Endothoracic Views: Flashcards
Sternum, vertebral bodies
Thoracic inlet, diaphragm
Superior mediastinum
Inlet to sternal angel
Anterior inferior mediastinum
Post. surface sternum, ant. surface pericardium
Middle inferior mediastinum
Btw. pericardial borders + parietal pleura
Posterior inferior mediastinum
Post. surface pericardium, T5-T12 bodies
Phrenic nerve: origin
Ant. rami C3,4 + 5 = cervical plexus
Phrenic nerve: course
Vert. through neck, inlet + mediastinum
Ant. root of lung
Phrenic nerve: supply
Motor = entire diaphragm Sensory = central diaphragm, pleura + pericardium
Vagus nerve: supply
Parasympathetic - thoracic viscera
Right vagus nerve: course
Ant. R subclavian a. + post. sternoclavicular joint
Enters sup. mediastinum - btw. R brachiocephalic v. + brachiocephalic trunk
Descends post. trachea, crosses lat. surface
Post. root of lung, reach oesophagus
Oesophageal orifice, post. surface stomach
Pulmonary, cardiac + oesophageal plexus
RRL n.
Left vagus nerve: course
Enters sup. mediastinum, post. L brachiocephalic v. - btw. LCCA + L subclavian a.
Down, cross L. side aortic arch
Descend, post. root of lung, reach oesophagus
Oesopahgeal orifice, ant. surface stomach
Pulmonary + oesophageal plexus
LRL n:
- inf. margin arch, lat. ligamentum
- passes inf. arch, ascend med. surface
- groove btw. trachea + oesophagus, sup. to neck
- terminates in larynx
Sympathetic trunk: structure + location
Trunk of fibres run in thorax, parallel SC
Post. mediastinum
2 cords = punctuated 11/12 ganglia
Ganglia = connected adj. thoracic spinal n. by white + grey rami communicans
Sympathetic trunk: upper 5 ganglia
Br. T1-T5
Thoracic viscera = heart, lungs, aorta + oesophagus
T1-T4 = cardiac plexus
Sympathetic trunk: lower 7 ganglia
Br. T6-T12
Thoracic + abdominal viscera
Forms splanchnic n. - abdominal viscera
Greater splanchnic nerve
Crus, into abdomen
Synapse coeliac plexus
Br. to oesophageal plexus
Lesser splanchnic nerve
T10 +11
Aorticorenal ganglion
Least splanchnic nerve
Renal plexus
Sympathetic trunk: most superior ganglion
Inf. cervical ganglion + T1 ganglion merge
Stellate/cervicothoracic ganglion