines in Early China around 1000 BCE?
Droughts, floods, and locust infestations
Early Chinese texts describe famines resulting from natural disasters and poor governance.
What caused famines in Ancient Greece around the 8th century BCE?
Droughts and reliance on limited agricultural land
Early Greek writings reference food shortages leading to migrations.
Fill in the blank: The Great Chinese Famine occurred between _______.
This famine was one of the deadliest in history.
True or False: The Irish Potato Famine was caused by a potato blight and British government policies.
The famine lasted from 1845 to 1852 and led to significant emigration.