EXAM2_G14_EXTENSOR_UE Flashcards
What is the grove on the diaphysis of the humerus? what travels along that groove?
Radial or Spiral Groove
-radial nerve
What is feature proximal to the lateral epicondyle?
Supra epicondylar ridge
What is the bony feature on the lateral inferior surface of the trochlear notch?
Supinator Crest
What is the tubercle on the posterior side of the distal end of the radius called?
Lister’s tubercle
What part of the ulna dives into the fossa of the humerus?
What is inferior process called?
What feature called where radius articulates with ulna?
Olecranon process
Coronoid process
Radial notch of ulna
Long- infraglenoid tubercle
Lateral- Posterior humerus above spiral groove
Medial- Posterior humerus below spiral groove
Inserts on OLECRANON
What neurovascular structures course through the spiral groove? between what two muscles?
Between Lateral and medial head of triceps brachii
What part of triceps participates in extension of the shoulder?
Long head
o- lateral epicondyle
I- olecranon, proximal ulna
WEAK extensor of elbow- stabilizes elbow
RADIAL (7,8,t1)
What reflex tested by tapping on back of elbow (distal humerus) proximal to elbow..
What spinal cord segments tested by this reflex?
Triceps reflex tests C7 spinal cord segment
characteristics of superficial group of extensor forearm muscles
- attach at lateral epicondyle
Cross elbow joint
innervation is radial nerve or deep branch of radial nerve
Deep group muscle characteristics
- dont cross elbow joint (except 1)
- Innervates deep branch of radial nerve and posterior interosseous nerve
What compartment does it belong to?
lateral supracondylar ridge to distal radius
Flexes elbow
Radial nerve
Brachioradialis is a landmark for what neurovasculature?
Radial artery and superficial radial nerve
Brachioradialis tendon reflex tests what spinal cord segment?
C6 Spinal cord segment
Extensor carpi radialus longus
lateral supracondylar ridge to base of 2nd metacarpal
Extends abducts wrist
Radial (C6,C7)
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
lateral epicondyle to base of 3rd metacarpal
Extends abducts wrist
deep branch radial (c7, 8)
Extensor digitorum
Lateral epicondyle to extensor expansions of digits 2-5
Extend wrist, extends digits 2,3,4,5
Deep branch radial (c7,c8)
Extensor digiti minimi
Lateral epicondyle to extensor expansion of digit 5
extends pinky
deep branch of radial C7,c8)
What limits the independent movement of fingers from a flexed position?
Intertendinous connections
What tendon sheath for extensors? which one has its own?
common synovial sheath
extensor digiti minimi travels with extensor digitorum but its tendon enters the hand in a separate tendon sheath