Crimes Against Children / Bombs & Explosives / Organized Crime / Controlled Substances Flashcards
Maltreatment of children usually falls into one or more of 4 categories:
1) Physical abuse
2) Neglect
3) Emotional abuse
4) Sexual abuse
What type of abuse refers to an act of commission by a parent or caretaker, which is not accidental, and harms or threatens to harm a child’s physical or mental health or welfare.
Physical abuse
Refers to an act of omission, specifically the failure of a parent or other person that is legally responsible for a child’s welfare to provide for the child’s basic needs and proper level of care with respect to food, clothing, shelter, hygiene, medical attention or supervision.
Results in impaired psychological growth and development. It often occurs as verbal abuse or excessive demands on a child’s performance and results in a negative self-image on the part of the child and disturbed child behavior.
Emotional abuse
Sexual abuse refers to any act of a sexual nature upon or to a child.
Any willful or malicious burning or attempting to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, public building or personal property of another.
List 6 motives for arson.
1) profit
2) concealment of another crime
3) revenge
4) vandalism
5) excitement or pyromania, and
6) extremism
A parent, guardian, or other person supervising the welfare of or having immediate charge or custody of a child under the age of 18 commits this offense when such person willfully deprives the child of necessary sustenance to the extent that the child’s health or well-being is jeopardized; OR
When such person maliciously causes a child under the age of 18 cruel or excessive physical or mental pain.
16-5-70: Cruelty to Children 1st Degree
Any person commits this offense when such person with criminal negligence causes a child under the age of 18 cruel or excessive physical or mental pain.
Cruelty to Children 2nd Degree
Any person commits this offense when:
1) Such person, who is the primary aggressor, intentionally allows a child under the age of 18 to witness the commission of a forcible felony, battery, or family violence battery; OR
2) Such person, who is the primary aggressor, having knowledge that a child under the age of 18 is present and sees or hears the act, commits a forcible felony, battery, or family violence battery.
Cruelty to Children 3rd Degree
A person commits this offense when, by means of fire or explosive, he/she knowingly damages or knowingly causes, aids, abets, advises, encourages, hires, counsels, or procures another to damage:
5) Any building, vehicle, railroad car, watercraft, aircraft, or other structure under such circumstances that it is reasonably foreseeable that human life might be endangered.
16-7-60: Arson 1st Degree
- relates to endangerment of human life
A person commits this offense when, by means of fire or explosive, he/she knowingly damages or knowingly causes, aids, abets, advises, encourages, hires, counsels, or procures another to damage:
5) Any building, vehicle, railroad car, watercraft, aircraft, or other structure under such circumstances that the building/structure is unoccupied or empty.
16-7-61: Arson 2nd Degree
*relates to empty building or structure
A person commits this offense when, by means of fire or explosive, he/she knowingly damages or causes, aids, abets, advises, encourages, hires, counsels, or procures another to damage:
1) Any personal property of another without his/her consent or in which another has a security interest, including but not limited to a lien, without the consent of both and value of the property is $25.00 or more.
16-7-62: Arson 3rd Degree
- relates to property over $25
What are three types of serial fire starters?
1) Mass Arsonists
2) Spree Arsonists
3) Serial Arsonists
Controlled substances are divided into 5 classifications:
1) Narcotics
2) Stimulants
3) Depressants
4) Hallucinogens
5) Marijuana
Each classification of drugs has both ____ and ____ effects.
The Georgia Controlled Substance Act is found in Title ____, Chapter ____ of the OCGA.
Title 16
Chapter 13
Substances are assigned to schedules based on their potential for ____ and the potential for legitimate ____ use.
Which Schedule of drugs has the highest potential for abuse and no current medical use in the U.S.?
Schedule 1
Drug investigations uses both ____ and ____ techniques.
In drug investigations, what techniques include undercover operations?
covert techniques
In drug investigations, what techniques include the execution of warrants and arrests made by uniformed officers?
overt techniques
Three questions must be answered to ensure a valid arrest for a violation of the Georgia Controlled Substance Act:
1) Is the substance controlled?
2) Is the substance scheduled?
3) Was evidence collected legally and properly?
Drug evidence must be handled carefully, with the ____ ____ ____ being properly and carefully maintained.
chain of custody
The Federal Controlled Substances Act places substances that are regulated under Federal law into one of _____ schedules.
Organized crime exists when ____ or ____ individuals conspire to violate criminal laws for profit.
two or more
FBI Definition- Any group having some manner of a formalized structure and whose primary objective is to obtain money through illegal activities.
Organized Crime
Common activities associated with organized crime that the FBI identifies as predicate crimes chargeable under the RICO statute include:
1) trafficking drugs and alcohol
2) illegal gambling
3) prostitution
4) loan-sharking
5) human trafficking
6) sexual exploitation of children
7) murder
8) kidnapping
9) arson
10) robbery
11) bribery
12) extortion
13) money laundering
Organized crime in the U.S. can be traced back to immigrant groups who joined together for protection in the ____ and early ____ centuries.
Asian organized crime can be traced to the Chinese ____ and the Japanese ____.
While traditional organized crime enterprise groups remain a significant problem for Law Enforcement Officers, the average Officer is more likely to encounter ____ ____ activity in the course of the normal career.
Street Gang
Youth join gangs to obtain a sense of ____.
Gang members can often be identified through:
1) the language they use
2) the clothing they wear
3) tattoos
4) use of hand signs
5) jewelry they wear
Nations are organizations comprised of ____ ____.
different gangs
What are the two major gang nations in the U.S.
1) The People’s Nation
2) The Folks Nation
List some criminal activities that are associated with outlaw motorcycle gangs.
1) weapons and drug trafficking
2) drug manufacturing
3) assault
4) extortion
5) homicide
6) money laundering
7) kidnapping
List 5 indicators of arson.
1) Multiple fires
2) Trailers
3) Flammable accelerants
4) odors
5) color of smoke or fire
In order to prove arson, the investigator must prove that there was a ____, and some ____ was burned by the ____. The investigator must also prove that the burning was ____, and the arsonist had the ____ to commit the arson.
Bombs are classified as ____ or ____.
What are three common explosive threats that officers may encounter?
1) Deteriorated dynamite
2) Abandoned military munitions
3) Homemade devices
The Officer’s response to a bomb threat must follow ____ ____ and ____.
Departmental policies
Officers typically leave the decision to evacuate up to the building staff.
A search of the area, concerning a bomb threat, should be conducted with ____ from the building who volunteer to assist. They are likely to notice anything out of the ordinary that could indicate a suspicious device.
A bomb search should follow a ____ ____ and should start by carefully listening for any unusual ____.
standard pattern
Neither Officers, nor civilian personnel at the scene should ____ any device or ____ package, and should notify the ____ ____.
bomb squad
If a device is located, the officer should direct building occupants to a safe area at least ____ yards away from the building.
National statistics show that when measured on a cost per incident basis ____ is the most expensive crime committed.
Predominantly, what are the 6 commonly known motives of arson?
1) Profit
2) Concealment of a crime
3) Revenge
4) Vandalism
5) Excitement (pyromania)
6) Extremism
Defined as one who sets 3 or more fires at the same location.
Mass Arsonist
Defined as those who set fires at 3 or more separate locations, with no cooling-off period between them.
Spree Arsonist
Defined as one who sets 3 or more separate fires with a definite cooling-off period between them. This period may last for days, weeks, or months.
Serial Arsonist
What are the 4 general classifications of the causes of fire?
1) Natural
2) Accidental
3) Arson
4) Unknown
What classification of fire is caused without human aid such as lightning, spontaneous ignition, or malfunction of equipment?
What classification of fire is a result of willful and criminal act of some person, also known as a incendiary fire.
What classification of fire involves human action, directly or indirectly such as careless smoking or welders using acetylene equipment,
All fires that have not been classified as to a cause are said to be?
An important thing to remember regarding a set fire is that a sign is ____ present.
Any combustible material used to spread fire from one point to another.
In arson investigations, what three ways can an investigator show intent?
1) Absence of valuables
2) Structure was altered to make the fire burn better
3) Failure to sound alarm or extinguish the blaze when an opportunity existed
Any chemical compound or other substance or mechanical system intended for the purpose of producing an explosion capable of causing injury to persons or damage to property or containing oxidizing and combustible units or other ingredients in such proportions or quantities that ignition, fire, friction, concussion, percussion, or detonator may produce an explosion capable of causing injury to persons or damage to property.
Explosive Defined
What is the most commonly used incendiary device used today?
The Molotov cocktail
The majority of explosive devices contain ____ ____, a substance readily available on the open market.
Black Powder
Bombs and explosives can be best described as either ____ or ____ detonated devices.
One of the most important things that an officer must do when responding to a bomb threat is to stop all ____ ____ before arriving at the scene.
radio transmissions
While responding to a bomb threat, the rule of thumb is to turn off communication devices at least ____ yards away from the building or area where the bomb is reported to be.
100 yards
If a bomb devise is found during a search, the officer must follow departmental policies. In general, the officer should evacuate the area and direct occupants to an area, that has been searched and found to be safe, that is at least ____ feet (____ yards) away.
1200 ft
400 yds
An individual who does not meet the criteria for a “Street Gang Member,” but is known to affiliate with active gang members, and of whom law enforcement personnel have established a reasonable suspicion that the individual is involved in criminal activity or enterprise, or who promotes the criminal activity of a gang is known as a ____ ____ ____.
street gang affiliate
Generally, every gang is built from groups called ____.
Gang leaders are chosen by natural selection based on what characteristics:
1) Age
2) Physical stature
3) Arrest Record
4) Behavior
What are the four levels of gang involvement?
1) Leaders
2) Hard-core Members
3) Associates
4) Peripheral- AKA: Fringe and/or Marginal Members
Removing graffiti accomplishes two goals:
1) allowing tracking of activity if it returns
2) keeping the gang from establishing its turf
The act of using hand signs to communicate with other gang members is referred to as ____ ____ or ____.
throwing signs
A 6 point star is associated with the ____. Whereas the 5 point star represents the ____.
Nicknames or street names are usually picked to coincide with either their ____ appearance or their ____ of themselves.
____ most familiar symbol is a Baphomet, the goat-like face drawn inside sophisticated pentagrams.
Magick signifies the true ____. It deals with the power to change and control ____, ____, ____, ____, and ____. There are two divisions of Magick, which include, ____ and ____ Magick. Magick can also be divided into three types: ____, ____, and ____. White magick is intended to ____ another party. Grey Magick undertakes ____ gain. Black magick intends ____ to another party.
people, animals, objects, time, and fate
Natural and Ceremonial
White, Grey, and Black
Occult crime is broken into three groups:
1) Ritualistic Crime
2) Occult Inspired Crime
3) Occult Economic Crime
Criminal activity that is part of the religious practice. An example of this type of crime would be a human sacrifice.
Ritualistic Crime
Criminal activity inspired by an individual’s religion or religious belief. Example would be a man’s rape of a prostitute because Satan would appreciate his actions.
Occult Inspired Crime
Criminal activity that is committed for economic gain, under color of religion. Example would be threatening to put a hex on someone unless they paid money.
Occult Economic Crime
Characteristic include:
* Causes sleep
* Decreases pain, coughing, respiration and blood pressure
* Creates confusion and euphoria
* Causes addiction, constipation, and decrease drive
The most powerful narcotic opiate derivative is ____.
Any drug that excites any bodily function, but more specifically those that stimulate the brain and central nervous system.
Class Stimulant:
One type of amphetamine-like is a club drug known as ____. Commonly known as ____ and ____ this synthetic drug has energizing and psychedelic effects.
Six common street names for amphetamines are:
Black Beauties
Black Cadillac
Class Stimulant:
The most potent stimulant is ____. Its main effect is ____.
Described as a substance that depresses the activity of the central nervous system. ____ and ____ are the most widely known and commonly abused depressants.
Alcohol and Barbiturates
Class Depressant
The MAJOR drug of abuse is a depressant, ____.
Substances that produce changes in thought, perception, and mood without causing major disturbances of the autonomic nervous system. AKA drugs that make the mind wander.
One of the most abused hallucinogens today is ____.
Commonly used household items which when inhaled will cause a feeling of euphoria.
Deliriants (Substances other than controlled drugs)
Common street examples of deliriants are:
lighter/cleaning fluid
paint thinner
When used in combination with diet and exercise, this drug promotes increase in size and strength of muscles, improve endurance, and decrease recovery time between workouts.
Drugs or substances in this Schedule have a high potential for abuse. They have no current medical use in the U.S. There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or substance under medical supervision. Examples include: Heroin, LSD, Methaqualone.
Schedule 1
Drugs or other substances in this schedule have a lower potential for abuse than those in other schedules. They have a current medical use in treatment in the U.S. These substances may lead to a moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence. Examples include: Anabolic Steroids, Codeine, and Hydrocodone with Aspirin or Tylenol, and some other barbiturates.
Schedule III
Drugs or substances with a high potential for abuse. They have a current accepted medical use in treatment or a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions. Abuse of the substance may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence. Examples include: Morphine, PCP, Cocaine, Methadone, Methamphetamine.
Schedule II
Drugs or substances have a low potential for abuse. They have a current medical use in treatment. They also have limited physical dependence or psychological dependence. Examples include: over-the-counter cough medicine that contains codeine.
Schedule V
Drugs or substances have a low potential for abuse. They do have a current medical use in treatment. They also have limited physical dependence or psychological dependence. Examples include: Darvon, Talwin, Equanil, Valium, and Xanax.
Schedule IV
Possession of drugs can be ____ or ____.
Constructive or Actual
The violator’s ability to control the actions concerning the sale, use, or possession of the controlled substance.
Constructive possession
Having on or about the person, in the vehicle, or in the home, a substance illegal to possess.
Actual possession
Maltreatment of children usually falls into one or more of four general areas:
1) Physical Abuse
2) Neglect
3) Emotional Abuse
4) Sexual Abuse
This type of abuse often occurs in the name of discipline or punishment.
Physical abuse
Refers to an act of omission, specifically the failure of a parent or other person that is legally responsible for a child’s welfare to provide for the child’s basic needs and proper level of care with respect to food, clothing, shelter, hygiene, medical attention, or supervision.
Often occurs as verbal abuse or excessive demands on a child’s performance and results in a negative self-image on the part of the child and disturbed child behavior.
Emotional abuse
Name 3 types of indicators for abuse or neglect.
1) Physical indicators
2) Behavioral indicators
3) Environmental or Circumstantial indicators
If an officer decides to take a child into custody, he/she will need to contact the ____ ____ to determine what happens next.
juvenile court
Whenever possible, a child victim should be interviewed by someone who has extensive experience in the interviewing techniques of children.