Expansion in Africa (1857-90) Flashcards
What revived British interest in Eqypt
The need for cotton during the American Civil War between 1861 and 1865 as British cotton mills were starved- British companies began investing in production of Egyptian cotton
What percentage of of Egypt’s imports were coming from Britain by 1870
40 per cent
Which country created the Suez Canal Company in 1858
Why did Britain initially not buy a lot shares in the Suez Canal
They were quite sceptical as they thought it would be unsuitable for large ships
Why did Disraeli end up buying Isma’il Pasha’s shares in the canal?
As the canal had a bigger effect than the British expected- it gave them a greater control over its passage to India and an income from shipping tariffs
How much did Disraeli buy in Suez shares in 1875
£4 million
How did Livingstone spark enthusiasm of young cambridge students
he said that ‘I go back to Africa to try and open up a apth for commerce and Christianity’
What title was Livingstone given in 1858
Consul for the East Coast of Africa
How many letters did Livingstone send back to Britain?
2000 letters
When was Livingstone rediscovered and who found him
He was rediscovered in 1871 by Henry Stanley
How did the British view Livingstone
pictured him as a martyr who sacrificed his life for Africa and the Empire
Why was Zanzibar of commercial interest to the British
due to its clove and ivory exports and it was home to E. Africa’s first steam railway
How did John Kirk’s efforts in E. Africa help British expansion in E. Africa
It gave Britain the toe-hold on Africa’s east coast which was to grow into British East Africa in 1895
When was Goldie’s United Africa Company formed
What was the point of the United Africa Company
to increase profits for European traders on the Niger by removing competition which at the time was causing the cost of palm oil to rise
Why did the river Congo and the Niger become free to all nations for navigation and trade
due to the Berlin Conference in 1885
When was Goldie granted a charter for his updated Royal Niger Company
When were diamonds found in Griqua State
When did the Anglo-Zulu War take place
Jan 1879
When did the First Boer War take place
When did the Battle of Majuba Hill happen
Feb 1881
When did the Pretoria Convention occur
What was the nature of the Pretoria Convention
It was the peace treaty which ended the First Boer War
When was Bechuanaland annexed