External Male Genital Organs Flashcards
The Testis is what type of gland
* Endocrine: testosterone secretion
* Exocrine: Sperm secretion
Site of the testis
in the scrotum on each side of median septum suspended by spermatic cords
* Left testis is slightly lower than right testis
Dimentions of Testis
- 5cm long
- 2.5 cm Thick
- 2.5cm Anteroposterior diameter
shape and Covering of Anterior broder of testis
Convex and is covered by Tunica vaginalis (serous sac)
Shape, covering & relations of Posterior border of testis
- straight shaped
- Partially covered by tunica Vaginalis
- Related to Epididymis lateraly & vas deferens medially, with a space between it and epididymis called epididymis Sinus
Enumerate Coverings of the Testis
3 Special coverings:
1. Tunica Vaginalis
2. Tunica Albuginea
3. Tunica Vasculosa
3 Spermatic Cord coverings:
1. Internal Spermatic Fascia
2. Cremastric Muscle & fascia
3. External Spermatic fascia
3 Cutaneous & subcutanous:
1. Skin
2. Dartos Muscle
3. Colles fascia (Superficial fascia Membranous layer)
Tunica Vaginalis represents
Presistent lower part of processus Vaginalis (after making Inguinal canal)
Layers of Tunica Vaginalis and what they cover
- Visceral Layer: covers testis except Posterior part
- Parietal Layer: lines the scrotum
Upper end of Tunica Vaginalis is connected to
Peritoneum by Vestigue (obliterated proximal part of Proccesus Vaginalis)
Lateral recess found between Epididymis & Testis is called
Epididymis Sinus
Accumulation of fluid in Tunica Vaginalis cavity is called
- clear serous fluid: Hydrocele
- Blood: haematocele
- Lymph: Chylocele
Failure of Processus vaginalis obliteration may lead to
- Congenital Oblique inguinal Hernia
- Congenital Hydrocele
Role of Posterior part of Tunica Albuginea
It’s thickened, which forms testis mediastinum, which sends septa inside testis, dividing it into 200-300 lobules
Tunica Albuginea covers
All of testis
Tunica Albuginea lays deep to
Visceral part of Tunica vaginalis
site of Tunica Vasculosa
It’s the innermost vascular coat lining testicular lobules
Decribe the Arterial Supply of testis
Testiular A:
* it originates from Abdominal Aorta at level of upper border of L3 Vertebra
* It Descends in front of Psoas Major & ureter
* It reaches Deep inguinal ring & descends as one of Contents of spermatic cord
Describe venous Drainage of Testis
Pampiniform Venous plexus:
* Collects veins into 4-8 veins at superficial inguinal Ring
* These veins unite into 2 venae commitnates around Testicular A at Deep inguinal Ring
* these 2 Veins drain into Testicular V
* Left testicular vein ends Into renal Vein at a right angle, while Right testicular Vein ends into IVC at an acute angle
Explain why Varicocele occures more commonly on left side
- Left testicular V longer than right
- Left Testicular V terminates at a Right angle, right V at a Left angle
- Left testicular V compressed by Heavy pelvic Colon
Lymphatic Drainage of Testis
Para-Aortic L.N
Nerve supply of the testis
Sympathetic Innervation only, through 10th Thoracic Segment
Vasa Efferentia (efferent ductules) Begins as
15-20 tubules arising from rete testis (network of tubes)
Vasa Efferntia ends as
by Conical dilations, which fuse together to form head of Epididymis
Site of Epididymis
Posterolateral to Testis
Length of epididymis
- Coiled: 5cm long
- Uncoiled: 6m Long (like small intestine)
Function of Epididymis
Sperm reservoir
Tail of Epididymis continues as
Vas deferens
Arterial Supply of Epididymis
- Testicular A
- Artery of Vas
Venous drainage of Epididymis
Pampiniform venous plexus
Lymphatic drainage of Epididymis
Para-Aortic L.N
Length of Vas deferens
Vas deferens connects
Epididymis to Ejaculatory duct
Begining of Vas deferens
End of Tail of Epidimyis
Relation of Vas deferens to Testis
It ascends posteromedial to testis
Ending of Vas deferens
reaches deep inguinal ring, reaches back of Urinary bladder and end as dilatation called vas ampulla
Arterial Supply of Vas deferens
Artery of Vas (from Inferior Vesical A)
Structures inside Spermatic Cord
3 Arteries:
* Testicular Artery (from Abdominal Aorta)
* Artery of Vas (from Inferior Vesical A)
* Cremastric Artery (from inferior epigastric A)
3 Nerves:
* Cremastric Nerve (from genital Br of Genitofemoral N = L1)
* Ilio-inguinal Nerve (L=1)
* Sympathetic Plexus (T10 thoracic segment)
4 Structures:
* Vas deferens
* Pampiniform Venous Plexus
* Lymphatics
* Vestigue of Proccessus Vaginalis
Enumerate coverings of Spermatic Cord
- Internal Spermatic Fascia: From fascia transversalis at deep inguinal Ring
- Cremastric Muscle & fascia: from Internal Abdominal Oblique
- External Spermatic Fascia: from External Abdominal Oblique ms Aponeurosis at Superficial Inguinal ring
Round ligament of Uterus is derived from
Fetal Gubernaculum
Round ligament of uterus ends by
Attachement to labia majora
Scrotum is divided externally into 2 by
Median Raphe
Scrotum is divided internally into 2 by
Median Septum
Corrugation of scrotum is formed by
Dartos Muscle
Enumerate layers of Scrotum from outside inwards:
7 (like testis but without Tunica Albugenia & vasculosa):
1. Skin
2. Dartos Muscle
3. Colles Fascia (superfical membramous fascia)
4. External Spermatic Fascia
5. Cremastric Muscle
6. Internal Spermatic Fascia
7. Tunica Vaginalis (parietal Part)
Arterial supply of Scrotum
- Scrotal Artery: from internal pudendal A
- Cremastric Artery: inferior epigastric A
- Spuerfical External Pudendal Artery: femoral A
- Deep External Pudendal Artery: femoral A
Lymphatic Drainage of Scrotum
Superfical Inguinal LN
Nerve supply of Scrotum
* Anterior 1/3 (lumbar): ilio-inguinal N & genital br of Genitofemoral N
* Posterior 2/3 (sacral): Scrotal br of Pudendal N & perineal br of Post.cutaneous N of thigh
Motor: sympathetic to dartos muscle through Cremastric N (of genitofemoral)