Exercise Technique for Free Weight and Machines Flashcards
Type of Grip: palms facing down and knuckles up
pronated grip or overhand grip
Type of Grip: palms facing up and knuckles down
supinated grip or underhand grip
Closed grip in which the thumb is positioned under the index and middle fingers; typically used in power exercises
Hook Grip
Grip when thumb is wrapped around the bar
Closed grip
Grip when thumb is not wrapped around the bar
Open grip or false grip
Where are the hands located in a clean grip?
Slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, outside of the knees
Where are the hands located in a snatch grip?
VERY wide grip, hands located near the end of the barbell by the plates
What are the 5 points of the 5-point body contact position?
- Head on bench
- Shoulders and upper back on bench
- Buttocks on bench
- Right foot on floor
- Left foot on floor
When is it appropriate to wear a weight lifting belt?
When performing exercises that load/stress the low back AND when lifting maximal or near maximal weight
When is it appropriate to use the Valsalva maneuver?
By experienced athletes only; when performing structural exercises that load the vertebral column with a heavy weight; should only be held for 1-2 seconds
What types of exercises require a spotter?
Exercises performed over the head, with the bar racked on the back or front shoulders, or over the face
True or False: Power exercises require a spotter
Where should a spotter spot an athlete performing over the face exercises with dumbbells (such as DB Chest Press or tricep extension)
At the wrists
How should a spotter spot an athlete performing the barbell chest press?
Spotter should use an alternated grip and place hands inside of the athlete’s hands on the bar (during liftoff)
What type of grip should an athlete use when performing the barbell chest press?
Closed pronated grip with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
What point on the body should the athlete lower the barbell to when performing the barbell chest press?
Nipple level
How will the spotter’s body be positioned when spotting a flat DB chest fly?
Spotter will be kneeling on one or both knees
When spotting an athlete at the wrists should the spotter’s hands be touching the athlete’s forearms?
No; near but not touching (unless assistance is needed)
How should the feet be placed on the Hip sled?
Hip width apart with toes slightly pointed out
What position should the thighs be in after the eccentric movement of the Hip sled (right before the push phase)?
Thighs should be parallel with the foot platform
Where is the bar located in the “low bar position” for a back squat?
Across the posterior deltoids and middle trapezius
Where is the bar located in the “high bar position” for a back squat?
Above the posterior deltoids at the base of the neck
What is the foot position for back/front barbell squat?
Shoulder-width apart (or wider) with toes pointed slightly out
How many spotters should be used for the barbell back/front squat?
Where should the spotter’s hands be when spotting the barbell back/front squat?
2-3 inches below the end of the barbell with thumbs crossed and palms facing the barbell
True or False: The barbell forward step lunge is typically performed in the rack
Where does the spotter spot the athlete during the barbell forward step Lunge?
With hands near the athlete’s hips/waist/torso
How many spotters are used in the barbell forward step Lunge and step up?
Where is the spotter positioned during the barbell forward step Lunge?
Behind the athlete with their lead foot about 12-18 inches behind the athlete’s lead foot; spotter “lunges” forward with the athlete
What is the correct foot movement pattern for the barbell step up?
Step up right foot, step up left foot, step down left foot, step down right foot
How should the feet be positioned during the barbell deadlift?
Between Hip and shoulder-width apart with toes pointed slightly outward
How far away should the barbell be from the shins in the Deadlift?
1 inch, barbell should be over the balls of the feet
What are the key differences in positioning between the Deadlift, stiff leg DL, and RDL
Deadlift: Knees have the greatest degree of flexion; greatest quad involvement (almost in a squat position at the bottom) movement starts from the ground
Stiff Leg Deadlift: Little knee flexion, movement starts from a standing position and barbell is lowered to touch the ground; mostly the result of Hip flexion
RDL: Little to moderate knee flexion, movement starts from a standing position and only is lowered to the knee cap; less ROM than regular DL and stiff leg DL
What are the differences in muscles used between Deadlift, stiff leg DL, and RDL?
Deadlift: glutes, hamstrings, and quads
Stiff Leg DL: glutes, hamstrings, and erector spinae
RDL: Glutes, hamstrings, and erector spinae
What should the knee be aligned with when performing the machine Leg extension and Leg curl?
Knee should be aligned with the axis of the machine
How should a spotter spot the overhead barbell shoulder press?
Hands positioned using an alternated grip inside of the athlete’s hands; near but not touching the barbell
How should a spotter spot the overhead DB shoulder press?
By spotting the athlete’s forearms near the wrists
How should a spotter spot the lying barbell tricep extension?
Spotter is standing; uses an alternated grip to hand the bar to the athlete; then uses a supinated grip to follow the bar; returns to an alternated grip to take the bar from the athlete and place it on the floor
How far apart should the athlete’s hands be in the barbell lying tricep extension?
12 inches
What type of grip is used in the push press and push jerk?
Clean grip aka closed pronated grip with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
What is the key movement difference between the push press and the push jerk?
During the catch phase in the push jerk, the body “drops” (hips and knees flex) as the elbows fully extend and the bar goes overhead
What movement is performed during the dip phase of the push press/jerk?
1/4 squat
What movement(s) is performed during the drive phase of the push press?
Rapid extension of the hips, knees, and ankles, followed by the elbows
What movement is performed during the catch phase of the push press?
Finish pressing the bar overhead by fully extending the elbows
What is the key movement difference between the power clean and the hang power clean?
The power clean pulls from the floor; the hang power clean begins with the barbell positioned mid-thigh or slightly above/below the knees (the barbell never touches the floor)
What grip is used with the power clean?
Closed pronated grip or hook Grip with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width, outside of the knees
How should feet be positioned in the power clean?
Between Hip and shoulder-width apart
What movement(s) happen during the first pull of the power clean?
Extension of the hips and knees
What movement(s) happen during the second pull of the power clean?
Triple extension of the hips, knees, and ankles; shrugging of the shoulders and elbow flexion
What movement(s) happen during the catch phase of the power clean?
Hip and knee flexion to pull the body under the bar
What are the two ways to measure/determine grip width in the power snatch?
Fist to opposite shoulder method; elbow-to-elbow method
What type of grip is used in the power snatch?
Closed pronated or hook Grip