Exam 5 - 4/6 Flashcards
Depression -
_________ (SAD)
Depression changes with the seasons
Season Affective Disorder
Depression -
-Season Affective Disorder (SAD)
Not as severe as _________ depression generally
Depression -
-Season Affective Disorder (SAD)
Majority of individuals are depressed in fall and _________ but improve in spring and summer (may be _________ in the summer)
- winter
- hypomanic
Depression -
-Season Affective Disorder (SAD)
Others are depressed in the summer and better in the _________ (may be hypomanic in the winter)
Depression -
-Season Affective Disorder (SAD)
_________ circadian rhythm (go to sleep later and _________ later)
- Phase-delayed
- wake
Depression -
-Season Affective Disorder (SAD)
When depressed, sleep for _________ periods, gain weight, crave _________
- excessive
- carbohydrates
Depression -
-Season Affective Disorder (SAD)
More common in _________ and younger people
Depression -
-Season Affective Disorder (SAD)
Amount of natural _________ is an important factor in SAD, _________ may be a factor in individuals who are depressed in the summer
- light
- temperature
Depression -
-Season Affective Disorder (SAD)
Amount of natural light is an important factor in _________ , temperature may be a factor in individuals who are depressed in the _________
- summer
Depression -
-Season Affective Disorder (SAD)
_________ is used for winter depression – exposure to high intensity lights for several _________ each day
- Phototherapy
- hours
Depression -
-Season Affective Disorder (SAD)
Patients with winter depression have lower _________ levels which carbohydrates increase – increase carbohydrate intake may be _________
- serotonin
- self-medication
Depression -
-Season Affective Disorder (SAD)
Patients with winter depression have lower serotonin levels which _________ increase – _________ carbohydrate intake may be self-medication
- carbohydrates
- increase
Bipolar Disorder (manic-depressive) -
-Wide _________ in duration of depressed and manic cycles – can alternate every ___ hours
- variation
- 48
Bipolar Disorder (manic-depressive) -
_________ triggers mania whereas onset of depression occurs _________
- Stress
- spontaneously
Bipolar Disorder (manic-depressive) -
Treatment – _________ carbonate
Bipolar Disorder (manic-depressive) -
Treatment – lithium carbonate
Most effective on _________ but can also prevent _________ episodes
- mania
- depressive
Bipolar Disorder (manic-depressive) -
Treatment – lithium carbonate
Lithium affects several _________ systems stabilizing neurotransmitter _________
- neurotransmitter
- systems
What is intelligence?
The ability to _________, to understand, and to profit from _________
- reason
- experience
Intelligence test - intelligence quotient (IQ), originally developed to test children
IQ score = _________/chronological age x 100
mental age
Intelligence test - intelligence quotient (IQ), originally developed to test children
IQ score = mental age/_________ age x ____
- chronological
- 100
____ = average IQ score;
approximately 2% of population have an IQ score of ≤ ___ and approximately 2% have scores ≥ ___
- 100
- 70
- 130
IQ scores are increasing by _________ points per generation so tests are adjusted to maintain an average of ____
- 5 – 25
- 100
Intelligence tests best at predicting school _________ (correlation of 0.4 – 0.6)
Criticized – IQ scores are related to academic performance and _________ socioeconomic levels
Intelligence means different things in different _________ – some people succeed in their environment more than others
Intelligence is whatever intelligence tests _________
_________ – e.g., Raven Progressive Matrices – nonverbal, culture independent
Culture free tests
_________ – high levels of ability unrelated to IQ and academic performance
Street smart
Does intelligence involve a single process or multiple processes?
“Lumpers” (_________ theorists) believe intelligence is mainly one capability they call the general factor (g)
general factor
Does intelligence involve a single process or multiple processes?
_________ believe intelligence is mainly one capability they call the general factor (g)
“Lumpers” (general factor theorists)
Does intelligence involve a single process or multiple processes?
“Lumpers” (general factor theorists) believe intelligence is mainly _________ capability they call the _________ factor (g)
- one
- general
Does intelligence involve a single process or multiple processes?
People generally have _________ scores on various tests even if they are particularly talented in one _________ (e.g., math)
- similar
- area
Does intelligence involve a single process or multiple processes?
Prefer to measure intelligence based on tests such as _________ Progressive Matrices which do NOT measure specific _________
- Raven
- abilities
Does intelligence involve a single process or multiple processes?
_________ believe intelligence is made up of several independent mental abilities (look at subtest scores on IQ test rather than overall score)
Does intelligence involve a single process or multiple processes?
“Splitters” believe intelligence is made up of _________ independent mental abilities (look at _________ scores on IQ test rather than _________ score)
- several
- subtest
- overall
Does intelligence involve a single process or multiple processes?
Autistic savants have one or more exceptional ability but overall functioning is _________ normal
Difficulties defining intelligence hamper assessment of the _________ bases of intelligence
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Is there a specific location for general intelligence (g)?
PET scans on subjects given reasoning tasks resulted in activation of _________
prefrontal cortex
Intelligence: Biological Basis
PET scans on subjects given reasoning tasks resulted in activation of prefrontal cortex
Supports evidence that damage to this area causes impairment of _________
general intelligence
Intelligence: Biological Basis
PET scans on subjects given reasoning tasks resulted in activation of prefrontal cortex
Frontal areas involved in working _________ and _________ control
- memory
- executive
Intelligence: Biological Basis
PET scans on subjects given reasoning tasks resulted in activation of prefrontal cortex
Likely that other _________ regions also involved
Does brain size influence intelligence?
Absolute brain size does NOT reflect _________ but brain size relative to body size may – humans have one of highest ratios of brain size to _________ size
- intelligence
- body
Does brain size influence intelligence?
Absolute brain size does not reflect intelligence but _________ size relative to body size may – humans have one of _________ ratios of brain size to body size
- brain
- highest
MRI studies only find that ___% of difference in intelligence corresponds to brain _________
- 11
- size
MRI studies only find that 11% of difference in intelligence corresponds to brain size
-Einstein’s brain was 200 g _________ than average brains
After adjusting for body weight, men’s brains are on average _________ g heavier than women’s
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Twin studies – general intelligence correlates with _________ of gray and white matter, especially _________ matter in frontal area
- volume
- gray
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Intelligence appears to be related in part to rapid _________ growth around the age of ___
- cortical
- 11
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Another MRI study found that IQ correlates with the size of many brain _________
Intelligence: Biological Basis
General intelligence correlates with _________ matter throughout the cortex
Intelligence: Biological Basis
IQ is correlated with:
- _________ time
- Nerve conduction _________
- Reaction
- velocity
Intelligence: Biological Basis
IQ is correlated with:
Extent of _________ of neurons and information processing _________
- myelination
- speed
Intelligence: Biological Basis
IQ is correlated with:
Myelin increases speed of _________ and increases accuracy of _________ information by reducing _________ between neurons
- conduction
- processing
- cross-talk
Intelligence: Biological Basis
_________ - increased working memory and speed of processing allows more information to be transferred to long-term memory and stored
Short-term memory
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Short-term memory - increased working memory and speed of processing allows more _________ to be transferred to long-term _________ and stored
- information
- memory
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Processing efficiency and use of energy-
-Individuals with higher IQs used _________ energy to play tetris than individuals with _________ IQ
- less
- lower
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Processing efficiency and use of energy-
-Individuals with IQ 50 – 70, used _________ energy to complete a task requiring attention than individuals with a _________ IQ ≥ 115,
- more
- higher
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Performance on all cognitive tests are related suggesting a _________ intelligence, however three capabilities are particularly strongly associated with intelligence
- Linguistic skills
- Logical-mathematical skills
- Spatial skills
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Performance on all cognitive tests are related suggesting a general intelligence, however three capabilities are particularly strongly associated with intelligence
- Linguistic skills
- _________ skills
- Spatial skills
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Performance on all cognitive tests are related suggesting a general intelligence, however three capabilities are particularly strongly associated with intelligence
- _________ skills
- Logical-mathematical skills
- _________ skills
- Linguistic
- Spatial
Intelligence: Biological Basis
_________ skills involve the left frontal and temporal lobes
Intelligence: Biological Basis
_________ skills involves the left frontal lobe and both parietal lobes
Intelligence: Biological Basis
_________ skills involves parietal structures in right hemisphere (areas involved in somatosensory and visual functions)
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Spatial skills involves parietal structures in _________ hemisphere (areas involved in _________ and visual functions)
- right
- somatosensory
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Math skills involves the _________ frontal lobe (precise _________ such as times tables) and both parietal lobes (estimates of calculations)
- left
- calculations
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Linguistic skills involve the left frontal and _________ lobes
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Evidence for a general intelligence but also for _________ skills that contribute to intelligence
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Role of _________ background shown by similarity of intelligence of _________ members, even if separated early in life
- genetic
- family
Intelligence: Biological Basis
IQ of _________ twins is more closely correlated than IQ of _________ twins (even if identical twins reared apart)
- identical
- fraternal
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Heritability of intelligence is approximately ___%
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Genetic influence on working _________, processing speed, and _________ time
- memory
- reaction
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Higher heritability for general intelligence than _________ abilities
Intelligence: Biological Basis
No specific genes that influence intelligence have been _________
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Multiple _________ influences on IQ each with a small influence makes identification of influences _________
- environmental
- difficult
Intelligence: Biological Basis
One study found that _________ increased IQ and IQ was related to _________ of breastfeeding
- breastfeeding
- duration
Intelligence: Biological Basis
One study found that breastfeeding increased IQ and IQ was related to duration of breastfeeding
-Likely due to increase in mother/child _________
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Environmental manipulations like Head Start have _________ produced long-lasting increases in IQ
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Environmental manipulations like Head Start have not produced long-lasting increases in IQ
-Has produced beneficial effects on _________
Intelligence: Biological Basis
Improving _________ status can increase IQ level
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
Decrease in _________ abilities due to age
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
Decline is _________ – many studies overestimated _________ because they compared older people with younger people
- modest
- deficits
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
IQ has increased across _________ – need longitudinal studies to assess decline in IQ with age
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
Largest changes are in perceptual _________ and _________ ability
- speed
- numeric
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
If performance speed is removed as a factor in tests, performance _________ with age diminish – age-related deficits in working memory are mostly due to decrease in _________ speed
- decreases
- processing
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
Decrease in _________ abilities due to age
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
Decrease in long-term _________ and memory storage
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
Decrease in long-term potentiation and memory storage
-Decrease is thought to involve _________ and _________ systems
- glutamate
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
Older people require more brain activity to complete same _________ as younger people
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
Cognitive functioning can be improved by:
- _________ – opportunity to use skills
- Increased _________
- Practice
- self-esteem
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
Cognitive functioning can be improved by:
- Increasing _________ activity
- Sex _________
- -Estrogen
- -Testosterone
- hormones
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
Estrogen replacement _________ effects of aging on cognition in _________ women
- diminishes
- menopausal
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
Stimulation of Estrogen receptors in brain
increase _________ metabolism, blood flow, and response to _________
- glucose
- acetylcholine
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
Estrogen improves functioning in _________ areas
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
-Men over 50 who maintain testosterone levels – better _________ and verbal memory, and _________ functioning
- visual
- visuospatial
Intelligence: Disorder of Intelligence
When dihydrotestosterone is converted to estrogen, additional _________ improvement