Anterior Cervical Region Flashcards
Superficial cervical fascia
Btw. dermis + deep fascia Contains: *nerves to skin *superficial veins = EJV *superficial lymph nodes *fat *platysma
Platysma: position, origin, insertion, action + innervation
Postion = anterolat. aspect neck + superomed. over clavicle Origin = deep fascia deltoid + pec. major Insertion = inf. border mandible Action = tenses skin over jaw + neck, depress mandible + corners mouth Innervation = cervical br. of facial n.
Deep cervical fascia: layers + function
Investing, pretracheal + prevertebral
Supports cervical viscera + forms carotid sheath
Investing layer of fascia: origin, structures it encloses + structures that pierce it
Most superficial Sup. nuchal line - meets trapezius + SCM & encloses Structures piercing it: *ext. jugular v. *ant. jugular v. *transverse cervical n. *supraclavicular n. *greater auricular n. *lesser occipital n. *all = cervical plexus
Pretracheal layer of fascia
Ant. aspect Inf. from hyoid - thorax Muscular = infrahyid m. Visceral = thyroid, trachea + oesophagus Lat. = carotid sheath Sup. hyoid = thickening - pulley for int. tendon digastric, suspends hyoid Attaches int. tendon omohyoid
Prevertebral layer of fascia
Tube-like sheath Encloses: *cervical vertebrae *vertebral m. = longus colli + capitis, scalenes + deep cervical *sympathetic trunk
Carotid sheath
Column of fascia All 3 layers Contains: *CCA *ICA *IJV *vagus n.
Sternocleidomastoid: importance, origin, insertion, innervation + actions
Divides neck into ant. + post. Origin: *sternal = ant. manubrium *clavicular = sup. medial third Insertion: *lat. mastoid process, temporal bone *lat. sup. nuchal line, occipital bone Innervation = accessory n. Actions: *tilt head same side, rotate head opp. side + draw forward
Anterior triangle: borders, roof + floor
Borders: *midline = medial *SCM = *inf. border mandible = Roof = investing fascia Floor = visceral fascia
Submental triangle: borders
Midline = medial
Hyoid = base/inf.
Ant. belly digastric = lat.
Submental triangle: floor
Mylohyoid + raphe
Geniohyoid + genioglossus
Submental triangle: contents
Fat + lymph
Submandibular triangle: borders
Ant. belly digastric = medial
Post. belly digastric = base/inf.
Ramus = lat.
Submandibular triangle: floor
Ant. = mylohyoid Post. = hyoglossus + small part sup. pharyngeal constrictor
Submandibular triangle: contents
Submand. gland Submand. duct Lingual n. Lingual a. + v. Marginal mandibular branch of facial n. Plexus of v. draining to facial v. Hypoglossal n. Lymph nodes
Carotid triangle: borders
SCM = lat.
Post. belly digastric =
Sup. belly omohyoid =
Carotid triangle: floor
Middle + inf. pharyngeal constrictors
Carotid triangle: contents
Ansa cervicalis Branches of ECA CCA CCA bifurcation Vagus n. Hypoglossal n. IJV Sup. cervical ganglion Sympathetic trunk
CCA bifurcation
At C4
ICA stays in sheath + ECA leaves
Muscular triangle: borders
Midline = medial
Sup. belly omohyoid =
Muscular triangle: contents
Infrahyoid m.
Thyroid + parathyroid glands
Vessels + nerves to area
Hyoid bone
Ant. neck, level C3
Suprahyoid muscles
Sup. hyoid 4 pairs - submental + submandibular Floor of mouth Elevate hyoid - speech + swallowing Stylohyoid, digastric, mylohyoid + geniohyoid
Infrahyoid muscles
Inf. hyoid
4 pairs - muscular
Depress hyoid - swallowing/speech
Strap m. - appearance
With supra. - stabilize hyoid, base for tongue
Superficial plane = omohyoid + sternohyoid
Deep plane = sternothyroid + thyrohyoid
Common carotid arteries: origin, course + bifurcation
RCCA = brachiocephalic trunk LLCA = aortic arch Through neck, lat. trachea + oesophagus With sheath No branches in neck Sup. edge thyroid cartilage, level of C4 = bifurcation
Aortic sinus + aortic body: location, function + innervation
Loation: *At bifurcation *Dilation at CCA + beg. of ICA = sinus *Another collection receptors = body Function: *Sinus = baroreceptors *Body = chemoreceptors Innervation: *Sinus = glossopharyngeal n. *Body = glosso. + vagus n.
Internal carotid artery: course + supply
Course: *Ascends, base of skull *No branches in neck *Carotid canal, temporal bone Supplies: *forehead *hemispheres *orbits *eyes
External carotid artery: branches
Mnemonic = Some Anatomy Lovers Find Odd Positions More Stimulating
- sup. thyroid
- asc. pharyngeal
- lingual
- facial
- occipital
- posterior auricular
- maxillary
- superficial temporal
Veins of anterior triangle: name
Internal jugular vein: origin+ course
Cont. sigmoid sinus Starts sup. bulb Exits cranial cavity, jugular foramen Descends neck, sheath Deep to SCM Post. sternal end of clavicle - joins subclavian v. - brachiocephalic v.
External jugular vein: location + termination
Superficial SCM
Terminates in subclavian v.
Anterior jugular vein: origin + termination
Union of veins, hyoid region
Terminates in EJV
Blood supply of thyroid gland: name
Sup. thyroid a.
Inf. thryoid a.
Occasionally = thyroid ima a.
Superior thyroid artery: origin, course + branches
1st br. ECA
Descends, lat. thyrohyoid m.
Reaches sup. pole lat. lobe - divides
Ant. glandular br. = along sup. surface, anastomose with other side, across isthmus
Post. glandular br. = along post. surface, anastomose with inf. thyroid a.
Inferior thyroid artery: origin + course
Thyrocervical trunk = from 1st part of subclavian a.
Med. border ant. scalene, post. sheath
Reaches inf. pole of lat. lobe
Anastomose - post. glandular br. of sup. thyroid a.
Thyroid ima artery: origin + course
Aortic arch/brachiocephalic trunk
Ant. surface trachea
Supply thyroid
Blood supply of parathyroid glands
Inf. thryoid a.
Venous drainage of thyroid gland
Sup. v = area of sup. a.
Middle + inf. v. = rest
Sup. + middle drain into IJV
Inf. drains into brachiocephalic v.
Thyroid gland: innervation
Recurrent laryngeal nerves
L = aorund arch + R = around subclavian