expressing emotions-2 Flashcards
emotional experience
internal, intrapersonal part of emotion
feelings that involve physiological responses, changes in thoughts and actions, and personal evaluation
emotional expression
external, interpersonal part of emotion
James-Lange theory
emotions arise from physiological arousal
-exp-stimulus is a bear apprroaching, bodily response is increased heart rate, emotion is the feeling of fear
cannon-bard theory
physiological arousal and emotional experience occur simultaneously, yet independently
-exp-stimulus is a bear approaching, brain processes in specific regions creat the emotional feeling of fear and the bodily response of increased heart rate separately
Schacter-singer two factor theory
emotions are comprised of both physiological and cognitive factors
Physiology arousal is interpreted in context to produce the emotional experience
Basic emotions approach
centered around the universal thesis, or proposition that people around the world are hardwired to experience and express certain basic emotions similarly
in terms of basic emotions, explain what discrete means
distinguishable based on differences in facial expressions, vocalics, physiological response, and the events that precede them
In terms of basic emotions, explain what adaptive means
evolved for some survival purpose
Emotion prototypes approach, and what is a prototype
people have families or clusters of emotions with prototypical emotions that serve as an anchor for each emotion family
-Prototype-an average/idea representation of a pattern or category
Levels of the emotion prototype approach
Level 1-positive or negative affect
Level 2-prototypical emotion of each category
Level 3-specific emotions related to the prototypical emotion
explain the 2 vs 3 dimensions approaches
2 dimensional model-includes an active-to-passive dimension and an unpleasant-to-pleasant dimension
3 dimensional model-includes scale of activity, pleasantness, and intensity
russels circuplex model and the dimensions
-includes 2 dimensions-activity and valence
—-Activity dimension-how aroused or relaxed a person is compared to normal when experiencing an emotion
—-Valence dimension-degree to which people experience pleasant or unpleasant feelings with the emotion
Affect as information theory
people use their current moods to make decisions, judgments, and appraisals even if they do not know the source of their moods
decision making
emotions influence our decision-making in different ways
Emotions affect judgments
action tendencies
innate, biological impulses that prompt people to respond
-for example, when one has the emotion of anger, the action tendency is to attack