Family Violence & Community Policing Flashcards
Title 19, Chapter 13 of the OCGA is known as ?
The Georgia Family Violence Act
Is Title 19 a criminal or civil statute?
Civil Statute
A Family Violence petition may be filed with the Superior Court by anyone who is not a minor. Once filed, a hearing must be held within ____ days, but not exceeding ____ days in the county where the petition was filed.
10 days
30 days
The occurrence of one or more of the following acts between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons living or formerly living in the same household:
1) Any Felony
2) Commission of offenses of battery, simple battery, simple assault, assault, stalking, criminal damage to property, unlawful restraint, or criminal trespass.
Family Violence Defined, OCGA 19-13-1
Under OCGA 19-13-4, Protective Orders, if the superior court judge finds sufficient proof of family violence, he/she may:
1) Direct respondent to refrain from such acts
2) Grant to a party possession of the residence and exclude the other party
3) Require a party to provide suitable alternate housing for spouse and/or children
4) Award temp custody of minor children
5) Order the eviction of either party from their residence
6) order child support to either party
7) Order either party to make payments in support of the other party
8) Provide for possession of personal property
9) Order respondent to refrain from harassing
10) Award costs and attorneys fees
11) Order respondent to counseling service to prevent reoccurrence
A facility approved by the department for the purpose of receiving, on a temporary basis, persons who are subject to family violence.
Family Violence Shelter as defined in OCGA 19-13-20(5)
A centralized database, available to every officer to provide real-time information regarding statewide protective orders.
Family Violence and Stalking Protective Order Registry, which is available through GCIC/NCIC 24/7.
Under OCGA 17-4-20, an arrest for a crime may be made by an officer either under a warrant or without a warrant if:
1) the offense is committed in the officers presence or immediate knowledge
2) offender is trying to escape
3) PC that an act of FV has occurred
4) PC to believe a FV Protective Order has been violated
5) Officer believes a vulnerable adult has been abused.
There are several types of disputes the officer will encounter, but the two most common are:
Verbal Disputes
Violent Disputes
List the Family Violence Intervention Sequence
1) Disturbance
2) Police Response
3) Restore order
4) Restraint or Separation
5) Arrest Determination
6) Detoxify Atmosphere
7) Diagnostic Interview
8) Action Plan
9) Intervention Methods
Unless it is determined that a weapon is involved, officers should proceed to the scene without using :
Lights and siren
When responding to a FV call for service, where should the officers park and approach from?
At least one house away and approach on foot, avoiding sidewalks.
List the 5 general categories of domestic abuse.
1) physical abuse
2) emotional/psychological abuse
3) sexual abuse
4) financial abuse
5) neglect
What are the three stages to the cycle of violence?
Build up stage
Explosion stage
Regret and remorse stage
List some reasons people stay in FV situations.
1) A belief the abuser will change
2) Maintaining an intact family for the children
3) Fear of losing children
4) Economic dependence
5) Afraid of being alone
6) Lack of support
7) Religion
8) Fear
What are the 3 stages to learned helplessness?
1) Information- what will happen?
2) How one thinks what will happen
3) The behavior or response to what does happen
Debility, Dependency, Dread, and Disorientation describe what syndrome?
Stockholm Syndrome
What are the 5 stages of grief involving death notifications?
1) Denial
2) Anger
3) Bargaining
4) Depression
5) Acceptance
The Broken Windows Theory suggests that signs of community neglect or general incivility in a particular community lead to crime that is more serious.
The Routine Activity Theory of crime (aka the Crime Triangle) states that crime is the result of three conditions, which include:
The anticipation, recognition, and appraisal of a crime risk and the initiation of some action to remove or reduce that risk is called?
Crime Prevention
The SARA model is a major conceptual vehicle that allows officers to think about problem solving in a structured and disciplined way. SARA stands for: