DUI / Accident Reporting / Patrol & Observation Flashcards
On the way to work, take different roads through your zone to:
Identify hazards or spots that could be trouble.
*Know your zone!
What type of patrol is best for navigating through large crowds of people?
Foot Patrol
What are the three objectives to a police patrol?
1) Protect life and property
2) Prevent crime
3) Maintain peace and order
If a stolen or lost item is found and returned to the owner, the officer should require the owner to verify ownership by describing the items, supplying the serial number, and giving info that clearly establishes ownership. What must then be completed by the officer?
A supplemental report must be completed indicating to whom the item was returned and the steps that were taken to verify ownership.
What is the most common type of patrol?
Automotive Patrol
For a car accident that may have death, injuries, or property damage exceeding $500, what is required?
A report.
In order to charge a driver with a DUI for alcohol or drugs, what is required?
The LEO must prove the driver is impaired and charge them for the violation they pulled them over for initially.
What is the priority at an accident scene, after other emergency responders arrive?
Control the scene for safety.
What type of skid involves all four tires locking up?
Overlapping Skids
What are the two ways to measure accident scenes?
Coordinate (Baseline) Method
Triangulation Method
Two facets to working a crash?
What are the three elements in a motor vehicle crash?
Human Element
Roadway Element
Vehicle Element
An abrupt change in a skid mark is called:
*It identifies the point of impact.
Where should the LEO measure from at an accident scene?
From fixed objects
Alcohol concentration for anyone over the age of 21?
0.08 grams or more
Alcohol concentration for a commercial vehicle operator.
0.04 grams or more
Alcohol concentration for anyone under the age of 21.
0.02 grams or more
What process starts when a person gets a DUI?
Administrative License Suspension
What are the three phases of a DUI arrest?
Vehicle in motion
Personal contact
Pre-arrest Screening
A medical condition that is often confused with a DUI?
Where should a field sobriety test be conducted?
A safe area
As a LEO, observing someone who is possibly driving under the influence may…
drive over the speed limit
make sudden stops
drive under the speed limit
An officer being visible in communities:
Deters criminal activity and takes away the opportunity to commit crimes.
What are the 3 primary tasks carried out by the patrol officer at an accident scene?
1) Render first aid as necessary
2) Gathering & Documenting facts surrounding the crash
3) Establish safe passage for roadway traffic
Involves the use of thoroughly reported and accurate information to draw conclusions and opinions about how and why an accident occurred.
Accident Investigation
An unintended event that produces injury or damage through the operation of a motor vehicle upon a public roadway.
Accident Defined.
The severity of MV traffic accidents can be classified according to the extent of ____ and ____ resulting from an accident.
Officers need to have an understanding of the typical classes of events or phases of an accident to effectively investigate the incident. List the 8 phases.
1) Point of possible perception
2) Point of actual perception
3) Point of no escape
4) Key event/ Key point
5) Point of initial engagement
6) Point of maximum engagement
7) Point of disengagement
8) Final position
The point at which an individual sees, feels, hears, or otherwise perceives an indication that an accident is about to occur.
Point of actual perception
The time and place at which the hazardous situation could have been perceived by a normal person.
Point of possible perception
Determines the time, place, and type of accident that will occur. It is whichever event occurs first on the roadway, either a non-collision or a collision.
Key Event/Key Point
The place and time after which a given individual cannot avoid or prevent an impending accident.
Point of No Escape
Where the greatest collapse of material or overlap of objects occurs.
Point of Maximum Engagement
The point where contact is first made during a collision.
Point of Initial Engagement
The point that the objects or units involved in the collision start to separate from one another, and the initial force extended between them ceases.
Point of disengagement
The time and place that the objects that have collided come to rest, without the use of any power.
Final position
The mediate causes of accidents which include deficiencies in the ideal characteristics or attributes of the trafficway, people, and the vehicle.
Condition Factors
In an accident, the vehicle, trafficway, and the people involved can all provide information the officer needs to draw conclusions about the cause of an accident.
In addition to investigating the scene, officers must protect the safety and property of the people involved. This includes:
1) Controlling any fire that might be present
2) Providing first aid to injured
3) Securing the property against theft
Marks left by a locked wheel that is sliding on the roadway.
Skid Marks
____ and ____ can help form a sound basis to draw scientific conclusions about various aspects of the accident.
When recording all of the basic information concerning an accident, Officers must use what form?
The Georgia Uniform Vehicle Accident Report Form
Alcohol is a depressant that affects the ____ ____ ____. The extent of the influence alcohol has on the body is directly related to the ____ of alcohol present in the ____.
central nervous system
The chemical measurement of alcohol in the blood expressed as . grams per 100 milliliters of blood.
Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
Brain function can be affected with a BAC as low as ____ grams per 100 milliliters of blood.
.02 grams
Officers often observe behaviors that are characteristic of a driver who is impaired. Some of these behaviors include: (name 3)
1) inability to maintain consistent directional control within a traffic lane
2) uneven or jerky stops and starts
3) speeds that are above or below those of the flow of traffic
An officer who witnesses abnormal driving behaviors may form reasonable grounds to stop the driver to investigate further suspicions that the driver is impaired.
Georgia law prohibits anyone who is ____ ____ from being in actual physical control of a motor vehicle.
less safe
Georgia has both a ____ ____ DUI law and a ____ ____ law.
per se
less safe
Georgia law that applies when a person is found to have a BAC at or above the statutorily prohibited level.
Per se DUI
Georgia law that requires the officer to show that the driver was less safe than a driver who is not under the influence, even if the BAC is below the statutorily prohibited level.
Less safe DUI
The mere presence of ____ of controlled substances in a person’s blood is not sufficient to arrest a person for DUI; instead, the person must be ____ ____ because of the ingestion of the substance.
less safe
A DUI stop consists of 3 stages:
1) Vehicle in motion
2) Personal contact
3) Pre-arrest screening
____ ____ ____ further helps an officer determine whether a driver should be arrested.
Field Sobriety Testing
Officers must provide ____ ____ warning to anyone under arrest for DUI. Officers should read the warning ____ from the card provided by the Department of Public Safety to avoid any ____ omissions.
implied consent
Georgia law provides a person who is under arrest for DUI the opportunity to request additional ____ testing by the technician of their choice, but only after he/she has submitted to the ____ required by the arresting officer.
Damage that is the result of a collision between two bodies. It includes such damage as crumpled, distorted, and broken parts of the vehicle (crumpled fender, broken headlamp).
Contact Damage
Damage that is not the result of direct contact between two colliding bodies, but due to the transmission of contact force through the vehicle (shock or progressive distortion).
Induced Damage
Type of skid which cleans the dirt or road film from the pavement. It is referred to as a “shadow” and is difficult to see or photograph and does not last very long.
Erasing Skid
The deposit of tire rubber on the road surface made by a sliding tire that has been heated by friction sufficiently to melt. These types of skids usually persist for some time.
Tire Smear
A mark left by snow, mud, or wet debris that is smoothed or spread over the road surface by a sliding tire. No tread mark is visible, except in some cases, at the end of a skid where the tires start to roll again.
Soft material smear
A trench produced by a sliding tire in soft material (earth, gravel, etc.) The soft material usually accumulates at each side and at the end.
Gaps in skid marks are the interruptions in skid marks caused by the ____ and ____of the brakes. Gaps generally are ____ feet or longer and should not be included in the measurements of skid mark length.
release and reapplication
10 feet
Skips in skid marks are interruptions in a skid mark without the brakes being ____ and can be caused by a locked wheel hitting a bump, rut, or hole in the road or the wheels of a ____ loaded tractor-trailer being suddenly locked up. Skips are generally ____ or ____ feet in length, and should be included in the measurement of skid mark length.
2 or 3 feet
Skid marks should be protected as if they were ____ evidence.
Scuffs that usually occur before skid marks start to show and indicate that braking was involved.
Decelerating Scuffs
Scuffs caused by the application of abrupt engine power causing the rear wheels to spin. Often these marks have road material deposited on top by the action of the spinning rear wheels.
Acceleration Scuffs
Scuffs made by a vehicle steering around a corner without braking or power being applied, but with the tires sliding sideways. These marks are characterized by diagonal striations on the pavement, whose direction should be noted on the accident diagram.
Side Scuffs
Scuffs are generally a combination of side scuff with an accelerating or decelerating scuff.
Combination Scuff
Scuffs that are left by the edges of flat or under inflated tires. The marks consist of rubber or bituminous material. The presence of this type of scuff can indicate that a blowout or puncture may have been a factor.
Flat Tire Scuff
To convict a person for a hit and run, the investigating officer must be able to prove what three elements?
1) Who was driving
2) The driver had knowledge of the accident
3) The driver failed to meet his/her obligations to render aid to injured parties, stop and give information, and to show license on request.
A form of patrol that attempts to eliminate opportunities for crime to take place, and can be thought of as target hardening.
Preventive enforcement
A form of patrol in which an officers activities are focused on a particular area or problem.
Directed enforcement
Patrol officers may be assigned to ____ patrol, ____ patrol, or ____ patrol. Each type has advantages and disadvantages, and the type of patrol is selected to accomplish the particular needs of the community and the agency at that time.
foot patrol
motorized patrol
specialized patrol
The basic activities of a patrol officer include, among other things, responding to ____ and frequently checking ____ on his/her assigned beat.
Perception and observation are influenced by a number of factors, including but not limited to, the ____ and ____ of the individual, ____, ____, ____, ____, and the five ____ ____. Other factors that influence perception include characteristics of the perceived ____, ____, or ____ such as size, frequency, and intensity.
needs and desires
experience, training, education, conditioning, physical senses
object, event, or person
____ patrol is a type of patrol in which officers focus on locating wanted persons, or recovering stolen property.
Name the 3 patterns of movement that an officer may use while on patrol.
1) Circular patrol
2) Double-Back patrol
3) Random patrol
What type of patrol movement requires the officer to start on either the outer perimeter of the beat or in the approximate center of the beat and drive in a manner that would appear circular when drawn out on a map.
Circular patrol
What type of patrol movement requires the officer to patrol a specific area and then turn around and cover the same area again in a short amount of time.
Double-back patrol
What type of patrol movement requires an officer to patrol in an irregular and unpredictable manner.
Random patrol
When responding to improperly parked or abandoned vehicles, the officer should check the vehicle to determine if it is ____ by running the ____ number and ____ ____ number through GCIC and NCIC. If the vehicle is not stolen, the officer should ____ & ____ the vehicle in accordance with agency policy.
tag number
vehicle identification number
document and tag
When responding to a call involving a missing person, the officer should gather as much information about the person as possible, including a recent ____ and ____ footage if available. Follow agency policies when determining whether it is appropriate to issue an ____ Alert or ____ Call. Conduct a ____ search and enlist the assistance of other officers as needed.
photograph and video footage
Amber Alert
Mattie’s Call
When initiating contact with a pedestrian, the officer must ensure the stop is consistent with the ____ ____ and with ____ policies. The officer should determine the safest place to ____ the contact, and should approach the pedestrian on ____ whenever possible. The officer must be mindful of the position of each person during an interview and should position himself/herself with their weapon or strong side ____ from the pedestrian.
fourth amendment
An important part of being prepared for duty, is attention to the condition and appearance of the officer’s ____, ____, ____, and other ____. Officers should ensure that their ____, ____, and other ____ is in good working order and regularly and properly maintained. An inspection should be conducted on both the ____ and ____ of the patrol vehicle before leaving the station. The officer should report any ____ or ____ equipment to the supervisor immediately.
uniform, gear, vehicle, and equipment
weapons, handcuffs, and equipment
interior and exterior
damaged or missing
The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses or the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.
What is the MOST important piece of equipment to any officer?
Body Armor
Crash Investigations answers what type of questions?
Crash reporting answers what type of questions?
The collision of any motor vehicle with another vehicle or with any object or fixture, or involvement of a motor vehicle in any manner in which any person is killed or injured or in which damage to the property of any one person to an extent of 500.00 or more is sustained.
Accident (Crash) Defined