FA + MTB Flashcards
site of B cells in periphery
- follicles of Lymph node
- white pulp of spleen
- unencapsulated lymphoid tissue
fetal erythropoiesis
- yolk sac: 3-8 weeks
- liver: 6 weeks - birth
- spleen: 10-28 weeks
- Bone marrow: 18 weeks - adult
from fastests to slowest Hb (FROM (-) to (+))
A - F - S - C
extrinsic pathway (tissue factor pathway) - factors
7 –> 10
coagulation intrinsic pathway - factors (contact pathway)
12 –> 11 –> 9 (and then combined)
coagulation cascade - combined pathway
X –> Xa
Xa + Va –> prothrombin to thrombin
thrombin –> fibrinogen to fibrin and XIII to XIIIa
–> aggegation of fibrin + Ca2+ + XIIIa –> firin mesh stabilizes platelet plug
thrombin actions
- fibrinogen to fibrin monomers
- V –> Va
Coagulation steps that require calcium and phospholipids
Around activated 10
Around activated 7
Factor Xa inhibitors anticoagulants
- LMWH (greatest efficacy)
- Heparin
- Direct Xa inhibitors (apixaban, rivaroxaba)
- Fondaparinux
Thrombin inhibitors (anticoagulants)
- Heparin (greatest efficacy)
- LMWH (delteparin, enoxaparin)
- Direct thrombin inhibitors (argatroban, bivalirudin, dagigatran)
role of vitamin K in procoagulation
oxidized vit K –> reduced K (epoxide reductase)
–> act as a cofactor of γ-glutamyl trasnferase to 2, 7, 9, 10, C, S maturation
Pr C to activated Pr C (inactivates …)
Thrombin- trombomodulin complex (endothelial cells)
inactivates 5+8
Heparin enhances the activity of
Principles targets of antithrombin
Thrombin and factor Xa
Ristocetin - mechanism of action
Activates vwf to bind GpIb
Basophilic stippling RBCs - seen in
- Lead poisoning
- sideroblastic anema
- Myelodisplastic syndromes
Acanthocytes RBCs - seen in
- liver disease
2. abetalipoproteinemia (states of cholesterol dysregulation)
Acanthocytes RBCs - also called
spur cell
Target RBCs - seen in
- HbC disease 2. asplenia
3. Liver disease 4. Thalassemia
Echinocytes - seen in
- end-stage renal disease
- liver disease
- pyruvate kinase
Echinocytes vs acanthocytes according to image
Echinocytes projection are more uniform and smaller
Heinz bodies - seen in
- G6PD deficiency
2. Heinz body - like inclusions in α-thalassemia
Heinz bodies - mechanism
Oxidation of HB-SH groups to S-S –> Hb precipitation (Heinz bodies) –> phagocytic damage to RBC membrane –> bite cells
Howell-Jolly bodies - seen in
- asplenia
2. functional hyposplenia
ringed sideroblasts cells vs basophilc cells regarding area
basoph: peripheral smear
siderob: BM
Non-Megaloblastic macrocytic anemias
- Hypothyroidism
- Liver disease
- Alcoholism
- Reticulocytosis
- Diamond-Blackdan anemia
Nonhemolytic normocytic anemias
- Anemia of chronic disease (early)
- Iron deficiency (early)
- Chronic kidney disease
- Aplastic anemia
Extrinsic Hemolytic normocytic anemias
- Autoimmune
- Macroangiopathic
- Microangiopathic
- Infections
Intrinsic Hemolytic normocytic anemias
- RBC membrane defects (hereditary spherocytosis)
- RBC enzymes deficiency (G6PD, pyruvate kinase)
- HBC defects
- Paroxysmal nocturnal hemlglobinuria
- Sickle cell anemia
another cause of megalobastic anemia
Iron deficiency iron labs
- Decreased iron
- Decreased ferritin
- Increase TIBC
- microcytosis and hypochromasia (central pallor)
Plummer-Vinson triad
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Esophageal web
- dysphagia
(also atrophic glossitis)
a Thalassemia: cis vs trans thalassemia
Cis: Asia, -/- a/a (same chromosome)
Trans: Africa, a/- a/- (separate chormosomes)
3 allele a deletion
very little α
HbH (4β)
4 allele a deltion
Hb bart (4γ) Hydrops fetalis
Major β-thalassemia major - presentation (besides anemia) and mechanism (when starts)
- marrow expansion –> skeleta deformities (Crew cut on skull x ray) + chipmunk facies
- extramedullary hematopoiesis –> hepatosplenomegaly
Until 6 months is asymptomatic (HbF)