Extra for test 3 Flashcards
O2->H2O (balance)
Balance Fe^2+>Fe^3+
Balance So4^-2->H2S
balance NO3^–>NO2^-
balance CrO4-> Cr^3+
8H^++5e^-+CrO4-> Cr^3++4H2O
equation for pE
=pE^0-pH+N*log(P_0_2) (where N is usually 1/4)
=pE^0-pH+N*log(P_0_2) (where N is usually 1/4)
equation for pE
Henderson hasslebach equation for pH
Henderson hasslebach equation for pH
Biological Oxygen Demand
BOD, the amount of oxygen the microbes require to decompose the organic matter under aerobic conditions.
BOD, the amount of oxygen the microbes require to decompose the organic matter under aerobic conditions.
Biological Oxygen Demand
Chemical Oxygen Demand
COD, It is the total amount of oxygen required to break down the organic matter by chemical oxidation.
COD, It is the total amount of oxygen required to break down the organic matter by chemical oxidation.
Chemical Oxygen Demand
a radioactive gass that can deposit it’s dangerous daughters into your lungs, dealing lot os dmaage
a radioactive gass that can deposit it’s dangerous daughters into your lungs, dealing lot os dmaage
Disposal of radioactive waste
left to sit in pools of water untill relatively safe to handle. Long term solutions are unknown, but may involve burying it deep underground
left to sit in pools of water untill relatively safe to handle. Long term solutions are unknown, but may involve burying it deep underground
Disposal of radioactive waste
invention of gass chromatography and atomic absorbtion methods
Inbention of MS gass chromatography
equation(s) for risk
risk=probabilityhazard or risk=hazard exposure