Face & Parotid Gland Flashcards
Muscles of face: name + innervation
Orbiularis oculi Orbicularis oris Buccinator Platysma Innervated by branches of facial n.
Blood supply of face: name
Ophthalmic (ICA):
- Zygomaticotemporal
- Zygomaticofacial
- Dorsal nasal
- Supra-orbital
- Supra-trochlear
Sup. temporal (ECA):
Transverse facial
Maxillary (ECA):
- Infra-orbital
- Mental = from inf. alveolar
- Buccal
Facial (ECA):
- Superior labial
- Inferior labial
- Lateral nasal
- Angular
Facial artery: origin, course + branches
Superficial Branch of ECA Through deep structures neck, inf. border of mandible, curves around, ant. to masseter (pulse) Upwards + medially, along side of nose Terminates as angular = med. corner eye Branches: *sup. labial *inf. labial *lat. nasal
Transverse facial artery: origin, course + branches
Branch of sup. temp. a. = terminal br. of ECA
Arises in substance of parotid, crosses face
Maxillary artery: origin, position + supply
Deep Terminal br. ECA Supplies: *nasal cavity *lat. walls + roof oral cavity *teeth *dura in cranium *infratemporal fossa Starts neck mandible + ends pterygopalatine fossa 3 parts by lat. pterygoid
Maxillary artery: 1st part
Mandibular part Post. + inf. lat. pterygoid Branches: *deep auricular *ant. tympanic *middle meningeal *inf. alveolar *acc. middle meningeal
Maxillary artery: 2nd part
Pterygoid part - on muscle Branches: *masseteric *deep temporal *pterygoid *buccal
Maxillary artery: 3rd part
Pterygopalatine part - in fosssa Branches: *post. sup. alveolar *sphenopalatine *infra-orbital *pharyngeal *artery to pterygoid canal *palatine (descending)
Maxillary artery: mnemonic
DAM I AM Deeply Pained But Pretty Soon I’ll Possess A Phd
Inferior alveolar artery: course + branches
Descends + enter mandibular foramen
Mylohyoid br.= in groove of ramus
Mental br. = terminal - supply chin
Venous drainage of face: name
Facial v.
Transverse facial v.
Pterygoid venous plexus
Facial vein: origin, course, tributaries + termination
Supratrochlear + supraorbital form angular = med. corner orbit
Angular becomes facial
Descends across with a. until inf. border mandible
Terminates IJV
Many tributaries = veins accompanying various br. of facial a.
Transverse facial vein: course + termination
Accompanies a.
Drains into superficial temporal v.
Terminates in retromandibular v. with maxillary v.
Pterygoid venous plexus: location + connections
Btw. lat. + med. pterygoids Connections: *retromandibular v. via maxillary *facial v. via deep facial *cavernous sinus via emissary veins
Facial vein: connections + significance
Connects with:
*ophthalmic v. - med. corner orbit
*infra-orbital v. - cheek
*pterygoid venous plexus via deep v.
Pterygoid = connected with cavernous sinus
Interconnections, infections handled with care, prevent spread of infectious material to brain
Danger triangle = corners mouth to bridge of nose, inc. nose + maxilla
Motor innervation of face: origin, course + types of fibres
Muscles of face = 2nd pharyngeal arch = facial n.
Facial n. exits post. cranial cavity, int. acoustic meatus
Through temporal + emerges from base via stylomastoid foramen
Motor + sensory
SVE = muscles of pharyngeal arches = facial expression + digastric
GVE = smooth, cardiac + glands = submandibular, sublingual + lacrimal
Sensory innervation of face: origin + division
Cutaneous innervation = trigeminal n. - 1st pharyngeal arch
3 divisions = ophthalamic, maxillary + mandibular
Branches of facial nerve
Branches as it leaves skull:
- post. auricular = up + back of ear - ear + scalp
- br. to post. belly digastric
Enters parotid + main stem divides:
- temporofacial br.
- cervicofacial br.
5 terminal groups of branches:
- temporal = temple, scalp + supra-orbital area
- zygomatic = infra-orbital area, side nose + upper lip
- buccal = upper lip, cheek + corners mouth
- marginal mandibular = chin + lower lip
- cervical = platysma
V1 division of trigeminal nerve
- Supratrochlear + orbital = upper eyelid, forehead + scalp
- infratrochlear = med. upper eyelid, medial angle + side nose
- lacrimal = lat. upper eyelid + lat. angle
- ext. nasal = ant. nose
V2 division of trigeminal nerve
- foramen rotundum
- zygomaticotemporal = ant. temple above arch
- zygomaticofacial = skin over bone
- infra-orbital = lower eyelid, cheek, side nose + upper lip
V3 division of trigeminal nerve
- foramen ovale
- auricolotemporal = ext. meatus, tympanic membrane
- buccal = cheek
- mental = lower lip + chin
Parotid bed: structures
Post. belly digastric m. Stylohyoid m. Med. pterygoid m. Ramus Masseter m.
Parotid gland: relations
Ant. + below lower half of ear Superficial, post. + deep ramus Lower border mandible to zygomatic arch Post. = SCM Extends superficially + ant. across masseter
Structures passing through parotid substance
Facial nerve
Retromandibular vein
Parotid gland: blood supply + innervation (name)
Blood = br. ECA
*sensory/GVA = auricolutemp. n. from V3
*parasympathetic/secretomotor/GVE = lesser petrosal = br. of glossopharyngeal
Secretomotor supply of parotid gland
CN = glossopharyngeal (IX)
Preganglionic fibres from IX = carried by lesser pretrosal n.
Ganglion = otic - fibres synapes
Postganglionic fibres exit ganglion + hitchhike on auricolotemporal n.
Leave skull via foramen ovale
Parotid duct: course
Leave ant. edge gland
Cross masseter ant.
Turns deeply into buccal fat pad + pierces buccinator
Exits buccinator + enter oral cavity